Fine by me, having those two gentlemen around me. Though, women, on the fair side, would be preferable. Hmm. Better not, I got to focus. And yeah, it almost seems as well your agency doesn't have personnel files as well. Eh, just jesting, no worries. I'll go ahead and start contacting the smuggler. You don't have issues with OSI, right?
O.S.I? I was honestly making the common error of expecting a Freelancer with a very questionable reputation among even more questionable social circles, but that shows how far my head has wrapped itself in all the grit. An Incorporated smuggler will get the job done and make things less suspicious to people that might see fit to monitor traffic.
While one of the guards might be a woman.. I personally wouldn't recommend.. 'that', or anything like 'that'. Keep me informed of further developments, I do still look forward to meeting you. Transmission: End
Let's keep 'that' out of sight then. A focused engineer is a good engineer. And while I think everyone enjoys 'that', the project calls for a clear head. Although R&R is to be expected every once in a while. I do hope that Dreadnought of yours sports a bar, or somewhere to cool the heels off. And yeah, that's Megan alright. Always thinking ahead, and on how to do it. In a very eerie way of doing so. I'll comm your Dreadnought tomorrow.
See you then, and please do act carefully. I don't want you in a fix because of this, you're the first chance I've had at a legitimate partnership with anyone from the Commonwealth's side. Transmission: End