Full Name:Leon Albert
Your reasons for applying:To sell Silver and other ores i am a miner in omega-7
Proof of the transaction:Proof
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
TO:Leon Albert SUBJECT: Reutlingen Storage Facility | Docking permissions
Guten Tag herr Albert,
It is always good to see more Kruger employees around the fields. Your ship is approved! You might be interested about the employee benefits of Krüger Mineralien. Questions you can always ask me in private communications.
TO:Leon Albert SUBJECT: Reutlingen Storage Facility | Docking permissions
Guten Tag herr Albert,
It is always good to see more Kruger employees around the fields. Your ship is approved! You might be interested about the employee benefits of Krüger Mineralien. Questions you can always ask me in private communications.
Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Helene Schmidt
Sir sorry to say but my ship still can't dock.
Check my ship name again
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
Your reasons for applying: Kruger Mineralien has been one of the most trusted Rheinland organisation and we, Republican shipping, are happy to extend the first step of collaboration and mutual business relation with your company.
Our Transport section can use the shipping of ore, mined and stored at your base, for the company's profit and an advancement to our relations.
We will also be happy to bring back all the necessary commodities that your respected crew might need in the system.
Krüger Mineralien is pleased to see that someone still remembers the old friendships. I hereby approve RS| tagged Republican Shipping ships docking access to Reutlingen station.
There is plenty of ore on the station at any moment, ranging from Silver and Cobalt to Copper ore.
As for your offer to bring necessary base supply commodities to Reutlingen, you have a green light from me to do that, it would take a bit of pressure from our transport convoys who are doing that everyday. Base requires 4 types of commodities, and those are: Food, Water, Oxygen and Reinforced Alloys. For each unite of any of this commodities that you bring to the station you will be compensated by stations commodity dealer who will pay you a good price for them.
We, at Krüger Mineralien, are looking forward to further cooperation with Republican Shipping in the future business agreements.
Full Name: Bastian Muller Call-Sign: Luck's.Endevour Identification:ID and IFF Your reasons for applying: To supply the base with the ore that I mine regularly in Omega 7 Proof of the transaction:Kruger employee
More miners mining ore for Reutlingen means greater turnover of profits for the company and the prosperity of Kruger and Rheinland as a hole. Your ship is approved for docking to Reutlingen Storage Facility.