Kress: that angle-shade female in the background. Perfect choice perfect transparency.
only one prob: maybe the fire-hell coloured sun is not too angelic It feels a little- dark-angel stuff... tried in blue or golden? I think it would be a lot more ..angelic...
Otherwise its a great Pic n sig. *claps*
Well yeah, since the background wasn't done by me, I haven't figured out how to change the planet's effect there yet. On the other hand, I tried applying a different setting this time.
One last edit, I think I'm done with this. The first one well, if there is any chance to alter the planet there I might have a look at it. I'm just tired now though.
' Wrote:One last edit, I think I'm done with this. The first one well, if there is any chance to alter the planet there I might have a look at it. I'm just tired now though.
Nice job!
I think if you work in some linear dodge on the border or on the logo, that would be cool- thats what I do for everything. =P