I didn't had any chars near FP1. I followed the whole situation over the comm subforums and was suprised
how fast a RP matter can become an ooRP matter. Players don't hunt the char anymore, they hunt the player
Dakun himself cuz of his... well known past on this server. All i saw on the coms was an RP excuse for ooRP
actions. Things that shouldn't be merged. If you ask me, they see his name and instantly remember his actions
with PYM and NORP.
From one side it's a waste: Everyone has a chance to improve/learn/adapt call it what you like. Doesn't the rules
say that players have to be nice to each other? I don't know how it's called, but IMHO it's "RP abuse". Hating a
player and hiding that hate under RP actions is pitiful. Yes, i call it hate.
From the other side: There will be some people that maybe try to indemnify his actions. To excuse them. But the
fact remains that none of them can deny the charge itself. He caused a RP-desaster again, and acted
against lore intentional. Why intentional you ask? Simple: It takes time to write a post, so you know exactly what you're doing.
My opinion: Pretty much a stalemate. I can't and won't say anything against or for him, cuz i don't know him
and directly interacted with him only once, back in his PYM time and then never again.
' Wrote:He also is not exploring non-pvp RP. He intentionally provoked conflict by offering money to "the last one standing" at Freeport 1.
I don't know what happened in FP1, what Dakun did, or anything, but:
If he offered credits to players to shoot eachother while he was watching, that's a non pvp RP from Dakun, unless he was tacking part on the fights.
Intentionally provoking INRP fights by offering money is not wrong at all, is not any form of pvp abuse, is nothing bad!
He was told to don't shoot his same NPC faction, he was told to not use capital ships (his fault), he was told to do and do not do many things. He saw a way of having fun by offering money to people for shooting eachother, which if you ask me, is pretty hilarius.
And unless, those players were forced (not in game, but something like Dakun pointing a gun to their heads in real life) to get into those fights, I don't see how it's Dakun's fault.
"Fault" is not the right word, there's nothing bad in offering credits to people to shoot eachother. It's like hiring 2 freelancers to kill eachother... and oh my god, that's a terrific idea!
Nothing against you Dab, just wanted to say that paying 50 million to characters for shooting eachother is perfectly fine, and no one forced those players to agree on that bet.
Normally it wouldn't be an issue Casero. The problem was the iRP problem about it, which was that a Zoner was intentionally causing a situation of mass violation of an FP's no-fire zone and provoking hostility, which is not being neutral. This is why so many Zoners suddenly got involved to stop Dakun. OORP there wasn't an issue. iRPly there was, and that's what I'm talking about.
He also provoked an argument with the Rheinland BDM and provoked Rheinland and Bretonia by trying to import Blood Diamonds to FP1 on a public channel.
OK. I don't know who the hell Dakun is. Apparently my ignorance of this fact just stirred up a Skype chat, but whatever.
All I've seen are the few comm threads, and from what I've seen he is umm... unfit to be a Freeport administrator? I read the post about the blood diamonds with the BDM thing and him restricting docking rights and I was like "well, that's not too smart, why would a Zoner do that?" Then the one about the Corsairs, and I was thinking "Huh, he seems to be overestimating his bargaining position on that one" then I read the other couple threads about several people calling for his head and I'm like...
Holy hell, what's going on here?
I don't have any characters that would comment on it besides my Reaver which is docked on FP1, but all I can say is someone messed up here, and I tend to pin things on the aggressor. From my point of view, completely neutral, no idea who he is or what he's done in the past, looks like it's the guy on the Freeport.
As the first of the Bretonians there (BAF), the only reason more of us showed up was due to the Corsair/SCRA presence. The BDM pilot there as such asked for us to back them up just in case.
I honestly did not want to get involved with this matter and just let things continue to roll naturally, but it seems we all enjoy to come around Omega 3 at the best of times.
But then again, at least this didn't happen again.
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
We pirated one zoner barge, suddenly all transmission were made to Corsairs/Black Sails..like its a huge thing ? We've had good relations with Freeport 5 for a long time now, why ? Because they don't bother us, also they tag their ships so they can be recognized and work closely with us.
Thing is Dakun over reacted, not seeing his role as Zoner (which means to be neutral and try to solve thinks peacefully at first rather then anything else, besides its only another zoner, its not directly ship on of his armada on fp). In other words avoiding confrontation with Bretonias, Sairs,Hessians ,Rheinlanders in such a delicate position in omegas.. Other than that he can solve it really easily, send apology and offer shipments in return etc.
From my point of view as player: I actually like him, and I'm glad to see he took over some bigger project. I don't mind him, I want to see him in that role. He messed up some thing ? Who cares...he will learn it.
To Dakun : Keep it up man, also if you're in doubt how you should react you can always ask other zoners, I'm sure people like Doc Holliday would give you any advice you need. Good luck.
' Wrote:Normally it wouldn't be an issue Casero. The problem was the iRP problem about it, which was that a Zoner was intentionally causing a situation of mass violation of an FP's no-fire zone and provoking hostility, which is not being neutral. This is why so many Zoners suddenly got involved to stop Dakun. OORP there wasn't an issue. iRPly there was, and that's what I'm talking about.
He also provoked an argument with the Rheinland BDM and provoked Rheinland and Bretonia by trying to import Blood Diamonds to FP1 on a public channel.
Then this:
Quote:He also is not exploring non-pvp RP. He intentionally provoked conflict by offering money to "the last one standing" at Freeport 1.
Is wrong, because he was actually exploring a non-pvp RP, by intentionally provoking a conflict by offering money to "the last one standing" at Freeport 1.
@To everyone:
So, he's now to be hunted because he didn't want to be neutral with his Zoner? What is that crap? xD
Zoner =/= neutral to all, I thought it was understood already.
INRP concecuences are just fine, that his Zoner should be hunted down by other zoners, is fine.
Telling him that he's playing his character wrong because he doesn't want to be neutral to all... what the hell?
Far as I can tell a zoner can try to be neutral to all, or... can try to be hostile to all. It's a zoner, he does whatever he wants with his reputation (except annoying zoner's allies, which are not House militaries).
Maybe I got it wrong, and there are not OORP hostility here. Or maybe, Zelot is right, and there is, but it's hidden, maybe on skype, or in PMs... who knows.
I do find it weird, that things escalated so fast, and that everything ended with just 1 day, which makes me think Zelot is right, and everyone rushed to destroy this zoner, because it was Dakun's one.