' Wrote:Most of them are however skype- friendship based.
Define "Skype-friendship based".
' Wrote:But there are some OP-PvP combinations . In such cases the admin and balance team must revoke the tech request. In such cases if you see such combination or you think that such combination could be harmful for the server game-play then take screens and file report.
So what you're saying basically is... Someone might spend a whole year RPing both on forum and server to justify getting a loadout that only because -he- can use it at its full capacity, you can cry about it being "OP-PvP", and then it should be revoked cause you suck in PvP? Ye right!
' Wrote:Isn't there enough to choose from within what's allowed rather than having to go pvp-whoring and arrogating special privileges?
Sometimes, for some people, it might not be the pvp aspect of the tech that interests them (As stupid as it may sound! I know). Sometimes, some people are stupid enough to get permission for a crappier tech just because it fits their char's RP better, or its "looks" satisfies them more.
That said, imho the only issue with tech requests is people on neither side of the deal have patient.
The player behind character A wants faction B's tech, and he wants it now(!) So he goes to comm channel and sends a transmission to faction B asking for their tech, while faction B doesn't even know this "Char A" who's talking to them and asking for their tech.
So, they either tell him to buzz off, or give him an assignment. So, player A goes to get the assignment done, but halfway through it he realizes it's taking too long and just starts spaming faction B's leader on skype. Why? Cause he doesn't have patient and thinks he's too special to actually work for what he wants.
Then... After telling him to bug off for 2 weeks, faction B's leader finally loses patient as well and goes like "Ok, what the hell. I'll give you the tech, just stop spaming me!" And there! Player A gets his shiny tech with the least effort. Which is rather sad... Cause there are those like player C who actually prepare everything with months of in-game and forum RP before even approaching faction B for their tech..!
So, in short: People should stop thinking their special, that they have the right to own each and every tech they feel like, with the least of effort "because it's just a game!"... If it's a game we're playing, we'd better play it right. If there's a certain tech one wants, it would contribute nothing to the community if it's achieved on skype, cause after 6 months that the player ragequits, the tech would be lost with nothing left of it. But if the tech request is actually based on proper RP, after that 6 months, at least a "good" RP story remains on forum from said player which at least contributes -something- to the community, even if small.
If the majority of people showed they were able to roleplay the existent factions fully and thoroughly instead of just acting like arrogant idiots mildly disguised with captain names, proper grammar, and Sirius-speak, I would express less hostility toward """"""special"""""" roleplay.
You know what? It's a pretty damn harsh statement but the truth hurts.
' Wrote:You know what? It's a pretty damn harsh statement but the truth hurts.
As a matter of fact, I'm questioning your comment because I can't see the logic behind it not because "it's so harsh and true it hurts Q_Q".
That said... Maybe, just maybe, it's you who doesn't understand the basics of many factions RP, and thus come to think people are RPing them wrong... Just maybe!
' Wrote:Maybe, just maybe, it's you who doesn't understand the basics of many factions RP, and thus come to think people are RPing them wrong... Just maybe!
Yes, definitely. I'm sure if I read walls of text all day on forums I would be able to crisply understand the key points of roleplay that I've apparently not been understanding.
I see some that are lacking much of written text, Look at the request of me and charos for gaian GB and how it differ from my request of mamoru but yet both have pretty good RP justification, one have lot of background and one have written text reasons.
So to someone that looks at them might say: "Oh look he is friend of that guy from xxxx" when infact its simply stuff you didn't know.
So all in all, yes I think there is RP that is given prior to those tech permissions and I trust that does who have the power to give those tech permissions WILL think about it, yes they might be lighter with their mates, but they will still demand some nice amount of RP before doing anything.