It's extremely resfreshing to see someone take such a genuine interest in the actual lore of the game, instead of simply grinding on the more crude aspects of the game. Whenever I read your threads, my hope in this community is revived, I kid you not. If, in a hundred people, there is a Jack Denton, that's motivation enough for me to keep on playing.
In short: keep up the awesome work!
<span style="color:#000000">The awful plight of he who cannot draw to save his own life.</span>
I haven't had the time to sink into anything substantial lately (it's cram time at school) but that's almost out of the way and I will hopefully be picking up where I left off.
Just read through all your stories, they rock to be honest. Keep it up! reading them kept me sane for a little while longer in college. In other words my sanity relies on new stories... Hint.
[22:29:00 | Edited 22:29:52] Corey (Gheis): Just because I'm an admin doesn't mean I can't appreciate an attractive woman.
This needs editing to make it a little less rough around the edges, I'll be doing that in a day or two if RL permits.
Constructive criticism is (as usual) actively encouraged, welcomed and treasured. If you think it's a good read well hey, thats great! Feel free to tell me all about how awesome it was. Conversely, please tell me if you think something could be improved on, should be scrapped, or is just plain stupid... No really, be brutally honest.
P.S. See if you can find the (perhaps not so) subtle literature reference I made in there.
So much for "in a day or two"... anyway I finally got around to editting the story a bit. It's not a very thorough edit but I think I got the worst of it. I will give it a better go over once RL stops showering me in exams.
I'd like to chat about some role play stuff I'm wanting to pursue with OSI. Weapons and technology research, but I'm not to great on the whole research role play stuff. PM me your skype if you don't mind chatting.
Thanks for the compliment! It means a lot to hear that people enjoy these.
I haven't done any new stories in a while because I've been RPing with Mark Grattage in "Aboard the Independence". It hasn't been updated in a while because Mark is having computer issues but it'll get underway again soon.