' Wrote:Why is the BPA in Dublin trying to stop Mollys when there is an entire enemy house threatening to end their existence in possibly their most important system?
If ya have noticed, most of the piracy that Mollys do in Dublin is against Kusarian miners. That, coupled with the fact that the BAF and MR tend to avoid fighting each other, means that the BPA are trying to get new enemies, make their sitation worse and make Bretonia's chances of surviving even slimmer.
I mean, the Mollys helped defend Bretonia and often focus on Kusarian miners, not Bretonian ones.
You are hunting down the enemy of your enemy..for no reason.
Quote:The BPA is a lawful, police faction, with certain distinct differences with the lawful, Bretonia Armed Forces (BAF) faction.
Unlike the BAF, which is aggressively dedicated to the defense of Bretonia from external powers, such as the Kusari Naval Forces, the BPA is not interested in such matters. In fact, pursuing these matters is completely out of it's jurisdiction. The BPA is dedicated to the defense of Bretonia from within. The primary concern is that Bretonia does not break down from rampant crime within while the nation is subjected to multiple attacks every day from Kusarianese Forces.
That's from the wiki. It's the BAF's job to handle Kusarianese forces. With the Tau War in swing, the BPA must handle the Bretonian internal criminals such as the Gaians, Buccaneers and Mollys. These two roles shouldn't clash. This is why the BAF and the MR have ceased fighting each-other; the BAF are now too busy with Kusari to be taking on Bretonian pirates as well.
As for Mollys 'fighting for Bretonia' by pirating Kusari miners, it's only contradicted when BMM transports and independant miners are also pirated. As apparent as it is that Mollys and Bretonians alike hate Kusari, it's not as if the BPA/BAF and the Mollys are going to ally any time soon, if ever. Mollys are criminals, and the BPA are police. Let's keep that in mind.
Quote:Innnnn any case, the Mollys are in the final stages of pushing the Bretonians out of New London, we just need to get the Kusari fleet to do the job and then blow themselves up.
Precisely why the BPA may be seeking military strength. With the BAF now countering Kusari forces, Bretonian defence now relies on the BPA. Dublin is a pirate heaven at the minute with only miners and pirates within the system these days, and Cambridge is under attack from Corsairs, Gaians and even the Wild. Leeds is in a peculiar balance, with Kusari assaults and pirates taking advantage of the situation.
Bretonia's on the brink of losing a war. Chaos is looming and pirating's gonna vamp up in the confusion. The military are busy enough as it is. You can't blame the BPA for needing a minor upgrade in a time like this.
As for a battleship assault against Arranmore, we're talking about the BPA here. They don't have the strength nor number to take down a base that size or strength and it's highly unlikely that's going to happen either. Just as how the Liberty Navy now know where the Liberty Rogues' Alcatraz base is thanks to the investigation into the disappearance of Countess Tarrant, sooner or later, pirate bases get located. Hear-say gets passed around. It's not as if they're going to be deleted, it's not as if they're going to be assaulted. Besides. No-one knows what pirates have got under their belt. I doubt the BPA'd take the risk finding out.
Quote:I would also prefer less ganks in Bretonia on my Mollies, and I have little faith that any factions are capable of attacking Mollies and avoiding this. Having a police assault force hunting pirates and "scum" in Dublin isn't my idea of "fun." Dublin isn't fun anymore, if anyone has cared to notice. It's a hole of crap with the mining mod, bereft of good roleplay for the major part. This move by the BPA would certainly NOT help the situation.
You've got a system where house authority's at an all time low. You've already noted the lack of BAF figures in the system these days. You've got pirates raining in from outside Bretonia teaming up with the Mollys, and the miners have little else to call on besides themselves and the rare BAF officer to assist them. A small opposition wants to step in and riffle a few feathers. A few Hussars, a bomber or two and maybe one gunboat. You're saying that's threatening Molly presence in Dublin?
Let's just put this into perspective a little. This is no "major movement". With the BPA's activity at an all-time low, you can't blame them now they've got something to get worked up over. But it's no military force. It's a small police squad. You've got almost every Molly in the server based in Dublin. What's REALLY going to happen here?
Er, yeah...
1. Rogues chose to allow the LN to know the location of a bunch of their bases, ask Del.
2. Your locating Arranmore is both OoRP and powergaming. (Seriously, a cop couldn't survive getting that close within RP.)
3. BPA NEVER touched Dublin within Vanilla Roleplay. Mollies just want Dublin, not the rest of Bretonia. And Dublin is consequently a very unpleasant place for any lawfuls, in RP.
Let's just forget RPing like policemen.
Let's just go for the PvP, that'll bring activity up.
' Wrote:Let's just put this into perspective a little. This is no "major movement". With the BPA's activity at an all-time low, you can't blame them now they've got something to get worked up over. But it's no military force. It's a small police squad. You've got almost every Molly in the server based in Dublin. What's REALLY going to happen here?
Hey, you could have some Bounty Hunters come along?
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
I should note at this time that I was being sarcastic in my comment regarding New London.
If the BPA want to try push the Mollys out of Dublin, we'll just move in elsewhere.
You haven't managed it before, when at peace, and the situation got worse infact. So why would you manage it now? When your entire house is at war and is dangerously close to losing?
The BPA should be on it's last legs at this stage with more resources going to the front than the homefront.
How could they suddenly manage to un-do the stalemate that has existed in Dublin, when the BAF were involved and Bretonia was at peace, without severely compromising their positions elsewhere, all with less resources and manpower than they had in the past?
' Wrote:Er, yeah...
1. Rogues chose to allow the LN to know the location of a bunch of their bases, ask Del.
2. Your locating Arranmore is both OoRP and powergaming. (Seriously, a cop couldn't survive getting that close within RP.)
3. BPA NEVER touched Dublin within Vanilla Roleplay. Mollies just want Dublin, not the rest of Bretonia. And Dublin is consequently a very unpleasant place for any lawfuls, in RP.
Let's just forget RPing like policemen.
Let's just go for the PvP, that'll bring activity up.
Alright, I'll admit, the exact location of Arranmore is a little unfair. Really, the only reason I included it in my report is because it was already on my map of Dublin, and I couldn't erase it. Taking your point into account, I will edit my report to remove the location of Arranmore. I want this to be interesting for both sides, and now looking at it from your perspective, revealing Arranmore was past the line. Apologies for that.
Quote:Hey, you could have some Bounty Hunters come along?
Whilst I doubt Bretonia have the resources to pay the wages for a BH/BPA force, you're in charge of the BH. You're more knowledgeable of what the BH would do than I am.
Quote:How could they suddenly manage to un-do the stalemate that has existed in Dublin, when the BAF were involved and Bretonia was at peace, without severely compromising their positions elsewhere, all with less resources and manpower than they had in the past?
They couldn't. Exactly. Bretonia could collapse at any moment from any side. From what it looks like, it's a last ditch effort to regain some stability. I doubt it's gonna succeed, if you weigh other influences.
I don't believe that the "hunting of scum" was mentioned. The BPA simply wish to step up activity in Dublin due to rampant piracy and present a force that will discourage the incredible amount of smugglers, Samura Miners and lolwuts that invade almost daily.
OORP we have no wish to banish the Mollys from the system and in RP it is not on our agenda. However, instilling a little bit of respect for our faction can do no harm.
I can understand your concern over the BPA getting some more ships, after encountering nothing but the occasional, poorly armed, Hussar Light fighter for a long time I'm sure the prospect of a few bombers in our ranks fills you with the terror of conquest and destruction.
If this small step in evening the odds aggravates you this much, then I suggest you try flying a Wolfhound in the Liberty Rogue faction. Some time spent being missile spammed by three LPI cruisers would, I'm sure, help you to realize that the BPA are not becoming a military force.
As a law enforcing authority it is the duty of the Bretonian Police to prevent against smuggling and piracy, illegal mining and the like. Dublin has been problematic for too long and with a change in command it was decided that increased patrols in the Cambridge System and a bolstered force free to roam in Dublin would solve a lot of problems.
There is no engraved role-play, we are understaffed and underequipped but the BPA is very capable. We are not concerned with assisting in the war.
As Blitzy so admirably said, the BPA is dedicated to protecting Bretonia from the inside.
Surprisingly this includes Mollys.
I would also like to point out that this is the DISCOVERY MOD, not VANILLA; the storyline changes and progresses.
Just because you are in the Mollys does not give you the right to complain about the strengthening of a weaker force of a hostile affiliation.
Also, I would prefer it if you didn't metagame any more Sprolf.
Yes I did see your name reading our Message dumps and communications (I seem to remember the word 'ENCRYPTED' appearing in the title).
Now if you still have concerns we will listen to them, however it sounds like pathetic whining to me.
sprolf isent metagaming incindre, if this was roleplay post, then it would be metagaming, but its not. metagaiming is using player knowledge as character knowledge.
Now, one could easily throw the accusation of powergaming at the BPA's players for locating arranmore without the molly republics approval. but, i think that that got resolved (?) so i think the labeling can stop.
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
I love the comment that MR only robs/harrasses Kusari miners. My Miner is BMM,and everytime i am on,the MR come looking to rob me,and/or kill me. So i say bring in the whole BPA. In fact,i think i will make a Bretonia police char. Been wondering what my next char should be.
Depends all on your view of police. Look at most american police departments and they operate more along the lines of a para-military group rather then a law enforcement agency. NYPD and LAPD for example. I see nothing wrong with the BPA. Keep up the good work.