on Frontierspace-Mod (FLShell) we just used templates to start with your desired faction (I'm not sure if FLHook supports templates).
On Disco you can relatively easy make foes back friends again and versus, which was almost impossible on Frontierspace, if you'd
once pissed a faction it was almost impossible to get them back friendly cause they got 20x easier hostile than friendly, to get a
faction friendly (being neutral) you needed about 10x the work then you do on regular FL or on Disco mod.
The only prob (on orig. FL/Disco) is that each repchange with one faction affects also almost all other factions rep wich makes it kind
of hard to get a completely messed up rep fixed.
The easiest way to get the desired rep is still to create a new char and just work for the desired faction?untill you're tagged as you
wish to be.
Maybe it would help if the admins would offer a reset-service for developed chars with a completey messed up rep - just like the
Or just create a new char from the scratch and obey the rep-rules from the beginning.
That last post brings up something interesting.
Is it possible to unlink the reps, so that reps only respond to the individual ships / depots you kill?
E.g. Killing Xenos will only make the xenos hostile, and not other factions happy. In a mission you get a double edged rep effect of making the mission controller faction happy and the ships you kill angry, without affecting allies of either faction.
This way everyone can start out neutral to everyone and it would be next to impossible to become friends with someone who you are hostile to - unless they contact, hire and group with players of those hostile factions to increase their rep. That would make people more careful about what they do, i think.
It would also cause some problems but I'm not sure what they are. Discussion?
The template idea is a good one too I reckon.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
Templates.. This could be interesting..but aside from that..I have one good question regarding reps..Why is the freelancer rep tied with the rep for Bounty Hunters..ie, if bounty hunter rep goes red..so will freelancer..and vice-versa..