So the possibilty of ganking defenseless transports and collectors is not totally lost.
You know... Posts like this actually makes me sad.
If you have problem with getting shot at in your 'defenseless transports', then why do you escort S-Liners in P-Transes and then Q_Q about how a pvpwhore is ruining your gameplay when a merc pops up and decides to collect? I'm not gonna talk about how silly it looks to see a transport escorting a transport, just gonna settle with this much: It's your own fault.
Collector sucks? Use any of the civi VHFs... Or even better, learn to fly a double-razor Recycler.
Now let me tell you about the other side of the story: Shooting cap-armored transports in a fighter is effing boring (I hope that expresses the feeling clear enough), so there's a Merc shooting you in his fighter and you're the oh-so-helpless-QQ transport? Why don't you start flying fighters then? That way it'll be more fun for both sides. So maybe it's actually Your fault more than anyone else, no? But you Q_Q on every occasion possible and try to look innocent and saint. What are those mercs you Q_Q about doing but playing their role? Maybe the only problem here is that You make things too easy for them with flying 'defenseless transports'.
Earlier today, I had a little chat with a member of .:j:. in Conn, after that short chat I figured I can just remake my Merc's Behemoth to hunt .:j:. down, because after all if you guys suck in fighter pvp (It's not my word, it's what the .:j:. member said) I can be nice enough to come there in a Trans to give you a higher chance and let both sides have fun...
But to be totally honest, Snooz, posts like yours makes me want to remake that same char's bomber instead. That's how sad your post makes me.
Maybe stop this neverending useless Q_Qing that makes you look like more of a hypocrite than anything else and start playing the actual game?