Priority: Medium
To: Department of Trading
From: James Lakeside| [*USI*]Phoenix[T]
Location: Planet Denver, Colorado
Greetings everyone,
today I finished some several runs.
I started with 4000 * Liberty Ale and my destination was Philadelphia Station in the Pennsylvania system. After I arrived at the Philadelphia Station I loaded 4000 * Reinforced Alloy, now I headed to the Platinum Incorporated station in the Alberty system. On my way towards the Alberta system I got interrupted by a member of the Liberty Revolutionary Front. We had a small chat, and he said I should report this conversation towards the Highcommand.
[19.02.2016 17:02:16] LRF|Peter.Tannor: Attention, cut your engines.
[19.02.2016 17:02:18] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: James: Greetings
[19.02.2016 17:02:45] LRF|Peter.Tannor: Attention Transport Vessel, you are in the territory of the Liberty Revolutionary Front.
[19.02.2016 17:03:17] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: James: "Liberty Revolutinary Front"? Never heard something about this, Sir.
[19.02.2016 17:03:56] LRF|Peter.Tannor: We have always been here Corporate Vessel. Here and watching.
[19.02.2016 17:04:13] LRF|Peter.Tannor: Let us say we are highly unimpressed with the standards of living for the Libertonian.
[19.02.2016 17:04:31] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: James: Well, it's the first time I see someone from this "Front", Sir.
[19.02.2016 17:05:17] LRF|Peter.Tannor: Well you were living under a rock. You will return to your corporate masters, let them know thus: We are watching.
[19.02.2016 17:05:37] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: James: Alright Sir.
[19.02.2016 17:05:38] LRF|Peter.Tannor: You may go...For now, but know this. The people will nolonger tolorate corporate oppression. Do you get me?
[19.02.2016 17:05:56] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: James: Corporate oppression?
[19.02.2016 17:06:00] LRF|Peter.Tannor: The Front is here...We are watching...And if we are displeased the Corporations will suffer.
[19.02.2016 17:06:09] LRF|Peter.Tannor: That is all. Begone.
[19.02.2016 17:06:20] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: James: Sir, we are helping new civilians in Liberti
[19.02.2016 17:06:24] [*USI*]Phoenix[T]: // Liberty*
After this small conversation with these pilot I continued my run. At the Platinum Incorporated station I loaded up my cargo hold with 4000 * Platinum Ore and headed towards the Waterloo Station in the New London system. I bought 4000 * Gold Ore at the Canary Wharf Station and headed towards my penultimate destination Planet Denver in the Colorado system where I sold this Gold Ore.
I did this whole run two times and currently my ship is at Planet Denver in the Colorado system.
Quote:Liberty Ale: 8000 units towards Philadelphia Station
Reinforced Alloy: 8000 units towards Platinum Incorporated station
Platinum Ore: 8000 units towards Waterloo Station
Gold Ore: 8000 units towards Planet Denver
Pharmaceuticals: 4000 units towards Planet Manhatten
Priority: Medium
To: Department of Trading
From: Rex O' Connor| [*USI*]MissouriCity[T]
Location: Waterloo Station, New London
Greetings everyone,
Today I set out on my usual trade route in my Stork, Thankfully I encountered no pirates. I bought Gold ore from Waterloo to Planet Denver, Pharmaceuticals from Denver to Planet New York, Water to Long Island Station, Liberty Ale from New York to Philadelphia Station, Reinforced Alloys from Philadelphia to Platinum Inc Station, Then Platinum Ore to Waterloo Station in New London.
Quote:Gold Ore: 4940 units towards Planet Denver
Pharmaceuticals: 4940 units towards Planet Manhattan
Water: 4940 units towards Long Island Station
Liberty Ale: 4940 units towards Philadelphia Station
Reinforced Alloys: 4940 units towards Platinum Incorporated station
Platinum Ore: 4940 units towards Waterloo Station
Subject: Incident Report
From: Thomas Simcoe - [*USI*]Toronto[S]
To: Department of Trade & Internal Affairs; CC: Department of Security
Good evening,
As you are aware we are currently delivering shipments of Reinforced Alloy to one of our client's bases in the Puerto Rico system. Most recent delivery logs can be found here.The route is safe as it passes through high traffic points with both frequent Navy and Police patrols.
Now coming across individuals of questionable character while traveling long distances is part of the job, but two encounters within New York is rather alarming. I encountered two incidents earlier today while making these deliveries that requires the attention of this department and also the Department of Security. Both of these incidents took place within the New York system; one unfortunately in sector 6D (Badlands) and the second one in 4E.
Department of Security will find the guncam scans and the logs of both incidents below:
Shortly after emerging from the Pennsylvania jump gate and entering the trade lane to West Point Military Academy I was taken out of the lane by a lone pirate with the call sign Little.Devil. She seemed harmless at first, but then decide to extort for money, thankfully she was interrupted by both an unidentified gunship and a member of the SWAT division of the LPI.
[16.03.2016 18:28:04] Little.Devil: ?: *sighs* Hello...
[16.03.2016 18:28:11] 2016-03-16 18:28:18 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:28:11] Death: Arrosa was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[16.03.2016 18:28:17] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: Good day
[16.03.2016 18:28:26] 2016-03-16 18:28:33 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:28:26] Little.Devil: ?: How is your day?
[16.03.2016 18:28:47] 2016-03-16 18:28:54 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:28:47] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: Busy. With work.
[16.03.2016 18:29:10] 2016-03-16 18:29:17 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:29:10] Foxhunter: Good hunting, bounty hunter.
[16.03.2016 18:29:18] 2016-03-16 18:29:25 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:29:18] Little.Devil: ?: Apparently, hm. *she shrugs* Isn't that....material for space stations, that you haul there?
[16.03.2016 18:30:03] 2016-03-16 18:30:10 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:30:03] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: That's correct. It's required for repairs, upgrades, so on.
[16.03.2016 18:30:08] If you find your ship in Bastille please check the Sanction sub-forum on
[16.03.2016 18:30:27] 2016-03-16 18:30:34 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:30:27] Little.Devil: ?: I see, I see. So it is a necessary good. Uhm... *she sighs* you see...
[16.03.2016 18:30:37] 2016-03-16 18:30:45 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:30:37] Little.Devil: ?: I have an idea!
[16.03.2016 18:30:39] 2016-03-16 18:30:46 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:30:39] Death: [SU]-MarieCeleste was put out of action by D9|Lazurite. (Gun).
[16.03.2016 18:30:44] 2016-03-16 18:30:51 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:30:44] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: I see.
[16.03.2016 18:30:52] 2016-03-16 18:30:59 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:30:52] Death: Cpt_Retax was put out of action by W@rden (Gun).
[16.03.2016 18:31:00] 2016-03-16 18:31:07 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:00] CV-Balor: %#@&) dammit effin lane
[16.03.2016 18:31:12] 2016-03-16 18:31:20 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:12] Little.Devil: ?: How about....mhm, you pay me some money, and I will promise to let any of your guys haulers with space station materials-
[16.03.2016 18:31:20] 2016-03-16 18:31:27 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:20] Little.Devil: pass? Without bothering them?
[16.03.2016 18:31:22] 2016-03-16 18:31:29 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:22] CV-Balor: Whot he hell screwed the l HUMAN
[16.03.2016 18:31:29] 2016-03-16 18:31:36 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:29] Little.Devil: ?: Ew.
[16.03.2016 18:31:37] 2016-03-16 18:31:44 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:37] Little.Devil: ?: The hell!
[16.03.2016 18:31:40] 2016-03-16 18:31:47 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:40] CV-Balor: STOP SCREWING UP THE LANES
[16.03.2016 18:31:43] 2016-03-16 18:31:50 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:43] LPI-SWAT-Marion: Rogers: Well, hi.
[16.03.2016 18:31:57] 2016-03-16 18:32:04 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:31:57] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: Hello officer!
[16.03.2016 18:32:09] 2016-03-16 18:32:16 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:09] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: You're timing is impeccable.
[16.03.2016 18:32:10] 2016-03-16 18:32:17 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:10] Death: Janissary was put out of action by CR|-Shadowstep (Gun).
[16.03.2016 18:32:15] 2016-03-16 18:32:23 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:15] LPI-SWAT-Marion: Rogers: Hmm, I assumed.
[16.03.2016 18:32:28] 2016-03-16 18:32:35 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:28] LPI-SWAT-Marion: Rogers: Were these two unusuall individuals giving you any trouble?
[16.03.2016 18:32:38] 2016-03-16 18:32:45 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:38] Death: cemi4 was put out of action by [RM]Fw.Frederick_Klose (Gun).
[16.03.2016 18:32:40] 2016-03-16 18:32:47 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:40] Little.Devil: ?: Pff..
[16.03.2016 18:32:44] 2016-03-16 18:32:51 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:44] Death: [RM]Fw.Frederick_Klose was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[16.03.2016 18:32:52] 2016-03-16 18:32:59 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:52] Little.Devil: ?: The hell do you want! Freaking guy!
[16.03.2016 18:32:57] 2016-03-16 18:33:04 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:57] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: Nothing serious. Just disrupted the lane. Delaying my deliveries is all.
[16.03.2016 18:32:58] 2016-03-16 18:33:05 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:32:58] Little.Devil: ?: Not meaning you, Police.
[16.03.2016 18:33:20] 2016-03-16 18:33:27 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:33:20] LPI-SWAT-Marion: Rogers: *he yawns* Right, right. You should proceed with whatever you were doing.
[16.03.2016 18:33:21] 2016-03-16 18:33:28 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:33:21] Little.Devil: ?: Jesus! What was this?!
[16.03.2016 18:33:32] 2016-03-16 18:33:39 SMT
[16.03.2016 18:33:32] LPI-SWAT-Marion: Rogers: I can handle it from here. *he glances at the pirate*
I was once again interrupted on the Fort Bush - Planet Manhattan trade lane by yet another lone pirate, call sign The.Silent.One. It appeared that a cargo ship was destroyed prior to my arrival, as evident in the guncam scans. The pilot told me that I am free to go.
[17.03.2016 02:57:37] The.Silent.One: ?: You may go. Grab anything you like.
[17.03.2016 02:58:07] 2016-03-17 02:58:14 SMT
[17.03.2016 02:58:07] [*USI*]Toronto[S]: Thomas: Right.
[17.03.2016 02:59:19] 2016-03-17 02:59:26 SMT Traffic control alert: [*USI*]Toronto[S] has requested to dock
Thankfully no cargo was lost during either of these encounters. Nonetheless employees should always exercise caution, even in systems deemed "safe".
I will be resuming my duties shortly in order to finish this week's deliveries to Junker's Town.
Thomas Simcoe
Department of Trade
Universal Shipping Inc.
Priority: Medium
To: Department of Trading
From: Rex O' Connor| [*USI*]MissouriCity[T]
Location: Waterloo Station, New London
Greetings everyone,
A usual i encountered no pirates, and the trades were a success.
Quote:Gold Ore: 4940 units towards Planet Denver
Pharmaceuticals: 4940 units towards Planet Manhattan
Liberty Ale: 4940 units towards Philadelphia Station
Reinforced Alloys: 4940 units towards Platinum Incorporated station
Platinum Ore: 4940 units towards Waterloo Station
Employee Name: Ernest Mooney
Ship name/class: Bison - Liberty Heavy Transport
Commodity: Platinum ore (export)
Reinforced alloys (import)
Amount Shipped: 4020 units ORE
4020 units ALLOY
Shipping date[screen shot/time stamp]:
Bank account for bonus: [*USI*]San.Jose[T]
Brief Summary: Routine base supply for Platinum Incorporated Base with Platinum ore cargo used to fill return trip.
Employee Name: Ernest Mooney
Ship name/class: Bison - Liberty Heavy Transport
Commodity: Platinum ore (export)
Reinforced alloys (import)
Amount Shipped: 8040 units ORE
4020 units ALLOY
Shipping date[screen shot/time stamp]:
Bank account for bonus: [*USI*]San.Jose[T]
Brief Summary: Routine base supply for Platinum Incorporated Base with Platinum ore runs done for the company between stops.
Employee Name: Ernest Mooney
Ship name/class: Bison - Liberty Heavy Transport
Commodity: Platinum ore (export)
Reinforced alloys (import)
Amount Shipped: 4010 units ORE
4010 units ALLOY
Shipping date[screen shot/time stamp]: UPLOAD 1 UPLOAD 2
Bank account for bonus: [*USI*]San.Jose[T]
Brief Summary: Routine base supply for Platinum Incorporated Base with Platinum ore runs done for the company between stops.
I was performing a routine security patrol through the New York trade lanes and ran across an indie interspace pilot with a mastadon full of business delegates, so I politely informed him that he was in violation of Liberty trade laws, which he sincerely proclaimed he was not aware. He agreed not to carry more than the legal limit (650) in the future, not that I'm convinced. But, hey... there you have it.
Later on in my patrol I spotted an Outcast near the lanes between penn and west point, who didn't seem inclined to accept my advice to dock at Buffalo. He led me on a chase and tried to convince me that we are all really criminals deep down. I noticed he was carrying a V.I.P., so I carefully disabled the ship and tractored the life pod...
I don't know who he is, yet, but I think I may just hand him over to LPI and let them handle it.
Was asked to help a Navy pilot with some bogeys, followed him into a swarm of Wilde ships who had just destroyed a Navy gunboat... We dropped one of them, the second cloaked and the third one got me with mines somehow... now I'm waiting on repairs.
Report: Earlier today I rendezvoused with our newest Trainee, Mr. Steel captain of Toledo to show him the ropes around Plat Inc. and Alberta. I received orders from base management team that supplies were required for maintenance and crew aboard the station.
We made one trip to Freeport 14 to pick up 5000 units of Food Rations and 4195 units of Water (Toledo's haul) and successfully delivered them to the station. I also made two long trips to Planet Los Angeles per orders of management to pick up 10000 units of Robotic Hardware for engineering & manufacturing department, but it appears my guncam had malfunctioned during the trip. I will be making a trip to Trenton to have a quick diagnostic performed on the ship to have it ready for future assignments.