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' Wrote:I attacked an SA VA in a FL IDed Lib GB (Etaphreven was the admiral)
i remembered another noobish thing i done.
i thought because order and lsf worked together in singleplayer, that they were allies now. so i had a lsf id'd nephys(spelling?) order fighter and policing ny with it.
I remember telling Yoda-[T] to change his a Junker ID'd Rhino with Xeno guns and a Rogue tag...
Those were the good ol' days of innocence...
Then of course was the time my first bomber got into a fight with some guy or other mounting full PG guns. I blew him away a few dozen times, then got all my stuff but a Supernova ripped off by a GB loaded with missiles.
Then I lost the SNAC and docked >.<
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
my noobiest moment, that first time u play online, feel great, invincible, yah, well.
Note to self: after spending ages saving up and buying a rhino and filling the hold, dont mouth off, I died, lost cargo, had no weps or anything, just the ship.
Names won?t be told.
Just imagine:
There you are, sitting the first time on the Captains chair of an almighty-destoyer(!)-class-vessel, feeling sooooo unimmortal and godlike...
Jump in New-York from Alaska-system, shouting at the first, small fighter, and blasting the hell out of this poor guy... maybe i was the badest gunner in the world, i was -thank god- not able to kill this guy...
...left the crippled fighter behind me and headed toward the badlands(!)...damn was i good! *brrr*
Then a really nice guy stopped my high-floating, told me my countless rule-breaks, and left me alone with this wisdom.
so, i did the only thing what was left: Returning to Manhatten, saying something like : "If you dare fight agaist me come out and play!", leaning back and waiting to the things to come.
The following "fight" lasted 30 seconds.
Only two things i could say:
1. Thanx to (whoever it was) the guy explaining me the rules with cap-ships and not banning me on the spot.
2. Well, seems like i get what i deserved.
From this day on, i was a lucky, small captain with a lucky, small destroyer, never harming underpowered pilots.
And sold the ship one week after.
Word of advice to noobs #20: Just because you may be with Yoda (was in a juggernaught(?) then) and some other capital ship player (corsair cruiser) doesn't mean you stand a chance attacking keepers.Harbringer in anything less than a transport..
*cough* Yes... I knew that. *COUGH* Of course I've never taken on Harbringer in a clydesdale.. *cough*