As for, "develop large scale or not"... After a while, maybe a month or two, make a faction for this depending on whether the feedback is positive, or not.
Nice to see many people think its a good idea, about starting a faction on this, I am unsure, I believe at some stage during its development I could implement a 'Hostile' pirating faction (Alot harder though, unofficial maybe) but might be too similar to a 'Phantom' perhaps? Who knows but thanks for the thumbs up! (Y)
Using a Redemption or Dunkirk to pirate? By converting it out of a slave liner?
Not really, no.
The Valor/Redemption is not "a French battleship". It is not a generic ship that can be interpreted in multiple ways, like you might do with a Pirate Transport or Slave Liner. It is a top of the line battleship, amongst the most powerful strategic weapons ever seen. Even if you used it to "represent" a "French battleship", people would still see it and wonder when exactly the Royal Navy beat Council out of Languedoc. A Dunkirk wandering around is also a bit sketchy- it's not a generic Bretonian battleship, it's a top-of-the-line warship. You can't just build those things... unless you kidnapped a shipyard, anyway. (Like, picked the station up, with all the people onboard, and made off with it. Yaharr, me mateys...)
Also note that there are some 4-5 battleships with terrorist rights to them. Offhand, they are
The Harbinger, Nomad mothership
The Mammetum, Nomad battleship
The Hellbound, Phantom Osiris
The Vulcan, Phantom Osiris (though I can't say I've ever seen it)
The Necrosis, Mon'Star's flagship (not a battleship, but a seriously pimped battlecruiser)
These people put lots of work into earning those. Years of it. Getting a terrorist battleship is not exactly something that happens very often. Don't even put it in your itinerary for another year or so.
Plus, it's not like the Slave Liner is weak, really... put a bunch of type 1s and 2s on it and you can obliterate gunboats and transports that don't get out of dodge fast enough. With a few wingmates (like the Buccaneers) you could take down a convoy without much trouble, and make cruisers fear you too. Plus, where are you going to store all that loot on a battleship?
If Phate got his reputation in a fighter, you can do it without a battleship. Pirating isn't that hard if you know what you're doing and learn to play the most out of your reputation and other resources (like having people in ambush down the lane).
Talk to the Buccaneers and get yourself a Pirate Transport. The thing's pretty sweet, really, and it looks like a pirate ship.
My other recommendation to you is to not get carried away with the story- take the essence and spirit out of it, not the details. Just because Blackbeard used an upconverted slave ship doesn't mean you have to. What he had was an awesome pirate ship and a fearsome reputation- translate that into FL rather than the words "slave" and "battleship". Start out within normal bounds, and see what you can do. I guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised. Don't get too far ahead of yourself until you've started actually doing stuff.
Indeed, I completely understand that and all the work people put it to get it, my main idea was to base it upon Blackbeard thus being alone. He had no allies really, just himself, ship and crew... Now there are many ways to go abouts getting a Dunkirk or Redemption through RP besides 'converting' it. You also stated Phate got his reputation in a fighter, indeed, hes alligned with the Lane Hackers though, my Roleplay was going to be based more around solo play, maybe being allied with the Buccaneers. I could try the Slave Liner or Pirate Transport etc. but -eventually, if my RP develops to the stage doing it well- It needs something with intense firepower, as was his ship IRL. Obviously I am changing it to fit with discovery universe and develop my own sides to it but its mainly on real life events implemented and adjusted.
Thing which made me dislike the slave liner was it was a big target, not as tough as some ships on hull and well firepower I guess its not too bad but ye.
Thanks for the feedback though, made me give some thought on my RP development.
Bump: Had suggestions which I could take, Slave Liner SRP request for pirating to develop towards a Obstinate Council Cruiser maybe at some point during the RP and from there develop further if necessary perhaps...