I stated in an earlier thread of the same nature that I was taking advantage of the server crashes to get the guns, as I am sure that many others have done in the past. However, that does not mean that myself and my fellow code hunters attempt to crash the server intentionally. It simply makes us opportunists.
Hold on! I am a code hunter, and I don't even know how to crash the sever! Don't just go blameing the code huters for all the severs crashes.
Then we would have a Weapon store holocaust
So after taking a break for about a year I've decided to get back in to Disco. So yeah.
I don't think wreckcampers are crashing the server, some do abuse bugs to crash the server (like the gallian missions thing in the early betas of 4.85) but most are just opportunist. Still, to all wreck campers, I have to say you are a generally hated group by most people since of the OORP way many of you get your codies. (disconnecting in space then reconecting right when the server comes back up and redisconecting right after.
If people will go through the trouble to set their speed to 419, they'll go through the trouble to crash the server for some credits. It is done, that is without doubt. Whether it is done frequently, and whether it is easy, are both very good questions.
I can believe there are those with cheats to get these CODIES. Sorry guys and gals ... I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist on this matter. I do believe there are those using non-role play processes for getting these things and then selling them for ungodly amounts.
:DIndeed it is, we should make a group with the very objective to hunt these codes and mass destroy them in public right in the orbit of manhattan!!!! yeah!!! join the revolution!!!
ejem... now seriously, if this is done to get codes why dont you use it against them? everybody get a wreckcamper and get the codes before the campers do, prices of codes would drastically go down, since everybody have 1, aprt from that, unless there is evidence of someone doing it you cant tell they do it, but I think that maybe some nerd is actually doing it every now and then, but meh.... let him have MILLIONS!!!! of fake money:crazy:
boy cot em or get a terroistand duel torp em before they quickdock which should be considerd abuse in my book as weapondsdealers are by no means exempt from piracy