' Wrote:New one I discovered while Cargo Pirating. This goes out to all NPC Cargo Pirate wannabes!
If you were to destroy the cargo pods individually, you would gain 500 cargo per pod. Destroying the ship itself only reaps a total of 500 cargo.
So, from a single NPC Train, you can reap a total of 2000 units of cargo if you were to destroy the pods individually (4 pods total). But if you destroy the ship without destroying the pods, you would only gain 500 cargo.
' Wrote:New one I discovered while Cargo Pirating. This goes out to all NPC Cargo Pirate wannabes!
If you were to destroy the cargo pods individually, you would gain 500 cargo per pod. Destroying the ship itself only reaps a total of 500 cargo.
So, from a single NPC Train, you can reap a total of 2000 units of cargo if you were to destroy the pods individually (4 pods total). But if you destroy the ship without destroying the pods, you would only gain 500 cargo.
Also, you don't lose rep with the faction if you only take out the pods.
Haha.. also it took some time for me to figure out engine kill same as weapon groups but got in hang of them fast
Agh.. I must be blind or something. I think I noticed something.. but never thought about it as it has a meaning.
And does this count as fail / blindspot? It took some time for Order to figure out what was killing us when we jumped into Delta from Minor.. and guess what? It was bugged jump hole but only if you are jumping in formation.:)
Not sure does it still do same.. good in bad is that only destroys ship or two.
Try not to use "goto" (F2) when heading for a wayPoint. Use manual cruise (shift-w). Using F2 stops engine kill working. The only time I use it is when flying through asteroid fields.
I remember my first weeks in Disco... I mined helium in Penn all the way up to a fully equipped Hegemon, I disregarded trading because I didn't want to spend all the time exploring for selling prices... THEN someone told me about restarts and their free explored maps:D
' Wrote:I remember my first weeks in Disco... I mined helium in Penn all the way up to a fully equipped Hegemon, I disregarded trading because I didn't want to spend all the time exploring for selling prices... THEN someone told me about restarts and their free explored maps:D
I worked my Starflea all the way up to a Shetland. Discoverying trade routes on my own.
I call that the true spirit of Discovery. (not idiocy)
Yeah, didn't know about /restarts
Also, yeah. Didn't understand System chat/local chat.
[color=#FFFFFF]If you are in a group, and you take a capture mission you can't drop le escape pod, no matter what. It will however automatically be jettisoned if you leave the group. Me and sly felt like we were discovering engine kill for the first time when we stumbled across that one