Our last assignment proved that Kusari Naval Forces, Kusari Police or even those puny a-holes from Kempeitai are unable to defend their so-called "Democratic Republic". I wonder how much time they will spend to recover all those wreckages, which were purtified with the Holy Flame of Divine Punishment. Our large scale operation in "9" has been successful and I believe it brought a lot of advantage to our Friends.
Our payment has been received, Divine Punishment to traitors and IDF delivered and our Friends supported very heavily. "9" will not recover soon.
Indeed, we did some considerable damage to the local economy, maybe enough to turn some heads. Yeah I sent your next weekly salary and a bit more. So far everything is proceeding as planned. Keep up the good work, that area is prime with corporate targets all the time, and '9' is close enough to keep an eye out for that other 'group' as well. However if their numbers seem to have dwindled, by all means, I know your lack of love for the Hogs and the rest of the vermin running Kusari these days will keep you busy. Stay frosty out there, report back when you've got something juicy.
We have paid a small visit to Sigmas, where we made a ceasefire with GMG against two Kruger vessels (other ship not included in our shots). The Kruger gunboat was forced to withdraw after a fierce chasing and engagements though Sigma-13, Honshu, Sigma-13 again and finally Sigma-19. The bomber was shot down by GMG pilot.
We have dropped idea of chasing and claiming reward for GMG, because there would be no honor in stabbing the back, even though it was a temporal cooperation.
- One Kruger snub down (claimed by GMG);
- One Kruger gunboat heavily damaged (forced to withdraw);
- One GMG snub active (spared, as cooperated against Kruger).
I believe you are aware that we have changed our papers, as it would be easier for us to enforce law under Queen's letter of marque. This cuts our a bit our doing in Kusari, but this allows us a way wider area of supply. Save that. We can still haunt those corporate cronies (and IDF as well) in Rishiri.
Our today's encounter was rather unfortunate one. Those two LN vessels butted into our business, yet I believe 1 million per each LN was small. Good thing BPA came there and cooled down whole encounter. If he did not, well, it would be known as Cortez Incident. I believe it would be as bad as recent incident with that Navy vessel in Newcastle.
We had an encounter a vessel with FL-ER tag, which denied to pay our tax in Tau-23. Moreover, he have lead us into a trap, Tau-44 System infested with Gallic forces. Angered by his ploy, we delivered only one possible punishment. The vessel's possible cooperation with Gallia might be... questionable.
I see that you've gone Privateer. Well, you can still be on my payroll, but for the moment, its mostly that aformentioned 'group' I need focus kept on. However, any freelancers helping that group, or any of its Gallic compatriots, please feel free to engage. I assume now that you'll be continuing to focus efforts in the Taus and Gallic borderworlds, and that's great. Your current mission there fits in well with my own. However, I don't just want you attacking anybody indiscriminately, on my behalf. I can't control who you go after, but mostly its only the specific targets in need pressure on, that I'll pay bonus for. But, you may practice your skills on whoever you please of course.
If the measures of the crown wind up constricting you, remember that a jolly roger is only a Freeport away. In the meantime, flying such colors may not look the best if I'm seen with you. I know the Bretonia Privateers are a scurvy bunch, but I have a reputation to maintain. It would probably also be best for you not to be seen with me, as the Bretonian Crown would not take kindly to our 'association'. *laughs* That way we can avoid any further disturbances with the BPA and Liberty Navy getting into it over your true loyalties. I must say, had they fought over it, I might have had a good little chuckle. They're so eager to enforce their 'laws' they'll wind up eating their own one day. Luckily though, our goals towards the Gallic invaders and their lapdogs remain mutual, so on matters of such, even I will side with Bretonia.
Yesterday, we have helped an Outcast (Cortari Lance) in engagement against Core gunship. Core vessel has been forced to withdraw and our new friend shown us Omicron Alpha. No photoevidence, but our friend can say that we were indeed included into engagement.
It looks like Bretonians were not offering as much as we wanted. Moreover, we had to drop their terms - but I don't know if they will be glad about that we have their... well... vessel.
Yet so far we met no problems with BAF, as we recently engaged into combat alongside Bretonian carrier, when the GRN battleship have shown in Tau 31. Both Bretonian vessel and we had to withdraw, after heavy damage delivered by GRN.
Looks like you're only my 'privateer' for the moment then. Although I do commend the crown in their fight against the the Gallic foreigners, just be weary of them, they can be an uptight bunch, like those Liberty types, that would make a fuss over a single unit of Synth Pot.
As always, keep at it and fly safe, I know you have a tendency to get a little 'aggressive' when the authorities are around, just don't talk your way into a penal colony! *laughs* There are places even I won't dare go.
I've wired you the next week's salary, keep me posted, and more is on the way. I've had my ship moored at a secret location within the Taus for the last few days over a brutal run in I had myself recently *scoffs*. I've been laying low in the meantime, but I should be available again within a week. I'll be keeping an eye on our emergency frequency if you find yourself in distress.
Ah, about the Bretonians, some of their Privateers became a bit more aware on us. Sadly, we were driven back from Bretonia by one Privateer with very same ship we have. Some scratches but nothing more, we withdrew to Taus. Further actions between Bretonia and us may be questionable, but I believe they will side with us while hunting Gallics.
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I have got very interesting shots from out sister vessel, designation FKS-Sho - two of my men pilot the thing, since the decrease of the crew needed in FKS-Ronin. I believe those shots will be very interesting. Unione Corse have recently shown up. Sho ecountered the vessel all alone in Tau-31, but then it was escorting the IMG vessel (the very same system)... What was kinda strange, for Corse are rather mischevious with their doings.
I feel sorry myself I have not been with my Ronin out there.