' Wrote:Broadsides sounds good, but how would that work on the BH ships? they have forward mounted turrets.
All ships with turrets have an inherent disadvantage:
They can't shoot up.
They have a firing arc that ends about 60-70 degrees vertical, so there's a dead zone like this: \/, that bombers can use as a basket to drop torps in.
This is not really true.... since BS are usually quite long... so the guns from the ends will always have you in their firing arc.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
The problem with this is that BSs (ffs people, BB is not battleship.. Why do you keep using it?!) that fire to the side would NOT be able to maneuver and fire at the same time anymore, making them less useful than a cruiser. The only way to fire on someone would be to go to turret view. 2 GBs, even 1 Cr could beat the crap out of a BS, when a BS should be able to defeat 2 Cr with only a little difficulty. This would work IF the guns didn't require you to point in the direction you want to shoot.
' Wrote:This is not really true.... since BS are usually quite long... so the guns from the ends will always have you in their firing arc.
Trust me, I've tried. It's not a turret issue, it's the camera. It doesn't go underneath the ship.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
' Wrote:Trust me, I've tried. It's not a turret issue, it's the camera. It doesn't go underneath the ship.
Well trying when it's a friendly BS..and you just fly around is one thing.... using it in a bomber in battle when 3 other ships are shooting on you is a different one.
Even when you are alone.. the BS still moves... so you can never stay in the place unless the BS stands still. If it does it's still very difficult to try and find int when he's trying to kill you. Small stop in it's firing arc and you are toast.
Also in you first post you said that the turrets can't shoot there.. nothing about the camera.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
There is no gap, he just has to change the view to get to that side.
Sure, he can't get to it by going upside only from the front, he has to turn it back first, and then up.
And then all over again if a ship is on the front's up.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
yeh duh when can a battleship dodge bullets seriously man think that one through a little. bs's aint supposed to fly like a mad man and you aint really SUPPOSED to dodge fire (not that you can dodge fire anyway the only way i see people missing bs's is when 2 of em are firing at each other from 3k away strafing up and down) which IS possible in turret view. so maybe itl stop bs's running into a 100m distance and just pummeling each other till the other drops MORE TACTICS involved and more actual aim and skill to win a fight with em.
I wasn't talking about dodging Loh. I was talking about simply moving. There would be no tactics, it would be whoever has better guns/armor wins everytime its a 1v1. Even battleships nowadays still move and maneuver, not just sit there and take whatever is sent their general direction. I'm seeing an overnerf coming from this.
By limiting the area of effect on turrets you can achieve more tactical fighting. you want to expose your ships strong side (broadside in Bs case) and try to prevent the other battle ships from hitting you by moving to their lesser equipped side.
I don't think the idea should be implemented too much, only because battleships are more for sitting there and blowing the crap out of things IMO. I still want tactics, but there is a point to where it unbalances the game.
Battleships are already in a state of overnerfedness. They are PATHETICALLY weak. If it were up to me, a Battleship would have four types of weapons right now:
Anti-Aircraft Guns-These are high-speed, high-refire energy weapons with very low damage designed to hail a Fighter or Bomber to the point where it becomes dangerous to come near unless en masse. Eight to Fourteen, depending on the size of your Battleship.
Heavy Anti-Warship Projectile Cannons-These are your heavy Planetary Bombardment Nuclear Shells, designed to vaporize vast tracts of land and blow holes in the sides of the other guy's big ship. Two, Four, or Six, depending on the size of your Battleship. Require ammunition.
Missiles-High-speed, medium damage, medium turn rate missiles requiring ammunition for destroying fighters, bombers, and neutering Gunboats. Two to Six, depending on size.
Light Cannons-These are high-speed, lower-damage projectiles (not requiring ammunition, there's going to be a lot of this) designed to be fired at Cruisers, Destroyers, and Gunboats, and anything at all if you run out of ammunition for your big guns. Six to twelve, depending on the size, again.
The condition of this: Battleships become limited to factions only (unless the player has shown himself very capable of handling the Roleplay responsibilities of a Battleship). Factions are restricted to a total of five, in the event they ever manage to scrape up two billion credits for the hull, a good two hundred million in guns and however much armor they choose to put in these things.
I have a second option: don't restrict Battleships any more than they are already. Instead, make it so that each Nuclear Shell costs a quarter of a million credits. Assume that you have a Rheinland Battleship, one of the more popular ones, which packs six of these puppies, three different types of shells. A load is seventy shells. So, 70 times 3 times 250000 is... Fifty-Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Sirius Credits. That's two hours worth of trading for a combat load. That's going to add up fast, and, of course, since these things do mucho damage, if you don't have them you're screwed...people who can't afford them (namely non-factionized players) sell theirs like AK-47s in an arms market.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen