Alright the server cut out on my AGAIN tonight (apparently it was going for a hat trick or something) and has been down for at least an hour. If location helps you i'm in the 66.66.xx.xx bracket of the East Coast RoadRunner service, U.S. Any other U.S. east coasters having trouble? I'm not entirely sure it's the server alone, my ISP is spectacularly incompetent* so it could b a problem on my end.
I have a static dynamic DHCP, wrap your head around that one....
Hmmm, maybe we could institute some sort of warning system if that's the case. Like a "server is going to be down for the next ~X Hours" message to the main console before restarting the thing.
Ok what the f*ck is this? 4th day in a row the server cuts me off, 3rd time it's been in nomad space during capital ship fights. If these are routine server restarts or maintanence runs please start warning people before you cut them off. If it's NOT routine maintanence and you're actually paying ot have this server host your game... you're being ripped off
I remember Igiss saying once that since no people were on the server he took it down for a quick re-boot. The funny thing is that there were people online. I can't ever see how many people are playing the server till I log in. However if the ping shows as -- that means the server is down for a while.
Yes there's a problem. Server is hanging. I don't know why it happens, maybe an internal mod problem, or something with OS/flserver.exe relations (I'm running it on Windows 2003), or problems with different mod versions, or someone's intentional malicious actions. As I cannot be online all the time, I cannot track this effectively. However when 4.75 will be ready I'll try to find the cause.
yes, i just had that problem too... lost connection to the server but could still see it. just managed to get on, and some other player was there all jumpy happy that he'd just got a 1.75 beta patch from Igiss. saying the server would kick me off if i didn't have it, which i knew was false, or i would't have even had time to write a response to him lol.
and all of a sudden, after flying round for about a minute or so, BAMM goes the game, down to the desk top, and the servers frozen the game. something is def wrong server side.. another player and me both aggree that the server needs a restart to fix it.
I would suggest that we post what we were doing when we all expeienced this kind of crash so see if its anything we as players are doing in relation to the mod.
I myself was just shooting at a hessian fighter when the server dropped out.
Fire-Fly,Jul 30 2005, 10:09 PM Wrote:yes, i just had that problem too... lost connection to the server but could still see it. just managed to get on, and some other player was there all jumpy happy that he'd just got a 1.75 beta patch from Igiss. saying the server would kick me off if i didn't have it, which i knew was false, or i would't have even had time to write a response to him lol.
Actually Fire-Fly, what I was saying was correct. Igiss had just released the 4.75 beta. Why didn't you believe me, I was only trying to help you?
Role-played characters:
daedalus - Liberty Navy
bandersnatch - Ruthless criminal possessed by a (huge) alien
Shredder - Small-time Kusari pirate, looking to join the Blood Dragons
"Bounty Hunters. We don't need that scum." - Admiral Piett
daedalus,Jul 30 2005, 10:05 PM Wrote:Actually Fire-Fly, what I was saying was correct. Igiss had just released the 4.75 beta. Why didn't you believe me, I was only trying to help you?
lol, it wasn't you that said it to me, was some guy on the server.... if so, where is this patch? i'd like to try it to see if it fixes the problem we all have