' Wrote:whenever someone posts a thread like this (It's not the first time either. People are always trying to tell others how they should RP) it feels like they're trying to stomp on my freedom to roleplay. We already have so many rules, if I sound hostile it's because I am. I'm sure I don't only speak for myself when I say we don't want a manditory rule saying everyone must carry crew members on large ships.
Would you like it if I made a thread asking to remove Crew Members as a commodity because I think it's useless and everyone should roleplay their crew instead of carrying them? Cause that's what I think. But I respect the way you want to Roleplay.
You have the option to do what you want in this situation. Don't remove my option to do what I want.
i understand you, but i am saying that you know you have nothing to worry about it, And being hostile to this person who tough or thinks that making crew will help wont help:)If you explain to him i am sure he will see it much better than making him feel stupid for what he thinks.
Yea i agree crew in cargo hold or not there is not a measure of RP.
I am just saying.. Dont attack him right away.. he might have good ideas in the future and be too afraid to post them:)
I agree with nighthawk. People don't live in my hold. That's silly.
Interestingly, when you attack an npc cargoship, as you blow off the cargopods, (the hold) you don't get the pilot. You -do- get an amount equal to the cargospace of the player-ship from the cargopods. Then, additionally, you get a pilot. hmmm....hmmm? hmmm. Crew/pilots are -not- counted as part of the npc cargoholds.
I'd suggest, if anything like this is accepted, that rather than requiring anything, when a ship blows up, it drops a pilot of the correct faction for the ID. Ships already drop scrap and hull panels and engine bits.
But I -don't- suggest even that, because I don't want to leave a trail of my characters in space, at the mercy of whomever, whenever I die. I tend to pretend that I escape from every encounter.
I -would- like to see crew used as a commodity in high demand on shipyards. Sold on Planets...just another link on a vibrant human cargo chain.
In my trader, I run with crew in my hold and they sleep beside some h-fuel, o2, and food as well as the cargo. I would enjoy having the game mechanics enforce the need for at least crew and fuel - fuel in particular - but last time this was raised most of the community was not in favour - which is okay.
I look at the hold as an extension of the whole ship, bridge, living quarters and everything.
EDIT: Crazy thoughts: capship, in battle - crew die when you take damage - the more crew dead the fewer weapons you can fire.
Proud member of "the most paranoid group of people in the community"
well i dont know about the last one cannon since its all computer based imo. Probably dont need more than 5-10 people to keep the ship combat ready, but to sustain it combat ready you need alot of people. but you dont do repairs mid combat. not those kind of repairs
but fuel idea would rock. draining itself slowly, not taking up cargo space but you have to land every once in a while to refuel. It would help keeping players in their ZOI
' Wrote:And why should I conform to your style of Roleplay? Personally I think one crew member on my ship is worth 100 in the Cargo Bay. I roleplay my crew being on my ships, I don't need some commodity sitting in my hold to symbolise them. That's what my imagination is for, that's what roleplay is for.
You Roleplay your way, and stop trying to stuff your way of doing it down my throat thank you very much. After all, this is a Roleplay server, and it's all about imagination. Mandatory roleplay rules like this is not encouraging Roleplay at all, it's constricting our roleplay further.
It's like when you're sitting in English and your teacher says "Okay class, today we're going to do creative writing. But you're not allowed to be creative, you have to write what we tell you."
Wow man take your Xanex and chill out. No one is forcing anything down your throat. I had an idea that I thought was cool and I posted it. I never said "DO THIS NOW ITS THE ONLY WAY" so calm down alright?
I mean its fine if you dont like it but don't slam me for posting an idea. Say "Sorry i dont think I would like that very much" or better yet maybe try and suggest something to fix what you dont like about the idea. Its suggestions, good ones and bad ones that make an independent mod come to life.
And as far as your creative writing remark goes.. What?? How does me suggesting an idea or lets say a theme that I like, if we stick to your analogy, equal me controlling every thing you do? I don't control anything. I'm a pee-on just like you. I'm talking about ideas in general, not outlining anything that will be written in stone.
In your statement you just told me my paper sucked because you don't like it. Don't try and act superior on me. We are in the same class.
The biggest problem with the idea is that it proposes a rule with next to no benefit to gameplay or RP. You can RP crew without having the commodity, and there's also the logical problem with having the crew in your ship's cargo bay.
Let those who want to use it do so, but don't force it on everyone. We don't need more rules, especially with such a miniscule benefit.
' Wrote:whenever someone posts a thread like this (It's not the first time either. People are always trying to tell others how they should RP) it feels like they're trying to stomp on my freedom to roleplay. We already have so many rules, if I sound hostile it's because I am. I'm sure I don't only speak for myself when I say we don't want a manditory rule saying everyone must carry crew members on large ships.
Would you like it if I made a thread asking to remove Crew Members as a commodity because I think it's useless and everyone should roleplay their crew instead of carrying them? Cause that's what I think. But I respect the way you want to Roleplay.
You have the option to do what you want in this situation. Don't remove my option to do what I want.
Would I like it? Meh probably not but I sure as hell would not come off as the amazing Mr. Freelancer who knows whats best. I'd say what I did and did not like about the idea and NOT attack the poster for trying to do something that he thought might make the game better.
You are allowed to disagree. But what happened to politeness and tact? Did you jettison them out with your cargo one day? I did not do anything at all to warrant that kind of a reply. I simply thought of something I thought was neat and posted a SUGGESTION. Your ideas are fine, why are mine not? we all have rules in the game. Its by defining those rules that we have fun in it.
I'm sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut in the future and you go on with your simulated rocket ship and superior attitude.