I have NP with running from a fight, or my opponent running from a fight. If you cannot win, why not? Especially with gank fests of 3-4 on 1 odds. My issue is with the lolwuts that run and then sit circling thier base spamming in main chat you cannot kill them, or dock, and then spam in main you did not kill them. It is just to piss off the other players, and serves absolutely no other purpose. These same lads then get pissed when others just shoot them on site the next time. Well i wonder why.
7 CDs only would be funny as hell. But would limit the solo pirate,and lawful. Lawful finds a smuggler, but cannot stop it, as repeated Cruising wheres off all CDs. Same go's for pirate. Yes to all you that will say travel in groups, but alas some of us play in slow hours, and have no others to group with. And that is when you actually get alot of the smugglers/pirates as they think they are safer.
Large group fights i find horrible. My wrist will give out most times long before the fight is over. They last to damn long IMO.
It would be far to difficult to enforce without heavy handed restriction, and this would lead to intense uproar in the community, probably leading to the restrictions being lifted. End up a waste of time.