(02-22-2013, 03:29 AM).Flash. Wrote: Not just bombers, a Spatial, Mjolnir can also
Interesting I hadn't realised that, thankyou that piece of knowledge might come in handy
(02-22-2013, 04:07 AM)Ayem Wrote: On the werewolf cruise disruptor/torpedo slots you can fit Mini Razor, Inferno, Sunslayer/Starkiller torpedoes and cruise disruptors.
The usual setup is Train Cruise Disruptor + Mini Razor but I believe people use dual Mini Razor too.
Dual mini Razor shouldn't be possible as 1 of the slots is exclusively CD while the other is CD/Torpedo. Unless there is some bug or something.
(02-22-2013, 02:54 PM)Lonely Werewolf Wrote: Dual mini Razor shouldn't be possible as 1 of the slots is exclusively CD while the other is CD/Torpedo. Unless there is some bug or something.
Just checked on my dusty old werewolf, and you're right. I think it was different in a previous build, but that could just be old age playing tricks with my memory.
Right, I put Tartarus on it, looks nice. Still, I'd love to be able to put SNAC on it as well, but that'd probably be a bit overpowered. Thanks for your replies guys.
I got 2 Archangles and 4 Heimballs on mine. The way i see it is that you dont have to hit much but when u do it packs a punch!
Becasue I take my time to aim the power core is really good. Even when i shoot my Tar it regenerates quickly.
I'm happy with the setup.
I'm getting what you're saying but I really wanted to use Archangels cause it's a part of the RP of my character.. And I already bought 2 Claymores. Any advice?