(01-18-2018, 08:08 PM)Dave Synk Wrote: Yeah but Freelancer can be so much more, from time to time it's cool to explore new things. Since FL is the only game I know to let you go, move, see freely anything. But I guess that's my taste.
Yep, and there's a lot of cool things that keep us within the spirit of the original game itself. Other mods already expand on what Freelancer could be, as you've seen.
What I'd love to see is more explorable space. Empty areas with beautiful sights, dangerous atmospheric hazards, speed hindering nebulae, ship graveyards, gorgeous worlds in the deeper Omicrons that aren't touched by factions, NPC bases or traffic.
Space is big. Space is also empty. Not everywhere needs to be an activity hotspot, and I'd love seeing more systems like Lost, but ones that share the visual impressiveness of the new Major. It shows what people can do with the resources available, and I know there's some cool stuff people could make.
I must say that I agree with what you stated before and with this what you said. But, to make it thrilling, where one is barely able to survive.
This is perhaps, where we could see some non-standard things. Like graphics, stratospheres and such.
This game was by the way once fun while it had NPCs that would damage you as well. I would just make them lesser appearing.
Considering it's the edge, high level Nomad NPCs would be great to see in limited numbers. I also agree that these new systems should be a hazard in of themselves. Volatile gas pockets that seriously hurt you, radiation that slows you down like the Azurite generator AND slowly eats your ship away. A similar view to the black hole in the old Outcast Guard system.
Make the Edge Worlds visually appealing. They're the furthest reaches of colonized space. They're BEYOND colonized space, and it gives factions an opportunity to expand their conflicts to these new locations. Start resource wars, colonization wars, and other things like that.
You couldn't say it better. Freelancer feels too much easy now, too much meh. It especially felt like that when they disabled NPCs damaging.
I say, return high level NPCs but let them less appearing. This game needs more thrill, it's what made most players leave.
Because, when I talk with most of old players, they say "return 4.85".
edit: But let's not forget the houses too, regarding the NPCs. Whole game also could use knowledge of other RPG games, where you go and kill NPCs with reason and in group, it is really fun. They drop things. Not just only that, other things as well, to contribute to the scenery as a whole.
I say yes, keep the originality of the Vanilla and disco, but compensate in specific places.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">