powertraders are needed to uphold the illusion of a vivid enviroment. - if the so badmouthed powertraders were gone, a lot of systems would experience a loss of vitality - and a loss of activity. - so no matter how much negativly connotated .... powertraders are an important part of most online game communities. ( such as the typical raid player in games like everquest or wow )
powert-gaming is something that hurts the player itself rather than the server enviroment they play in. its a disturbance of the balance between spare time used for RL and spare time used for a virtual world. - their impact on a community is not negative, cause they might be trading very much - but because of the motives they trade for and the consequences. - however, powertrading does not necessarily mean that the player will be unreasonble - not more than a RP trader might be when he gets his powerful gear.
there is just a chance that it might happen - and experience tells that chances are somewhat higher than when a RP trader does the same with the money he gained. but there are still players who are powertraders - or rather over ambitious, and then turn out to be exceptional RPers, cause what they needed is financial freedom to express their RP - undisturbed by worldy problemy like cash.
Power traders are the good guys... I pirate them a lot and my liveleyhood depends on them...
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
1. find the most money/per time route
2. get the ship with biggest cargo hold
3. get Zoner ID (no matter what tag you have) (saying "zoners are neutral" to all pirates)
4. go back and forth on that route all the time never changing it, never responding to any RP talk around.
oh and buy a BS or BC and put it on a base that's in the middle of the route... if you see pirates log on that.
(the best guys have Zoner IDed BS/BCs.. attacking the pirates without a word)
Oh well I traded a least 900 mil in my time here.. and pirated some 400?.
That one definition is exactly how it looks like. Best is when I'm hauling my loadout of RP cargo that makes some profit (say Luxury Consumer goods to Honshu)...meet a trader:
"How much do you make per hour?"
me: "Don't really know since I don't go back the same way, maybe some 7 million?"
"Lolz, I make 50, you noob"
And he heads off in his Zoner IDed adv. train.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
Hehe... To all power traders... I've took out my powertrading ship Red Baroness out for a hourly run... hiring 5 I say 5 escorts, paid them unfairly high... (600k to a lvl 5's... for each trading stop), roleplayed till death, and am still giggling about the final race back to manhattan... All in all i've made a 20M profit, and 5 other players very chearful...
You cannot do that with a battlecruiser no matter how fast you can buy one... If you're powertrading for one hour, than that's a hour of your life lost on a pointless task... Hire escorts Enjoy the look on some poor Blood Dragons face when he sees you with a fighter squadron poping out of the jumphole... Really the amount of fun you can have in a cheap ship is just staggering. But you can't put a price on good entertainment much like you can't on love...
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
i got uni-shipping iff, a trader tag, im NOT flying a train, im not smuggling, im not doing the NB-NT run, and im clearing 45m an hour, observing all treaties between the houses, and its all within trade lanes...
but if it werent for oorp-powertraders, i'd prolly get jumped by pirates more often than i do
Would you like to be uncomfortably rich? Drink POWER TRADE!!!!!!! With POWER TRADE!!!!!!!! You will be profiting all the time!
You'll be Power docking, power jumping, power bargining, power criuseing and power profiting!!!!!
You'll be tradeing so fast that pirates will be like "sllooooooow dooowwwwnnn" and youbelike"frakyou" and kick in the power criuse.
You'll trade as fast as Kenyans.
Yeah all said and done power traders make me rich. I have pirated some 500 mill of power traders, even while shareing a JH pirate spot with other pirates.
They just need to interact some. But My trader isnt a mouthy sort either so if one did not engage my character, my character would say nothing. I suppose the reverse can be true.