' Wrote:not to say, that I'm faction hater.. but [U]?? they were warned and now they have 5 hours of online time.. it's shame that they don't fly.. but not an excuse.
And [AFA]:(
Yeah, I am sad about AFA but what about [U]? Gaians have been warned way more times than the AFA, and the AFA Had more time than them this go around (like it mattered, still lower). Dennis I sorry <3
' Wrote:not to say, that I'm faction hater.. but [U]?? they were warned and now they have 5 hours of online time.. it's shame that they don't fly.. but not an excuse.
And [AFA]:(
The Underloch voluntarily gave up their official status several weeks back.
AFA folks, don't take it too hard, every faction has ups and downs, and if anyone asked me if when I started it I thought it would still be here 4 years later, I would have said no.
That said, we can get our numbers up and reapply, I would imagine the process would be a cake walk for such a well regarded faction.
' Wrote:AFA folks, don't take it too hard, every faction has ups and downs, and if anyone asked me if when I started it I thought it would still be here 4 years later, I would have said no.
That said, we can get our numbers up and reapply, I would imagine the process would be a cake walk for such a well regarded faction.
Here here!
Milka has spoken!
Get your groove on.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:12:00] Traxit: this is smut stop
' Wrote:Excuse me for being a massive derp, but who are AGS?
AGS is a contraction of Arbeitergewerkschaft, which is the amalgamation of the Unioners and Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB) from a while ago. They were still around until very recently, since they've split the faction into Unioners and LWB again due to their intended changes for 4.87 that would put them at odds with each other.