1. Which half-hrrows design do you like the best (half-arrows on one line or one under another) ?
2. That little explanation about colors made it easier for me. I will work on colors and brightness.
Here is what I came up with. I think it suits the "Dark, murky and underground atmosphere" you described. I toned down the box around RepEx, but I left the letters the way they were. Something, in this case the name, has to catch the eyes of a person, who is looking at the sig. So, you can think of if a a neon sign in a dark city block of a futuristic city.
Another thing I did, is I changed the glow around the name to a gradient, it should take down the weight of the sig. I strongly think that the border is needed, otherwise the lettering would look "slapped on".
I took the liberty of changing the colors of the logo, underneath the main design, to a less bright color gammut. The dark blue-light blue color scheme does look like a ray of light in space and matches the overall coloring you wanted.
You comments are appreciated.
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