This is the position of the Bounty Hunters Guild Core. While house hunters are a subsidiary of our entire organization, they do not and will not be taking part in any of these activities - should they actually need to occur in the first place. This is strictly a Guild Core matter.
For that matter, if your organizations are as bereft of solitary leadership as has been suggested, certain individual negotiations may be entered upon. Keep that in mind.
Mr. Coen -
It appears that, unfortunately, facts have once again proven to be your undoing. Our supply forces, while peacefully transiting Omicron-74, have been accosted by Order units of the TCG variety that were basing and staging out of Freeport 15. This during your supposed enclave. These Order forces were even staging full scale combat maneuvers near your precious Freeport. That makes them not just your allies, but opens up all of Omicron-74 to us for operations as well. Keep that in mind.
You state that you cannot defend against them if they choose to attack you, for not housing them. Are you capable of defending against us, for choosing to do so? It seems that your vaunted neutrality is simply a myth that is either negotiable or transitory, depending upon circumstances which suit you. That is fine, as far as it goes. Would it not make more sense to simply tell both parties that staging from your facilities is unacceptable, and avoid needless bloodshed?
Or are you talking out both sides of your mouth, as Mr. Ophelia appears to do so well? You cannot have it both ways any longer. No longer with the Guild Core simply turn the other cheek. As I stated originally, you have acted in this way for whatever reason of your own. So be it. Change now, or face the lethal consequences of your decisions.
Mr. Pirx -
I agree that this is a dangerous situation. I suggest and recommend that you utilize your diplomatic and negotiating skills to convince your peers to see reason. They are, at best, militia trained civilians. We have a true military force. Who do you honestly think will come out victorious?
82 hours remain.
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
It appears that, unfortunately, facts have once again proven to be your undoing. Our supply forces, while peacefully transiting Omicron-74, have been accosted by Order units of the TCG variety that were basing and staging out of Freeport 15. This during your supposed enclave. These Order forces were even staging full scale combat maneuvers near your precious Freeport. That makes them not just your allies, but opens up all of Omicron-74 to us for operations as well. Keep that in mind.
You state that you cannot defend against them if they choose to attack you, for not housing them. Are you capable of defending against us, for choosing to do so? It seems that your vaunted neutrality is simply a myth that is either negotiable or transitory, depending upon circumstances which suit you. That is fine, as far as it goes. Would it not make more sense to simply tell both parties that staging from your facilities is unacceptable, and avoid needless bloodshed?
Or are you talking out both sides of your mouth, as Mr. Ophelia appears to do so well? You cannot have it both ways any longer. No longer with the Guild Core simply turn the other cheek. As I stated originally, you have acted in this way for whatever reason of your own. So be it. Change now, or face the lethal consequences of your decisions.
82 hours remain.
---End Transmission---
Our enclave is on our more secure stations, not Freeport XV. I myself was part of the enclave up until a short period ago, at which point, to put it bluntly, I was expelled with a list of orders.
As I am currently a topic of conversation of a certain nature, as per our constitution, the enclave paused as it were, for me to vacate it.
As such, the Zoners Trading Consortium, especially our leadership has had no idea of any ships passing through Omicron 74 for some period of time. That, and our guards have not been up to the task, due to the dramatic loss of brethren we suffered. I believe they have simply been moping and not protecting or advising anyone that Omicron 74 is closed.
I will endeavour to clear any lingering parties from Omicron 74. A transmission will be sent in 24 hours or so.
As I said earlier, banning The Order from our stations will result in retribution. We cannot defend against them. I also wish to stress that regardless of words, you cannot protect us from their retribution. That, and them docking there inconveniences us little since they do not threaten to shoot us every now and again for the action of a few of our misguided brethren. They also pay for fuel and supplies. Helps run the Freeport.
Also, a mouth has only one opening. As far as I am aware, humans follow this tradition quite well. It would be most troublesome for it to have two openings.
I hope this clarifies the events so far.
-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.
Mr. Coen, while I do not wish to dabble in the internal politics of the ZTC, I must ask as to whether or not you have attempted to contact the Order about their stance on the matter instead of conjecturing to a conclusion that I see as unsupported.
Perhaps The Order would take offense, but you must realize that the future of a station you claim domain over does indeed hang in the balance. Speaking from experience with Freeport 9, you do not want to see how far this route goes.
Perhaps Director DeVirgo would be willing to listen to a compromise - to restrict both Order and Core vessels from staging off of Freeports 11 and 15, perhaps. This is merely a suggestion as to a probable course given a particular response from the Order. There may be other ways to appease both parties. I do, however, implore you to attempt to contact those who command the forces who were present at the incident at Freeport 11, Mr. Coen. They must come to the understanding that the well-being of all the citizens on 11 and 15 hang in the balance.
While having a diplomatic stance dictated by an outside party is inappropriate, we learned at both 1 and 9 that as Zoners, firepower never did us any good. They say history repeats itself, but do not let it happen again so soon.
' Wrote:> CommID: Gheis Mace
> Origin: En Route to Freeport 14
Mr. Coen, while I do not wish to dabble in the internal politics of the ZTC, I must ask as to whether or not you have attempted to contact the Order about their stance on the matter instead of conjecturing to a conclusion that I see as unsupported.
Perhaps The Order would take offense, but you must realize that the future of a station you claim domain over does indeed hang in the balance. Speaking from experience with Freeport 9, you do not want to see how far this route goes.
Perhaps Director DeVirgo would be willing to listen to a compromise - to restrict both Order and Core vessels from staging off of Freeports 11 and 15, perhaps. This is merely a suggestion as to a probable course given a particular response from the Order. There may be other ways to appease both parties. I do, however, implore you to attempt to contact those who command the forces who were present at the incident at Freeport 11, Mr. Coen. They must come to the understanding that the well-being of all the citizens on 11 and 15 hang in the balance.
While having a diplomatic stance dictated by an outside party is inappropriate, we learned at both 1 and 9 that as Zoners, firepower never did us any good. They say history repeats itself, but do not let it happen so soon.
> End Transmission
Greetings Gheis Mace,
As much as you would wish not to, you just did. Quite a predicament right? That may be why the Zoners tend to stay out of other's business when it does not affect us.
Personally, I am hoping that all parties understand that the Freeport is for all. Otherwise, it is not much of a Freeport.
As for communicating with The Order, or anyone else as I said, we have been in quite a blackout. The only reason I am responding to this, is because my orders stand at protecting Zoner assets. I should attempt to contact them soon regardless, but even then, I suspect another member of the diplomacy department is already engaging them in talks, and trying, and failing to negotiate with them.
I see no reason as to why both the Core and The Order cannot dock on Freeport 11, have a drink, fly a bit away, and kill each other. If the Bounty Hunters Guild Core do not wish for this, then they do not have to dock with the Freeport.
Either way, our hospitality is there and equal.
-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.
' Wrote:This is the position of the Bounty Hunters Guild Core. While house hunters are a subsidiary of our entire organization, they do not and will not be taking part in any of these activities - should they actually need to occur in the first place. This is strictly a Guild Core matter.
Doubtless, should these 'activities' take place, we over here will strive to our utmost to appreciate the distinction.
' Wrote:Mr. Pirx -
I agree that this is a dangerous situation. I suggest and recommend that you utilize your diplomatic and negotiating skills to convince your peers to see reason. They are, at best, militia trained civilians. We have a true military force. Who do you honestly think will come out victorious?
You are right, Sir. Zoners aren't military force. There are a few loose groups, which are able to run the long-standing guerrilla warfare, but not to lead the hot war. You should and so understand, that we aren't able to enforce any bans, especially towards factions having regular military forces at their disposal.
So what that I am at present only voice of Freeport 5, I don't have any influence on remaining residents, not mention strangers. If I would ban dockings of anyone, I am not able to enforce it. What can I do, if the warship of size of this station would want docking. I can pray only that it wouldn't damage the station.
Our bartender can refuse to serve a drink for the customer, but what he will do, if the customer will aim the weapon at him?
Rules constituted by us are only then effective if all sides respect them. Therefore if you want, that any warships doesn't dock to Freeports, you must yourself conclude such agreement between all involved sides. We Zoners can mediate between sides and we will respect such agreement with pleasure. At least I guess so.
I am afraid that nobody will be able to meet your conditions. Not because one doesn't want, but because one isn't able. It concerns all factions demanding some action from Zoners.
Of course some people will state that they can set and enforce the rules, but trust me it didn't work in the past and it won't work in the future. All current troubles we have because people thought that Zoners are the power who can ruling over giants.
Thank you for your co-operation and understanding in this matter. Now if you would simply issue that little decree regarding your station that I mentioned ... well, at least some of us would be able to sleep more soundly at during the night rest cycles.
Mr. Pirx -
It appears that Mr. Coen is being obfuscatory even with you, based upon the transmissions he has made on this channel. You see... or perhaps you don't see, if you yourself tend to stay in Omega-41, and never venture further into the void.
One of your greatest strengths - and greatest weaknesses - as Zoners has been your championship of individual freedoms and rights. This has served you well over the years, as you have all been each individually responsible for your own actions. But it has also hurt you, as many others in Sirius that are part of organizations such as ours seek recompense and justice, for when one Zoner wrongs us, we do tend to blur the fine line of distinction between one individual, and the whole that this one person represents.
A perfect example is Doctor Holliday, and his lovely wife, Midori. Due to his fine understanding of the nuances of diplomacy, he has served his [TAZ] well over the years, and with that, done an excellent job of representing you Zoners as a whole. However, since he is no longer operating out here, it does appear that there is no one actually willing to accept or claim responsibility for Zoner actions in the Omicrons now. A pity, really, as countless innocents may be forced to pay for the indiscretions and inability to accept responsibility of a few.
But, hey, that's part of your own freedom, after all.
Mr. Coen -
I'm somewhere between peeved, irritated, and completely befuddled by your inability to comprehend simple things. How did you manage to be in charge of security when you fail to see this security breach that is right in front of your very eyes?
Your comment that you see "why Core and The Order cannot dock on Freeport 11, have a drink, fly a bit away, and kill each other" shows that you lack basic comprehension of what I've been saying all along. Perhaps you should consider retirement, as you are obviously suffering from some form of mental defect preventing comprehension. Or did you not read what Mr. Pirx wrote?
"to restrict both Order and Core vessels from staging off of Freeports 11 and 15"
You're already doing that for our vessels. We dock there, conduct our business, and we leave. That is what we wish, simple equality and true neutrality. That is what we desire. That is justice, and is what we DEMAND!
80 hours remain
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
I have indeed yet to dabble in the internal politics of the ZTC. I haven't questioned why you were in enclave, or why your group has refused to take responsibility or charge for any of its actions over the past weeks.
What I have done is comment on your handling of a matter that does very much concern me, as does it all of the Zoners of the Omicrons. I am currently near Freeport 9 assisting with business while the talks with the Corsairs Elder continue. Freeport 15 and Omicron-74 is no more than a jump away. This makes it very much our business, and I refuse to pay for your mistakes yet again.
I suggest you contact the Order soon, or I shall take it upon myself. I'm tired of conjecture or guesswork. If you're so worried about their response to the matter, then lets get them involved, and maybe we can figure out something that benefits us.
In case you haven't noticed, we went through all these motions not long ago with the Guild. While hostilities ceased, I don't think either side has forgotten how terrible the situation could have turned out. What you've done here is resume where we left off, and you've picked back up the same dance. The clear message is that the current way things are is not okay with the Hunters, who we do share Delta with. If we want to keep Freeport 11 safe, then special steps will need to be taken.
- Director DeVirgo,
Do understand that the rationale of the ZTC, as I'm sure you can tell, is not shared amongst all. If possible, might we have a transcript of the communications where your parties were denied docking rights regarding this situation? I think it would be in the best interest of all involved that we see some cold fact instead of going back and forth on claims and accusations.
I extend the same request to all who were present at the Freeport, if you have anything relevant to add. As they say, there are three sides to every story: What you said, what he said, and what really happened.
Guildmaster nice to talk to you the first time, i only saw what you wrote in the first place, i don't care what others said and you said to then. I never denied BHG ships to dock on FP11, even when you made that mistake on shooting us and you had a week of punish (//i can't write the word i really want, sorry for my bad english), i leted bounty hunters ships to dock, except BHG Core tags one but also didn't saw any one. Some your hunters know me and may even remind me on a small Conference between Makos and Osiris imposing to all the NFZ. ALL. I already shot an Order cruiser, not destroy, by not obeying the NFZ by shooting some of those aces.
FP11 for me now is just a base, a piece of floating metal. But that piece of floating metal is the dream and hope for many zoners... now not too many, only 80 because most went to Gran Canaria, because FP11 hasn't safe. So while there is just even one zoner there i will defend it against all... really all. I don't care if they are Nomads, B Hunters, Order or even Zoners .. i once order a Zoner Corvo to leave the NFZ and i was on my Conference.
So ... i don't have any authority but for me ... everyone ... really everyone that comes in peace and is not hostile to us is welcome. That is why it is a Freeport. Free for all ... except nomads and some morons.
So Guildmaster if you say that you can't land on our bases i prove you are wrong and invite you to visit FP11, and have a drink on the bar with me.
I'm somewhere between peeved, irritated, and completely befuddled by your inability to comprehend simple things. How did you manage to be in charge of security when you fail to see this security breach that is right in front of your very eyes?
Your comment that you see "why Core and The Order cannot dock on Freeport 11, have a drink, fly a bit away, and kill each other" shows that you lack basic comprehension of what I've been saying all along. Perhaps you should consider retirement, as you are obviously suffering from some form of mental defect preventing comprehension. Or did you not read what Mr. Pirx wrote?
"to restrict both Order and Core vessels from staging off of Freeports 11 and 15"
You're already doing that for our vessels. We dock there, conduct our business, and we leave. That is what we wish, simple equality and true neutrality. That is what we desire. That is justice, and is what we DEMAND!
80 hours remain
---End Transmission---
Forgive me. It sounds as if you were peaceful with The Order for a second. When you launch off Freeport 11 you will not kill The Order ever again? Of course you will. You are in some sort of war with them. The Order in return will of course shoot you whenever they have the chance.
I am not restricting your vessels Mr DeVirgo. That "shows that you lack basic comprehension of what I've been saying all along. Perhaps you should consider retirement, as you are obviously suffering from some form of mental defect preventing comprehension."
As it stands, no vessel except a Zoner one may base off Freport XV. As it stands any vessel may use the facilities on Freeport 11 to refuel and restock on basic supplies. This is equal for both The Order and the Core.
You seem to be complaining of the Core not given equal rights, so what right are you missing? Let us know this, in simple language, and not intermixed with the insults you keep handing out.
-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.
' Wrote:- Mr. Coen,
I have indeed yet to dabble in the internal politics of the ZTC. I haven't questioned why you were in enclave, or why your group has refused to take responsibility or charge for any of its actions over the past weeks.
What I have done is comment on your handling of a matter that does very much concern me, as does it all of the Zoners of the Omicrons. I am currently near Freeport 9 assisting with business while the talks with the Corsairs Elder continue. Freeport 15 and Omicron-74 is no more than a jump away. This makes it very much our business, and I refuse to pay for your mistakes yet again.
I suggest you contact the Order soon, or I shall take it upon myself. I'm tired of conjecture or guesswork. If you're so worried about their response to the matter, then lets get them involved, and maybe we can figure out something that benefits us.
In case you haven't noticed, we went through all these motions not long ago with the Guild. While hostilities ceased, I don't think either side has forgotten how terrible the situation could have turned out. What you've done here is resume where we left off, and you've picked back up the same dance. The clear message is that the current way things are is not okay with the Hunters, who we do share Delta with. If we want to keep Freeport 11 safe, then special steps will need to be taken.
I daresay the numerous bodies of dead brethren may explain why we are in mourning Mr Mace.
Freeport XV and Omicron 74 is really quite little of your concern, to be honest.
I already am in talks with The Order, however, feel free to contact them yourself.
Right. Thank you for the information.
-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.