' Wrote:There was something I was wondering about with these. Isn't any overt connection between the GMG and Dragons bad? Especially considering all the Dragon attacks on the DSE site in Hokkaido and all?
With that in mind, simplification would be a good thing. Taking a glance at things, it seems there's a whole bunch of complexity. Perhaps one step at a time?
I'd love to not see the Dragons out;)- but I figure with that fight being in a separate system and the only way they can join is if they've already defeated all the KNF/KSP (i.e. there are no cops left to see) that it's not really an overt/obvious thing.
I can see what you mean from the simplicity angle though - given the "half the team" didn't show results last time, are we confident that all of these factions will stay on top of this? Though, you must admit - it's gonna be frickin' awesome.
Oh yeah, and I'll show up this time:P
A strong empire begins with a firm foundation.
[|]Mazakatu_Nagumo - So-Honbucho, The Black Dragon Society.
To be sure, splitting up the GMG/Dragon forces is a means of solving the politics concerning GMG/Dragon interaction.
If the Dragons/GC prevail in Honshu, they can be said to be returning back through Okinawa - detect the battle and move in to seek bloody vengeance on their enemies.
One thing that needs to be considered in terms of numbers is that, due to some RP brain-explosions, the leader of the Ronin has dry-docked his squadron to get themselves sorted out. He signalled a minimum period of two weeks. How does this affect plans?
What about a time for this? I know that Markus of Kishiro expressed some reservations of a 1500 GMT time, making it midnight Australia time.
I am Australian and it doesnt bother me personally. I can set aside the time - it just has to be at a time when I will not be required to be at work!
If we can pull off a multi-system event successfully (ie: entertaining for all) - I would like to explore further options for strategic play in future events. For the meantime I can deal with a 'one step at a time' approach.
GMG will be sure to properly roleplay when (if) the Blood Dragons are victorious and come to assist the GMG. It won't be anything like "LUK OUR ALLIES HAVE ARRIVED!" ... it will be more like "Blood Dragons? Where did they come from?" "We can't fight them both at the same time!" Hopefully if the blood dragons come, it will be along the lines of "I smell the stench of batu! Let's get 'em!" (no "We"ve come to assist u gmg allies!" ) .
After all, at least on our side, only the higher ranked GMG are supposed to know about the agreement.
Time wise, GMG can probably get numbers at 1500 GMT, but we attempted two events at that time with [|] and they couldn't get the numbers either time. Unless they say otherwise, we should schedule at 2100-2200.
We are happy to wait a few weeks for the Ronin to get themselves sorted out. Let us know what date you would like the event scheduled for. Is the GMT 2100-2200 acceptable to the GMG, please let us know so that we can organize what we need to on our side.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
I am happy with Saturday 21-200 GMT, that makes it Sunday morning for me, no problems with getting up early I do it for work every day.
I spoke to Markus Janus of Kishiro. His reply was to the effect that his group had only a limited amount of play time available to them (hence we do not see them on too much).
He suggested we go ahead and plan the event as we please - but we cannot factor them into the events. A couple might or might not show up.
If they do show up I am sure we can slot them in somewhere...
Beauty, now we need to negotiate numbers. How much do you want in the initial battle in Okinawa, and how much do you want in the other two battles?
I can not speak for the Black Dragon Society as a whole, but I personally don't want any more than a 5 Vs 5 in the initial Okinawa battle. About the same for the other two battles, I would prefer it to be smaller numbers than 5 vs 5 in all places.
I will now begin discussions within the Hogosha as to the numbers we would wish to field, please do so with the GMG.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Ronin|Sen.Tsudo
Given our activity of the last few days, I would say we are un-grounded for the purposes of this event. Tzu, please feel free to contradict me.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
The Ronin should consider themselves in for this event.
So how does 2100 Saturday sound?
Is this Saturday too soon? if so let us make it for the next one.
We can easily generate 5 GMG for Okinawa, 5 Ronin for the Sigmas and 5 Dragons for Honshu.
To stagger the timing of the fights I would like to propose the following:
1) Hogosha/AFA/Corsairs move up through the Sigmas, split their forces when the Ronin appear. Half engage them and the other half move on.
2) The Dragons would want to intercept the invaders, but have to get past the KNF first. I would suggest this fight be between Yukawa Shipyard and Nansei Research Station, with the KNF undergoing some refitting at the Shipyard - and the Dragons coming in via the Chugoku hole.
3) This should allow the invaders the opportunity to slip into Okinawa unnoticed. Whatever forces survive the fights (except the KNF/KSP) can reinforce their respective sides in Okinawa.
Sign Toshiko Ugami (My Blood Dragon) Up for this event, although I feel its a bit odd that we have to whoop the Kusari State Police and Navy first, I doubt they would see it as an overt assist, as many of us exist soley to keep the Corsair Menace out of Kusari. Short story I think the BD should be scattered about a bit, it works either way, but hey your Event your rules.