He appears reasonably overwhelmed by the work he needs to carry out with the eternal chain of duties. Not just anybody can deal with the tasks that carry further frustration rank by rank. Self-control is a stipulation in attaining the assigned duties, notably, the person in question should contain a powerful and direct persona excluding vacillation and similar traits. Proper leadership generates notably a higher percentage of general success, therefore, the persona behind the assignments should act determined and spirited towards the mission, care for its people to raise the possibilities of survival mainly by desiring a new peak of expression. Balance plays the role of the possibilities. Is it better to endure within the middle, having sufficient material in continuous improvement, than to reach another worthless peak that's to expire in no time? Peaks come with considerable difficulties, therefore, the instability is universal. People view acts from diverse perspectives with particular conclusions. She chose not to have another sip of the luscious drink before speaking and exploit the opportunity to express herself better with different points.
— I’m certainly glad you’re doing fine whilst preoccupied with all the responsibilities. Nomads are a broad subject. Meanwhile, I’m somewhat satisfied with the meager amount of necessities I need to accomplish time from time.
Proud of herself, with not-so-many worries — causing the brief vacation more satisfying to an extent. Her voice is euphonious today, making Eliza sound calmer than usual. Swiftly dropped a look upon the horse that appeared properly occupied by investigating the surrounding, that was merely fascinating. Satisfied by its behavior, Eliza slightly smirked by how cute the horse looked for a moment. Fischer had a slight sip of the drink and glanced at the table as she was talking.
— I might appear demotivated nowadays, I have hope it'll fade away soon. As for the introduction to the Order, I'd like to thank you again, the experience was remarkably interesting. Obviously you've developed from the rank you used to have when you had welcomed me. And here we are, next to the Sobat river. You didn't expect this, neither I did.
Eliza remained grinned while she spoke as specific pictures stay within someone's personality due to the reasonable causes. She swiftly touched her hair that bothered her for a bit during the speech, moving it from her left eye as the ten-gallon hat had pushed it towards the blue eye, lastly once again making herself comfortable upon the stump.
I put a porcelain cup on the table and looked above the treetops: the look of Nebet's rings on blue sly returned my memories about childhood when we all were full of hope and careless. Phrases about responsibility were true - having a small fleet and civilians under your command and figuring out our loss may bring Nomads to complete victory was a huge burden.
But who says we are going to give up? Nobody. And we won't.
- No need to thank me - it's our job to apply fresh members to the Order lines. Besides, I never regretted accepting you - your actions are surprisingly amazing and nobody in High Command wouldn't be grateful. Well, let's change the topic. Have you some pleasant memories of your childhood? I want to suggest sharing them with each other.
William was born and raised in Liberty, so his vision on childhood might be really different from hispanic women. He took up a cup and made another sip marveling its taste.
It's been getting warmer next to the river, as the Mu's star reached its peak for the day. Despite the intensity, the drink brought in more to the experience, hence satisfaction. Eliza was squinting because of the vigorous star's rays, which neglected to break the amusement. She's luckily had her sunglasses with her settled in her holster, set upon her belt around the waist. Fischer had put the sunglasses on and smoothly placed both of her palms on her knees to sit more comfortably, upon which William questioned her childhood. Eliza has expected such a question before the conversation even commenced. Many people had a lively childhood compared to Eliza, whose time was put in in dread against many bandits and terrorists that existed upon Crete. It's a nervous topic to discuss, as Crete isn't the most appropriate and tranquil Planet to settle on. Recognizing the big-picture, she deeply inhaled before talking plainly.
— I'm glad you've brought that up. Please don't mind if I talk plainly. I didn't have the best experience.
Eliza took her time mainly to suppress the nervousness she had, due to the bitter reality she's had in her young days. Took a sip of the fruity tea to somewhat calm herself down. It couldn't be seen in her eyes as she's unquestionably experienced in hiding her emotions, learned by decades.
— I've had a harsh experience where I was born on. Planet Crete. Terrorists and bandits dominated it, pulling fear into our bones. The events didn't frighten my family thanks to the mental power they had. My parents have also been pilots, skillful ones. Both of them died in the battle to save humanity after they had defected to the Order. My childhood was mostly fear, revolving around survival, and clever acts to prevail and step above everyone else. That was the sole approach to overcome.
Eliza was about to finish drinking the tea she made that significantly freshened her up. She didn't feel like proceeding further before hearing Storgen's side of the story, presumably to relieve herself from some memories that can harm her time from time, although she's a capable fighter with a bright mission. She took a brief break before speaking again.
— I am about to finish drinking the tea I've made. Could I hear your side of the story before I resume further? I hope you don't mind amigo.
The Hispanic accent couldn't remain tucked away, as it's painful to suppress. Storgen seemingly didn't mind it and listened to her with enthusiasm. Fischer leaned back a bit to further relax and lastly discover his side of the story and use it by potentially settling herself down to enjoy the atmosphere and the talk they've organized.
Different thoughts were spinning in my head, while I listen to Eliza's short story about her childhood. Besides, something went little wrong - her accent has become more pronounced than I heard in the beginning. But I couldn't say more without solid signs.
She asked about my version of childhood, so I finished my tea, put a cup on the table, and stood up before Eliza. I should have expected the answer would not be pleasant and partially woeful. After scrolling memories, I came closer to the thick tree, leaned on and started talking.
- I must admit, my childhood has been much better than yours, until becoming a teenager. By origin, I was born in Liberty, in a non-poor family, and lived like my peers, like all children on the Manhattan - had fun on the yard with friends, went to school, and generally enjoyed my life. When I was 13, everything has changed instantly - I was told my parents are gone forever and I am losing citizen's status. Next 4 years I was living within Border Worlds under my uncle's wing and learned how to live in severe conditions. On the Freeport 10 I have met Miles, you know him, he is a captain on the Mafdet, callsign Drake. We worked as best as we ever could even sometimes participated in illegal races to earn money. Uncle Tom has disappeared, when I was 17 and since this moment, my adult life has begun...Until you ask me, I can say, parents and 27 people were killed during the terrorist act in the Omega-3. They assaulted transport on route Cambridge-Stuttgart.
William finished talking and closed his eyes on a bit, then looked at Eliza with determination at came closer to her. The Mu's star was shining brightly on his figure and brown eyes. It could seem, his aura radiates a wave of warmth and hope that soothed them both.
- I want to bring a brighter future for our children, without evil, anger, and sorrow. After joining the Order five years ago I swore to myself I will do everything possible to achieve peaceful worlds for all of us...Wait, did I say "our children"? No, no, that's not what I meant! I wanted to say your and my children...You know....
Nobody could argue, that was a really blushing moment for me and I immediately turned my look away and felt a heat on my face. It seemed to me that the horse winked to him and returned to his exploration.
Eliza shook her head after William had finished his speech, as a sign she acknowledged his story. It isn't her first time to converse with a Libertonian in the Order, as the organization has a significant number of individuals of such descent, where each pilot has its own ventures. She had no desire to stand up and break the comfort she's made upon the stump, slightly feeling down without a smirk on her face.
— My condolences to your parents. It's unfortunate how ruthless destiny is.
She didn't make additional tea to cover up the entire meeting, which wasn't her prime priority nonetheless. Feeling empathy for his parents because of her uneasy background. The uneasy thought gradually faded away as she was refreshing to open up another query for William, mainly referring to the overall situation within the Order and his stance in it, as he mentioned wishes for a better future.
— Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the people you command over? The Order is a complicated subject in my opinion, we're fairly surrounded by everything terrible, not saying we're deficient. We don't have a simple task.
She finished her brief speech being unready to converse much regarding her stance in the organization, feeling somewhat apprehensive. Eliza lightly leaned back and positioned her head towards the ground, being concerned. The star was fairly intense to even eye William with sunglasses, somehow covering up her anxiousness. Expressing considerable curiosity to swiftly open up new topics to discuss as Storgen was low on spare time.
Instead of just sitting at the table, I carelessly lay down on the grass, putting hands behind my head, and looked up to the sky. From the other look is seems my manners are far from perfect when you talk to a lady in a non-professional environment, but let's be honest - nobody would care about manners today, so I wanted to relax at least, for a moment.
The view on the top was wonderful - light of the star shimmers wonderfully in the leaves of the trees without blinding eyes. I have to find more some free time and visit this place once again with someone. Then I realized with a fear that in fact, I had no one to invite - despite high-ranked status, agents work drains all time and power to have a private life. But now it'd better answer Eliza's question.
- Sacrifice myself, huh? Haven't all we done that since joining the Order? You're right about stating the question is complicated, but I don't plan to sacrifice my life for us. Maybe in extreme or inevitable case, where you have no other choice. I'd rather live for my people and I find saying about sacrifice a sort of cliche. Maybe I do act pretty childish right now, but hey, how would we help each other if we all just go and die? Of course, if that's what you meant.
Yes, this is my statement. Hard as a rock, because I really couldn't understand that silly this thing. I don't more think about anything that could bother me right now, keeping my eyes on treetops. Sometimes I could notice some birds are looking for food there and it seems, Eliza thinks about something...Or I just lost a time feeling.
A minute later I lifted my head and looked at her tilted head, on which an unbearably bright light fell and suddenly said something..
- If you feel yourself there uncomfortable, you can join next to me. The light here is not so intense and annoying. At this rate, you'll break your neck.
Eliza noticed his unusual agitation by imperceptibly diverting himself from the speech while seeking for relief. She grinned once she noticed his wish to lie down on the grass and speak in such a manner. Interestingly enough, Fischer accepted this way of conversation, likely because he seemed exhausted enough to lie down with relish. She took his words frivolously, slightly startled by the unusual response. Expressing some care referring to the comfortable-to-her pose on the log, made her noticeably smirk.
— Don't worry. I'm comfy here and I enjoy the starlight. Without the starlight, I don't function properly.
She little by little with her right hand, placed the teacups on the right side of the board as they've been empty. She was glancing at the mountains on the boundaries whilst placing the cups and planning to answer William, seeing he somewhat seemed to be unsettled by the question she had asked. Remaining the same character with a modest smile, she asked something simplistic in curiosity.
— You told me you've been busy for awhile in the transmission. Do you plan to arrange something for the operation you lead after this conversation?
She was resting her head on her left hand, eyeing William for a brief moment after she had asked him, anticipating an answer. Meanwhile, Eliza checked if there was any tea left in the teapots. Sadly, there wasn't any to her poor luck, leaning back once again to relieve herself from any apprehensions.
I sat down on the grass with my hands on my knees and looked at Eliza with serious eyes. Before I can tell anything, I must think about how to do this correctly and politely, and it seemed to me birds singing volume was raised while I was thinking about the reply.
- Actually, this is something we planned for a long time, since the May beginning I suppose, that I mentioned earlier, sitting at the table, tasting your unusual and delicious drink - an entire battlegroup will be involved in this operation. Including you, but personally I'd rather let you stay out of the frontline - at least, your current condition doesn't seem okay. I don't try to reduce your potential or belittle you against other agents - I don't need such losses there.
Storgen's words were one and only true - he takes losses harder than ordinary members could imagine. The bets were too high to be irresponsible. William already lost almost entire squadron during the early stage of operation, when they tried to establish positions on the nebula's edge and only one person was aware about his friend, Miles, who tried to get him out of strong stress William got.
Eliza glanced down, hearing his statement referring to the situation in the operation. As much as qualified she is to partake in it, concerns severely occupy her mind. The unusual swing of sentiments has influenced her, burying it from the outer environment for months. Fischer is contemplating to open up different questions in the soliciting for further knowledge about William, mainly to perceive his history as each pilot carries a unique one. Still preserving the same posture, outwardly desiring to display her stance in the general situation, by displaying worthiness to attend the events in current conditions. Assuming the hideous fate that can be a side effect of her status, the answer is fairly evident.
— I might join the operation once I feel sufficiently confident.
Wondering what she can question next as Storgen implies to be much into nature, likely stretching out from the exhausting trip to the Akabat. The deep rest has prohibited him from conversing much. In the interim, Eliza seemingly tidied the table from the teapots and cups, whereas they drank the tea, raising her curiosity regarding its quality. It was drunk in what seemed to be in no time, unusually to Eliza.
— How did you like the tea? I believe it's all gone now.
Eliza grinned in curiosity, slightly glancing at the horse she's come with, once again. It was still resting there as it's stopped investigating the environment from what might be apathy to Fischer. The Star's light was stopped on its way by many clouds which have occupied a small portion of the sky. She took her sunglasses off and put them into the holster for the glasses, as it was slightly less bright on their side, and the occurrence bothered her as she could hardly see in them, as she was expecting Storgen to answer.