Gallia is too far removed and too isolationist for anyone outside of Sirius to really take notice of.
Essentially almost the entire server load of characters made before 4.85 won't have any interaction with Gallia.
Which effectively leads to it being a bit..dead.
The systems are effectively in their own bubble but we don't have enough players to sustain it properly 90% of the time. So you end up with empty systems and little interaction.
In terms of the Council getting in touch with forces in Sirius, no one has been allowed to play as the Official faction for the Council, so nothing like that can happen. Which also makes for the entire place seeming unfinished and the players unwelcome.
The reasons for Gallic ships and weapons remaining in Gallia make perfect sense.
For all factions: When a House that has been hidden from the rest of the Sirius Sector for CENTURIES suddenly is revealed, what do you think the first reaction to it would be? Suspicion. Fear. Gallia is a place the other Houses have very little information about. They have no idea how dangerous Gallia is. If I had to guess, the official governments would at least be unfriendly, if not openly hostile.
The Council: The Council are currently engaged in a brutal civil war. If they lose, they will die. They don't have time for exploring the rest of Sirius; they have to rely on the rest of Sirius coming to them, hopefully attracted by their cause. They are stretched thin as it is and divided between two systems - they can only really operate in Gallia.
The Gallic Brigands: The other Houses are surely monitoring the Orkney jump hole... they have enough unlawfuls to worry about, and would surely kill any pirates or raiders trying to escape.
The Maquis: The same as the Council, only the other Houses would probably kill terrorists on sight.
The Unione Corse: They don't want anything to do with Sirius, as stated in several news topics in Gallic bars. They fear other Sirius unlawful groups will move into their territory and disrupt their business. They're perfectly content in Gallia.
Any other Gallic factions: They retain a firm belief in isolationism and the fact that they believe the other Houses to be the cause of their sabotaged sleeper ship. They are loyal to the Crown and hate outsiders with a passion, regardless if they side with the Council or not. If they tried to leave, they'd by shot by the Council anyway.
So the factions of Gallia stay in Gallia, along with their respective weapons, just like other factions and their weapons remain in their respective zones of influence.
And the Council opened a gap in the minefield because they disagreed with the Royalist isolation policy, believing it to be bad for Gallia.
Unless people are allowed to mess with gallia (bringing ships out and interacting since there really is no council and the royalists are to isolationist) there is to be no point in it even being put in. With limited events allowing ships to leave (with the stipulation of no overpowered weaponry) you allow for Gallia to be a bit more out there to the general populace. Maybe it would make it less dead who knows? But as of now there is no point for it really to exist which is really sad....
This is why im pushing for some interaction and before the next patch. You think if you leave Gallia like this for a year or half year its gonna be fine when its eventaully opened up? I doubt it probably get a brief spike but forever remain dead. There should be no reason for Gallia to be this dead and cut off. Give her some interraction by not stifeling the players trying to bring some rp there by making them sanction bait!
If Gallic ships can't leave Gallia, why don't you just go to Gallia? And you're the one who claimed to be furious about Gallic RP... it sounds like you don't respect Gallic RP at all. Igiss and the development crew worked hard on Gallia and I'm sure the next update will be even better - just because you don't like the RP doesn't mean the whole thing is rubbish.
First and third posts sounds more like whine without Gallic RP story read. Please stop be: "Why cant i have *cries* *cries* and read Gallic story. If you are real RPer you will understand. Therefor this topic belongs to Flood, for similar threads were already posted....
Carnage itself flying within void... Proud cardihead ever since 2008...
You all gonna eat cardi!
' Wrote:First and third posts sounds more like whine without Gallic RP story read. Please stop be: "Why cant i have *cries* *cries* and read Gallic story. If you are real RPer you will understand. Therefor this topic belongs to Flood, for similar threads were already posted....
Final post here since its doing a whole lot of good.
First maybe it is a whine, but Really? I have read the story and there are definetly ways of getting stuff out of there and it would open up rp that it really lacks. Also I have been up in Gallia quite a bit. Only twice has there ever been anyone else there that were rpers and not just people looking around, so say what you will but I have been in Gallia almost everyother day I play since I joined this game.
Whatever last post, I just feel that there is so much potential and its rotting up there.
' Wrote:In terms of the Council getting in touch with forces in Sirius, no one has been allowed to play as the Official faction for the Council, so nothing like that can happen. Which also makes for the entire place seeming unfinished and the players unwelcome.
The GRN player group will stay unofficial until the next mod version as well, yet we have established ourselves, expanded our own RP from the Gallic lore and are very happy to interact with both Sirians and Gallians, thank you. If you want the Council to get in touch with the forces of Sirius, go join a Council player group or create your own and do that, I'm sure the dev team will take your RP into consideration when making updates to Gallia if it's well executed and established. Don't complain when you can do something instead;).
Salorn has a point, Gallia is going to waste.
It has huge potential but since 99% of the server doesn't interact with it, there's very very very very little chance of most of it being seen or developed on.
You mention how the Gallic Royalty should be having spies and stuff in Sirius? THat's what the Junkers are: Gallic spies. They've been secretly confiscating technology from the Sirius Sector for the Gallic Royalty in an attempt to make superior military arms to take over the Sirius sector.
To my knowledge, no other faction in Sirius has any sort of Junker-like organization working for them, so it seems RP-improbable for anything in Gallia to leave Gallia (it's like Vegas). Anyone else who tries to steal technology is either going to be killed by the GRN for being a spy, killed by one of the houses for carrying contraband, or sanctioned by other players for seeking an unfair weapons advantage.
That being set, I'm sure extreme cases can be overlooked if you post an RP in the "special RP" section and get it approved, although I'm betting that everyone will still shoot at you for trying to take Gallic stuff out of Gallia.
Quote:The GRN player group will stay unofficial until the next mod version as well, yet we have established ourselves, expanded our own RP from the Gallic lore and are very happy to interact with both Sirians and Gallians, thank you. If you want the Council to get in touch with the forces of Sirius, go join a Council player group or create your own and do that, I'm sure the dev team will take your RP into consideration when making updates to Gallia if it's well executed and established. Don't complain when you can do something instead .
I'm part of the Southern Council command group:P
We have worked out deals and interacted with the neighbouring forces in Sirius (With much flak coming our way, even when we stated we didn't speak for the entirety of the Council). We have our own RP developed and hopefully more to come but it just seems that the players in Gallia are being given a really tasty sweet and then told they can't eat it.