Nearly a month out of the powered armor, which I have come to call the "Herald" armor in light of who I am sure has orchestrated it's construction via my own intelligence. I have little proof of this of course, but if my suspicions are correct, it may have been attempting to change me into something resembling an enforcer or emissary for it.
[He frowns and furrows his brow considering the implications.]
My contact and source with SLRC tells me that the team are preparing to enter Earhart soon to recover the Dreamscape. A task fraught with dangers to be certain. However, if Brad manages to snatch the ship from the jaws of entropy, then he will have a treasure trove of not just information, but technologies that I have been working on for almost a decade. While I trust Brad with just about everything, including my very life, I don't trust others to have that kind of information or power. I fear I'm going to have to reveal myself to Brad before long--and I'm sure ensure a measured punishment from him in turn--just to ensure that the technology contained therein does not fall into anyone's hands but my own.
[He glances over to the Herald armor, hanging inside an enclosed and pressurized cabinet.]
A right mess you've made of things, Harbinger. Though with your nature, I am not surprised in the slightest.
[He looks sideways into the camera.]
I think it's time I stopped running and got back to work, don't you think?
I received a communication from Dante recently. He told me of an anomaly he discovered in the Omegas. He sent me a copy of the report which he sent to Brad. To both his and my surprise both, Brad never responded or bothered sending anyone out to investigate the anomaly he had discovered.
...so it falls to me to go investigate.
I don't have an army of researchers anymore, nor do I have the might of the SLRC fleet at my behest. All I have now is this small fighter. I followed the trail Dante left for me and arrived at the site to find the Darkhorse orbiting the anomaly some distance out.
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: Ah, Director. Welcome.
Crowley: [He chuckles.]
Crowley: Director? I long ago dropped that mantle when I became Crowley. Sailas is still missing, presumed dead, remember?
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: Well, our current Director doesn't uphold the mantle, it may as well fall to the original.
Crowley: What do you mean by that, Dante?
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: [He grows quiet, collecting his thoughts.]
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: You saw the copy of the report I sent Dr. Wright, yes?
Crowley: I did.
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: He never responded nor sent anyone to investigate.
Crowley: Odd. That isn't like him.
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: I agree. Normally a deviation in personality traits such as this leads to concern.
Crowley: I realize that you have experience in that field, Dante, but let's not jump to conclusions. He may simply be overwhelmed right now.
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: Regardless, sir, you are here and he is not. To me, that speaks volumes. In my mind, you are the de facto Director.
Crowley: [He chuckles again.]
Crowley: Whatever helps you. Is this the anomaly?
SLRC-PF>Darkhorse: D: Indeed, sir. I am sending over our scans.
Reviewing the data Dante sent over was...troubling. Most anomalies, such as the one near Ikarus, have phase variances which tend to keep them in some form of instability similar to that of a collapsed jump hole but with much more energy pumping out of them. This one however, is unique. It appears to be stable, much like that of a standard jump anomaly, often called jump holes. Instead of instability preventing a jump, however, this one has a naturally formed shield around its parameter--appearing as geometric shapes. Much of the scans were limited due to this natural barrier. What we got was only because of the Darkhorse's extended stay in proximity to the anomaly with continuous scans.
The fact that Brad failed to respond or even send anyone out to review this anomaly has me more concerned than I let on to Dante. I left the SLRC and Sirius as a whole to avoid being hunted by...whatever it was. Whatever it was though, appears to either have forgot about me or moved on. When I left, I had hoped Brad would be able to handle the reins of SLRC...perhaps I saddled him with too much?
Dante has provided me some tech: a set of powered amor that the Pathfinders use for operations. Compared to the Herald armor, it's rather clunky and outdated. Once I figure out what to copy from the Herald armor and what to avoid, I'll be able to upgrade all of the armor to much leaner tech. For now, it will serve the purpose of masking my identity once we depart the Omegas and return to Ikarus.
Looks like I'll be tagging along with everyone to Earhart after all.