messed around with it today. And managed to get it working. Im not sure if its the same version of FLhook but heres the section of code i changed and bobs your uncle it worked.
DeathMsgTextPlayerKill=Death: %victim was killed by %killer (%type)
DeathMsgTextSelfKill=Death: %victim killed himself (%type)
DeathMsgTextNPC=Death: %victim was killed by an NPC
DeathMsgTextSuicide=Death: %victim committed suicide
DeathMsgTextAdminKill=Death: %victim was killed by an admin
KickMsg=<TRA data="0x0000FF10" mask="-1"/><TEXT>You will be kicked. Reason: %reason</TEXT>
This goes in the FLhook.ini
It may need looked at because im not a pro. im a noob!!
Can you please bold or mark somehow the difference between your FLhook ini and server FLhook ini?
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Perhaps its not looking for the right thing? Kinda like a debug program looks for errors, perhaps FLhook isn' me. I was never good at debugging...well, I AM..but...where can I check out the current FLhook our serva' is using?
While being quite funny, your sig was the biggest one i've ever seen so far. No more than 700x250 please. ~utrack
Well i now have a working version of 1.5.7 its not LC though it seams to have the same fetures. The death messages do also work. Thers a 1.5.10 Version of the LC one that has the same problems with the kill msg. Ill wait till DBoy gives me some more info. Due to the fact i am not sure if the other one is applicable to the server.