1. Full Name: Fredy Dallas Krippman
2. Age: 35 3. How many hours per week can you spend working for DSM: 1, If my PC allows so. 4. Reason why you chose us: Protection, perseverance, ecomony & logystics and personal interests.
5. Your biography.
Born on a med-rich family in the merchant business, he followed the steps of his father, a well known merchandising economist working for the Krippman & CO. Nor that he need any education , he was taught in combat sections flying snub wings for escorts in the military area of his natal planet, Denver.
Some years ago, economical issues forced the Company to cease the interstellar business and remained only available in the Colorado system, furthermore Fredy inherited the 60% of his father's business, selling it 2 years afterwards in order to aquire founds and spending them on alcohol, parties and prostitutes.
On the age of 34, he soon realized he's on the wrong way, so he kept training on flying vessels and eventually freelancing over the house escorting large transport convoys, concretely strenthing his contacts with the DSM agents who would probably solve his monetary problems and adress his life from now on...
Mr.Dallas Krippman, you have been freelancing for DSM for quite sime time now yes, provong your worth and combat prowess every time. It is time you start making some serious cash, you are thereforeACCEPTED Wellcome to DSM's Elite Forces Division
How many hours per week can you spend working for DSM: Varies from 1 to 20+
Reason why you chose us: Spoke with a few people in the Shoutbox that said you were a good & active group of decent people.
Your biography:
Born & raised on a real farm on Erie - If you've ever eaten rations produced on Erie, there's a chance you've eaten vegetables from the family farm. From a young age I realized that it wasn't the lifestyle I wanted. I worked odd jobs to buy & fix up a Starflier and get off-world. I spent a bunch of time mining helium have finally been able to afford a large-ish scale transport. While the transport earns me more money per trip, I find mining to be just as, if not more fulfilling . I'm looking for a faction to join because space is a lonely place working on your own. It can also be dangerous and just like with any prey species, there is always increased safety in numbers.
Full Name: James Parker
Age: 32
How many hours per week can you spend working for DSM: 1-10
Reason why you chose us: For mining
Your biography - RP based (at least 5 lines):
Bretonian born, i moved to Liberty in search of more prosperous climes. I have 14 years experience operating and maintaining mining machinery and am licenced to pilot class 1 freight vessels. I previously worked for BMM in their mining division and am looking for something similar here. I have a diligent and dedicated approach to my work and believe my skills will be well placed within DSM
S.K.Y.P.E. Protocol; jagged.stick@gmail.com
Time to invest: Lately I've been rather inactive, but I can participate in escorting convoys and such stuff. Maximum is about 5 hours.
Reason of joining: To escort DSS traders and fight off pirates if necessary. I have friends among DSS too. :3
Reason of joining for my character: He's played a role of wingman for years, but just as a freelancer. He believes joining a company would make better cooperation between a trader and an escort and bring more money to him.
Biography: George was born at planet Los Angeles to an average family. While young, he was heping his father with unloading his liner. He visited elementary school at planet Manhattan and then the middle school. He chose the path of a trader, but he failed the pilot license test. Such a big ship is not easy to mantain. Decision was made and George became an escort for traders around the Libery, recieving decent sums of money per every escorted trade ship. He fell in love with Shannon Tirrell and engaged her at planet Manhattan when they both were 29. Shannon gave birth to Jacob Walter, their only child. Everything was working out fine and it still is. Jacob is about to finish elementary and his father would pay millions to provide him the education. Goerge would be proud if Jacob managed to acquire the pilot licence. Every father is proud of his son if he achieved more.
Greetings Mr. George Walter. we could always use a new escort pilot, therefore you are ACCEPTED Wellcome to the DSS. May this be your new home from now on
Met up with a DSS agent in liberty space. Sounds like a good group.
My family was with a small group of Bretonians. When we first arrived in Sirius instead of settling with the rest of the colonists our family decided to venture off and explore Sirius. We were captured and held hostage by Galls. To keep their isolation a secret our family was forced to serve one of the gallic lords instead of being outright killed. We did this for generations. When Gallia was finally revealed to the rest of Sirius I was able to to steal away on a small council fighter then escape gall space. I've been freelancing ever since.
Full Name: Harry O'hara
Age: 35
How many hours per week can you spend working for DSS: 4-5 maybe more
Reason why you chose us: a friend of mine said that i should check it out
Your biography:
What should I say? Left home at 14, hitchkicked my way to Barrier Gate, where I've learned to fly anything that has an engine attached to it. Done the occasional escort or hauling jobs for 4 years, then enlisted to the Liberty Navy. I've left the Navy after 2 years for personal reasons (on the side note, if you know the Flight Deck Officer of the Tubingen you know what i'm speaking about) then went back to freelance hauling and tdid the occassional escort jobs on various vessels of all sizes. I decided to apply because I want family, and while freelancing has some pretty decent profit, it's insurance policy is pretty much terrible.
S.K.Y.P.E. Protocol: Y'berg
I had read your application and I am happy to report that you will be placed on a temporary position in our organization, as we will evaluate your skills during this time. And not to worry, you will be getting your monthly pay. Please accept this Deep Space Solution uniform and get ready to board the DSS Shuttle 221 from Planet Manhattan. Thank you for your time.