Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: Patrol reports
Greetings, High Command!
Hereby I apologize for the neglection upon writing my patrol reports.
Patrol reports will be listed here:
13.05.823 During my patrol, which has been quite peaceful that day, I met upon the a Junker named "Svalker". Checking his cargo, I could find 180 units of Sorted Artifacts. He stopped and cooperated, got rid off the contraband, which as destroyed and he was fined with 1.000.000 credits for breaking the law.
Besides that, he was left with a warning.
18.05.823 This day could be called quite eventful, for I've been called to take care of an Outcast-Cruiser named "OC-Shilzak". Luckily, I soon received reinforcement, by LSFC-Burnt.River. Together, we managed to take down the hostile Cruiser. I returned to Norfolk Shipyard then, to get my ship repaired.
Later, I received a call by the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, to form up at California Jumpgate in system New York. Moving there, as soon as possible, I've met a rather large gathering of Liberty Forces ships. We prepared to defend system California from the Gallic Navy's raid. Meant to be the supportive reinforcements, when needed, we were soon called to action, close to planet Los Angeles. We fought well, our casualties were little, but the whole Gallic Royal Navy's raid fleet had been destroyed. Unfortunately my damaged ship got destroyed by a viscious sudden attack of a Gallic Bomber, resulting in a medical treatment care within the hospital on planet Los Angeles.
Besides that, it was a very successful day!
17.06.823 On my patrol, I've noticed a Rogue ship named "Sub.Torpedo". Once the chase was over, he turned and engaged me into a fight.
My ship was outgunned though, withdrawing was impossible. All I could do was dodging and striking back in the best moments, doing only little damage. Reinforcement by [LN]-UXF-03."Stryker" was given as soon as he arrived. Together, we managed to destroy the Rogue ship.
On the same day, later though, I joined into a task force with the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, to fight off a Rogue Destroyer named "Microchip", an Outcast Cruiser named "Fire_Storm" and two other Outcast-snubcrafts, which I could not manage to take visiual evidence from. Both hostile capital ships were destroyed. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to take down the other two Outcast Fighters. My ship got destroyed, as I remained, unable to withdraw in this intense fight.
21.06.823 Yesterday, during my patrol, I received a call by the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, to form up and fight hostile ships. As I moved to planet Manhattan, I noticed, they were already in combat. I closed in to engage the enemy, assisting the allied ships. We managed to take down the targets named "[HF]-HFC-Damocles", "HFGB-Parallax" and "Chad.Bowman". After this, I returned to Norfolk Shipyard, to get my ship repaired.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: Patrol report
Greetings, High Command.
Yesterday, I've been starting my patrol from Manhattan.
I found myself in the middle of a task-force between the Liberty Navy and the Liberty Security Force, flying after two Outcast ships. Most of the allied ships, seperated and moved out of range, for no reason. One of the Outcast escaped immediatly. The other one moved to Rochester Base. A Liberty Navy Battleship chased after him. Clearly ignoring my orders to withdraw and stop before entering the debry-field, he followed the Outcast to Rochester Base. I followed only a few minutes later. The Liberty Navy Battleship engaged the Outcast, who was hiding behind the base. As I arrived, I spoke to said Outcast and ordered him to release the Bounty Hunter - and Liberty Navy pilots, in his cargo bay.
As he denied my command twice, I had to engage him as well.
Doing some damage upon the Outcasts' ship, a Liberty Navy - Liberty Assault Battlecruiser arrived, engaging the Outcast as well. My ship got partially hit by both Liberty Navy Capital ships. While they focused upon the Outcast, a Rogue Destroyer, an Outcast Cruiser and a Rogue Bomber appeared, attacking both Liberty Navy captial ships. Upon this second I was focused by the Outcast Fighter, whom I engaged before. Clearly outnumbered and outskilled, the two Liberty Navy capialships were destroyed soon, with this, the focus was set upon me and I was under heavy fire, receiving severe damage upon my ship.
I requested reinforcements upon the Liberty Navy emergency network, receiving only silence. At the same time, an LSF-Agent named "Alissa.Murray", got in range, noticing the hostile ships, she closed in. While I was withdrawing, I commanded her to withdraw, since there was no chance of winning this fight. After this, the hostile ships seperated and left Liberty space.
Returning to planet Manhattan, the LSF-Agent stopped a Freelancer-transportship named "Hewyr", carrying over 2000 passengers in his cargo bay. Once the inquiry was done, we escorted said Freelancer to Erie, where he was trying to stall and negotiate about the situation. Trying to bribe the LSF-Agent and insulting me, he was punished by paying a fine of 2 million Credits for breaking three laws. Besides that, he was left with a warning.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: Patrol report
Good day, High Command.
I'm writing this patrol report one day delayed, as I was just released from medical treatment in the hospital, given to the incidents happening during my patrol on 28.06.
I started my patrol at planet Manhattan, noticing a bretonian transport ship named "ORDOS". It was already engaging the trade lane sequences, as I got close enough to scan and detect above 2000 slaves in his cargobay. Unfortunately, with the distance-difference, I could not keep up, and lost him at West Point Academy, I tried to reconstruct and figure the smuggler's possible route, and made my way to Norfolk, with no success. My visual evidence ended up fried and useless, for this will be explained later, within this report.
When I reached Norfolk, I noticed an LSF-Siegecruiser speaking to another smuggler, carrying 2500 units of Black Market Ammunition in his cargo. The smuggler didn't pay the fine, the LSF-Cruiser decided to destroy both, the ship and the contraband. At the same time, yet another transport ship just left the tradelane from West Point Academy, and when I scanned it, I could see 2000 Political Refugees stuffed into the cargo bay. At the same moment, the trader decided to simply jettison them all into space, and shoot them, coldblooded. It happened so fast, I could not even make visual evidences on this. The LSF-Siegecruiser, me and a Liberty Navy Battleship decided to destroy the mass murderer's ship and take the pilot to prison.
My visual evidence upon the name and the ID of said trader, ended up fried and useless, for this will be explained later, within this report.
After this, I decided to continue my patrol through New York, moving a full circle back to West Point Academy, while a [LN] fighter joined me in this patrol. Upon reaching West Point Academy, we noticed an Outcast-fighter, trying to provoke us. Soon enough, a second Outcast-fighter appeared and both engaged us in a combat. Returning the fire, defending ourselves, the enemy soon received reinforcements, by another Outcast-fighter. A little later, the Liberty Navy Battleship appeared, assisting us in the combat. Both sides kept receiving more and more support, a Cryer-fighter and the LSF-Siegecruiser on our side, and two more Outcast-fighters on the enemy's side joined in.
The combat turned into a battle, and the Outcasts dragged us into the Badlands, where we were "welcomed" by a pirate and a Rogue-bomber, but not without receiving support by an ESRD-Navy fighter. We kept fighting hard and brave, shooting down one after another, until only two Outcast-fighters, me and two other Liberty Navy fighters remained. The Liberty Navy capital ships withdrawed from the Badlands, sticking close to the Norfolk-Texas Gate lane. Our stocks upon nanobots and shieldbatteries were empty and our ships damaged, we kept fighting those Outcast still, while three Hellfire-fighters appeared, who have been waiting for the best opportunity to engage us. They did, without further hestitation, destroying my ship first, then an other Liberty Navy-fighter. The last man standing, picked our escape pods up and withdrawed successfully.
He set us down on Norfolk Shipyard, where we have been transferred to medical ships and been moved to planet Manhattan, receiving medical care in the hospital. While recovering, I took care of requesting a new ship, doing all the paper work.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: Patrol report
Greetings, High Command!
Yesterday, when I was on my patrol through New York, I noticed a Serenity Transport named "jamesmason3600".
While I scanned his cargo, I found 3535 Socialities popping up on my scan. I ordered said pilot to stop his engines, informed him about him breaking the law by carrying more than 600 people on board, demanded a fine and the save release of said Socialities within the docks of Fort Bush.
He tried to stall the process, saying he didn't knew about the law and denied cooperation, ignoring the fine and the the order to unload the people. Instead he began to move, and I told him about the consequences. I engaged him, firing at his ship, not necessarily to destroy it, but rather to make him reconsider his decisions. He simply docked upon Fort Bush then, and unfortunately any order to keep him locked down, was denied. Besides that, he didn't make a move to undock anyways.
After this, I moved to Norfolk Shipyard, to change my ship and returned back to Fort Bush, with my bomber. As I arrived, I could see the Serenity Transport undocking. I told him about the consequenes of his deeds, and that the fine would be raised by now, which resulted in him assaulting me, ripping down my ship's shields and damaging my ship's hull. Up on this, I returned fire, causing severe damage to his ship, while I chased him. Unfortunately, he could dock upon Planet Pittsburgh, before I could destroy the ship. Remaining there for a while, I soon returned to Norfolk Shipyard, to get my ship repaired, and changed back to my Guardian.
I left Norfolk Shipyard, receiving a message that Rogues were gathering at Texas Gate. I called for reinforcements, soon receiving back up by 5th|Curtis.Jackson and [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino, moving to said location. We found no Rogues, but a Lane Hacker Bomber shooting Civilians and Liberty Forces. I engaged him alone, leaving the two other Liberty Navy Pilots for back up, in case hostile reinforcements would arrive, which did happen soon enough. Caught in a dog fight with the bomber, which was good at dodging and placing mines, but bad at aiming, I received and caused damage. The odds were equal, with a rising possibilty of me winning this combat.
5th|Curtis.Jackson and [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino took care of the one other hostile ship, destroying it quickly. Unfortunately, a Rogue bomber and a Rogue fighter appeared soon, making the situation more difficult. We focused upon the Rogue Bomber named "Lesser.Torpedo", ripping down his shields and hull, as well as the stocks of batteries and nanobots. We had no cloak distruptor, so he turned invisible. While we were returning the focus upon the other ships, said Rogue Bomber managed to ambush with a suicide-torpedo surprise, destroying 5th|Curtis.Jackson, [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino, himself and me, instantly.
Comm ID: Recruit Ace Walker Recipient: 5th Fleet High Command Subject: Patrol Report
Greetings High Command
Recruit Ace Walker Reporting in.
Today I have met up with 5th|John.Sader and 5th|LNS-New.York at Westpoint Military Academy, New York.
We started our patrol to Planet Manhattan, New York and there we encountered an artifacts smuggler named Samanouzke. He refused to comply and refused to pay the fine issued to him so his ship was destroyed and his escape pod was tractor-ed in by the 5th|LNS-New.York and he was arrested and will be delivered to Fort Bush.
From here we patrolled to Planet Erie, Pennsylvania and the Helium fields but it was all quiet. We moved our patrol to Planet Houston, Texas but it was all quiet. Thereafter I received a Secure Message from Kurosaki.Housei reporting a pirate by the name |Darkness| that is shooting at him and trying to extort him. We head back to Planet Erie, Pennsylvania where he reported it but the time we got there no one was in sight and I could not reach Kurosaki.Housei on the communications channels.
We head back to Westpoint Military Academy to end our patrol but then we got reports that Zone 21 have been breached and we headed to Alaska. We have encountered a ship Bin.exe2 there and his ship was destroyed. A minute after that we encountered 2 more ships -Vault_1001- and Cristian_Loras. These ships opened fire and my ship was destroyed by Cristian_Loras. 5th|LNS-New.York tractor-ed in my escape pod and they have dealt with the threads. I was returned to Westpoint Military Academy, and was cleared by medical. I am just awaiting my new ship then I will be back in space.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: Patrol report
Greetings, High Command!
During my patrol on the 15th July, I met upon a tensed up situation between Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet pilots and Division 9 pilots in the middle of the tradelane between West Point Academy and Norfolk Shipyard.
Observing the situation and calculating the odds, I decided to order the Liberty Navy pilots to join my patrol and move on, as we were clearly outnumbered. Trying to keep the situation calm and civil, I initiated the tradelane sequence, just before one of the Division 9 pilots decided to disturb it and shut down our attempt to leave. They started saying odd things, such as "The light must fill the darkness" and "The Void awaits us", just before I heard Nomad voices in my head.
Then they began to engage us and we were forced to return fire and get dragged into a combat. I called for reinforcements on the emergency channel, trying to dodge the gunfire by three Division 9 ships directed at me, while chasing after another hostile ship. The combat turned into a battle, when more Division 9 ships and more Liberty Navy ships arrived, lasting atleast an hour.
We managed to shoot down atleast four Division 9 ships, but also lost two ships on our side. Two Division 9 ships could escape with severe damage. After this, I returned to Norfolk Shipyard, to get my ship repaired and to restock on nanobots and shield batteries.
Visual evidence could not be taken, due to both, damage caused to my ship's hull and systems, as well as the heat of the battle who didn't any distractions and demaded full focus.
Once the repairs and the restocking were done, I returned back on duty with a bomber-class ship and moved to West Point Academy, noticing a whole lot of National Council of Malta-ships, including a Maltese battleship. 5th|John:Sader and 5th|LNS-Washington, as well as a few other Liberty Navy ships were fighting said "NC"-tagged ships. I closed in and engaged the hostile Battleship, together with the 5th|LNS-Washington, destroying it soon. After this, I disengaged, withdrawing towards Norfolk Shipyard, to get my Fighter-class ship, only to return to the battle, re-engaging again. Meanwhile 5th|John:Sader and the 5th|LNS-Washington had withdrawn as well, returning in their Fighter-class ships as 5th|Markus.Hesselon and 5th|John.Sader.
We fought for about an hour and lost a few Liberty Navy ships, but managed to shoot down all the hostile ships and make Liberty a save space again. I returned to Juneau Shipyard, to get my ship repaired and to transfer a special object from my cargo into the hands of the Research and Developent Division.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Invincible Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: Special object
Greetings, High Command!
During the combat against the Division 9 on the 15th July, I could obtain a Nomad Power Cell. As soon as the combat was over, I moved to Juneau Shipyard to hand it over to the Research&Developement Division.
Comm ID: Recruit Ace Walker Recipient: 5th Fleet High Command Subject: Patrol Report
Greetings High Command
Recruit Ace Walker Reporting in.
Today I left Westpoint Military Academy, New York to start my Patrol. Soon after I received messages about Rogues nearby Planet Houston, Texas and I headed that way. Once I arrived I met 5th|John.Sader, LNS-Dauntless, Carl.Harrisford, Harsh.Life and 5th|LNS-Milwaukee. Our Targets was 2 RA-9 "Scylla" Rogue/Molly Destroyers named LRD-RazorFest and Barracuda. The Targets started atacking us as we moved in closer and we were forced to return fire.
Both targets have been Destroyed and their ship captains and crew have all been detained and arrested. From here we returned to Norfolk Shipyard and was stationed there for a while. Nothing happened so my patrol was ending and I went back to Westpoint Military Academy.
Comm ID: Recruit Carl Harrisford Recipient: The 5th Fleet High Command Subject: Patrol report: 25-07-823 A.S. - Junker carrying prescription drugs, Liberty all quiet
Greetings, members of High Command!
Today, Recruits Gregor Sanders, Ethan Taylor and I have met with Commander John Sader at the West Point Military Academy to set up a formed patrol throughout the Texas system and adjacent worlds.
Comm ID: Recruit Ace Walker Recipient: 5th Fleet High Command Subject: Patrol Report
Greetings High Command
Recruit Ace Walker Reporting in.
Today on my Patrol I started from Westpoint Military Academy, New York. I have heard messages about something is happening at Norfolk Shipyard. Once I arrived there I have encountered 2 Outcasts and 2 Hackers. [LN]-Barney.Ross assisted me but we could not engage as we were outnumbered and there were to many civilian ships stationed at Norfolk Shipyard so we protected the area. After a while we were joined by Rio.Grande and then we went in pursuit but unfortunately they saw us coming and they fled to the Badlands and we have lost contact.
I have continued with my patrols around the New York System, Texas System, Pennsylvania System, California System and then head back to the New York System. I have met up with my fellow 5th Colleagues at Westpoint Military Academy.
We have encountered a smuggler here named Colonel_Ranker with 2698 Artifacts on board.
We have stopped him but he tried to flee several times. We have tried to explain that Artifacts are illegal but he refused to understand. We have warned him several times to drop his cargo but he also refused. Once he tried to flee again we have opened fire. He's ship was destroyed, the artifacts was destroyed and his escape pod was tractor-ed in and he was arrested.