Spider had time to duck down behind the seat to dodge the pistol fire. "Halt!" he shouted. "I've been sent on Hessian buisness to discuss the Corsair's posisions in the Omega systems with the Outcasts."
He said standing up, taking out his gun in self defense.
"Ah, one of those matrix types are you? The blood must have been the ketchup on a shelf behind you. Bloody coincidences."
Jose aimed his pistol at the Hessian,
"You are not allowed here, we have no intrest in listening to you, we have no intrest in the Corsairs and we certainly have no intrest in the glorified dogs breakfast you seem to spouting from you mouthpiece. Get out before I call further assistance."
A shadow appears in the door. An indistinctive character strolls in and spits on the
"Messy place you have here, seems to be ketchup everywhere. Me name's Fin and
I'll be leaving a message for Liam here." Make sure he knows I'll be looking for him.
What ? Theres no ashtrays."
He stubs his cigar out on the bar, turns and goes to leave.
"Gentlemen do ya mind pointing those things elsewhere, makes me a might uncomfortable.
Surprised you aint dead Hessian. Charmed life ? Probably not the best place to be."
He ambles out of the door with out another word.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
A man in a Hacker outfit sitting in a corner stall stands up
Im trying to consintrait on my work. I have to finish this report!
OOC:According to my freelancer strategy guide, hessians are white and moving close to green on the faction scale with the corsairs.
Another man in a Hessian uniform walks in, he is holding a rifle with a shotgun built in the bottom. "Wow lots of ketchup here. Dont really think you boys wanna start tearing up this place, my trigget finger is itchy
Jose Marie returns briefly to the bar after a mission in beta, and declares anyone wearing a Hessian uniform is a raving homosexual while unnecisarily spinning his pistol round his fingers.
Actually, I don't remember Hessians hating the outcasts or the outcasts hating the hessians. I remember the hessians and the corsairs hating each other thought. The hessians and outcasts are neutral.