A person carrying this ID is a Liberty Navy Officer who:
Must be hated on sight by all but LN
Must be engaged without hesitation by all but LN
Must defend Pennsylvania from Lolwuts
Must be insulted before engagement if HF or LR
Can only use LN vessles
Cannot move more than 1K without being engaged first
Pilot carrying this ID is a furry, who:
can trade and escort traders and purr in the meanwhile
can destroy anyone on sight that carries furs of gaian wildlife
whenever says 'nya' counts as understandable English
' Wrote:Steelworker ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Steelworker, who :
Is always drunk or high.
Cannot aim, because of point 1
Cannot fly without having at least 99 units of Wine
Cannot be understand because of his accent (he'll speak non-sense anyways)
Can demand cargo or credits from anyone for buying more Wine
Allowed ships: Rusty ships
Convoy ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Convoy member, who :
Can only fly a shire
Can use fighter turrets on his shire
Can only enter a system, when spamming the chat before
Can only speak in system chat
Cannot leave formation
Can block Jumpgates and Tradelanes for hours
must visit alaska once every 4h
can engage everything on sight
must rp only "i hunte eilians"
cannot ally with themself
must be accompanied by at least 3 osiris
must not equip an armor
can only fly osiris
Kruger ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Kruger member, who :
Must not know this is a RP server.
May swear on pirates which cought them in system and private chat.
Can ally with everyone to fight Hessians (even Corsairs).
May demand credits, ore and nerves from IMG.
May shoot IMG after successfully accomplishing point 4.
Must run to the next base on the slightest hint of pirate activity in 7.
May launch a Turtle after successfully docking.
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.