' Wrote:Phantom contacts were the only thing in discovery that could make my blood run cold. I miss them.
Seconded. Even with the fact that no Phantom ever shot in my direction. Thou seeing five [LN] on scanner had similar effects. :)
But while Phantom equipment was rare and had intimidating look, it wasn't the reason why they caused such feelings, rather their obscure background, reputation, and roleplay.
I think getting Phoom tech is nowhere near a good reason to start a group. And creating a similar phenomena doesn't need special ships.
I'm sad the Marauders faction were never really brought to life by it's creator.
Well thers many ideas, it could be done around a freelancer corp who formed part of a political party or elite group fed up of the corruption and disorder within the law and legal systems as well as unlawfuls seeking a peacekeeping and taking matters into their own hands to set everything straight and prevent what happened on earth. Pre-AS
Due to their actions the organisations and houses of sirius "running the show" decide to attempt to silence the party, only causing more war... Peacekeeping corp (one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter...)
Theres also the 'left-behinds' on pod's/sectors of the sleeper ships who have been somehow dragged into Sirius (dodgy start, working on ideas) their first area of encounter is an abandonded home system (phoom system) which they decide to settle in... from there, they begin their civilization (small yet strong) and venture out to discover sirius as explorer vessels... (freelancers) they discover the tech of phoom later onbut dont have the knowledge to use it... So they are seeking for people who can out in this new universe... etc.
i have a few more on my pc somewhere i jst cant get to them
'left behinds' were part of an unknown sleeper which was never comissioned due to it not being complete (Scandinavian/Russian Sleeper) + With all the issues back in history with earth and the space race it wasnt convenient for Liberty nor other houses of power to allow them such power so easily either
Can also to extremes maybe play a merc faction, created by the leaders of houses in a way to maintain order through fear amongst their sectors... These mercs one day discover two ships (raven claw) and a huntress(half a huntress) and speak nothing of it... taking it to their home station (would be a battleship for the start) and dealing with it there in secret... slowly developing wat is, a less OP version of these ships... and following their transmission, discover the Phoom... (developed roleplay obv later on) on discovering this, they are corrupted by avarice and take these ships and do not report back to their house leaders, causing a manhunt which they are forced to retaliate in...
Freelancer Peacekeepers (sort of): The Sentinels...
Scandinavian/Russian: Mjolnir (sleeper ship )
Renegades/convict house mercs: The Blackhearts.
I had a convo with tenacity in which I found much reasoning though since people wanted to see some concepts...
' Wrote:'left behinds' were part of an unknown sleeper which was never comissioned due to it not being complete (Scandinavian/Russian Sleeper) + With all the issues back in history with earth and the space race it wasnt convenient for Liberty nor other houses of power to allow them such power so easily either
Read the discovery lore, there are russians in Sirius (coalition).
scandinavia...get's phantom stuff? Nah. Discovery is already too racially homogenous.
We need more Africans or color....or..oo....Haitians. Now I could see a Hatian Voudon faction with Phantom gear..or...Indian..mmm...Cult of Kali style...or Middle eastern..ala Hashashin's. Or some wacked out Tibetan Tantric Cult. Ahhhhh Yeah!!
Aye, fine no african race from what I seen either, but not to be racist, if you check out the current tech/world development scale... they might not be the first to go....
If we talking middle eastern hashasin then liek... dno, u could base an rp on tht, but get ready to role pvp whore hashasin style...
Scandinavian gets phoom no. NO1 GETS PHOOM?!!! NO ONE?!!! new entity.
' Wrote:scandinavia...get's phantom stuff? Nah. Discovery is already too racially homogenous.
We need more Africans or color....or..oo....Haitians. Now I could see a Hatian Voudon faction with Phantom gear..or...Indian..mmm...Cult of Kali style...or Middle eastern..ala Hashashin's. Or some wacked out Tibetan Tantric Cult. Ahhhhh Yeah!!
I like I like. Indian or African tribal group that goes ape **** on everyone. TRUE cannibals... Something along the style of Reavers in Firefly...
I say we make it a group of cannibal Jewish people who go insane and start eating everyone, rather than tribal persons from the darker regions of the world.