(06-19-2013, 06:27 AM)Ursus Wrote: Odd part is that somebody would try to fight with 2 enemy caps present.
Ursus, it's Liberty... You can't fight anything before a couple of dreads show. Before I would fight with the BS's present and try to dodge incoming fire to the best of my abilities while going at the snub, maybe I would get lucky and get my kill or maybe they would get lucky and get their kill. Now I just can't be bothered. I'll go away when feeders show, but that's not enough - they even follow you. No class, no honor, no skill.
It's a pain having spent 20 minutes slowly draining someone only to see him get fed then have to spend another 10-15 minutes on thrusters before you can get to a place to dock because the one snub keep CD'ing you and the feeders keep cruising up on you. You get your time wasted in anything but a fun way, not even a decent fight or a glorious death to be content about; you get nothing.
I'm all for newb's having a pretty low entry point to be able to play the game and make blues, but the feeding part is just downright detrimental to gameplay.
I know the game would be different for fleet battles; but I don't think it would ruin it. Focus fire will have an even bigger importance, and singling out individual targets before engagement will also play a bigger part. Besides in-rp it seems a bit over the top that a ship can chew through 10,000 nanos - I mean at some point the ship's hull integrity must be compromised, bits and pieces blown away, leaving the ship beyond field repairs.
EDIT: Anyway, this is totally off-topic and belongs somewhere else. Sorry for the de-railing, I got my question answered, thanks.
(06-19-2013, 11:57 AM)Yber Wrote: With a full 2.00 loadout on a sabre and a MR you can kill any fighter in 1,5 seconds. How many times do you see this happening?
Capital ship fights do take long. Overall if it's a massive groupfight, simply because targets will attempt to escape, tanks will dodge while charging and non tanks will take distance. People dying in about 10 seconds happen exclusively when you uncloak on top of them and they're dumb enough to stand still. Do you want longer fights? Easy, go on a normal approach and don't play 10 vs 3.
Never. As opposing to "almost always" when dealing with caps. Cloaks are involved, ofc. On both sides. (in that scenario with our RMBS chewing through 12k bots, we were on defensive, in NB, vs SFC| )
Seriously, if feeding fighters is that much of a problem, remove bots from them. If you want to be able to instakill fighters in fighter vs fighter combat, then don't remove bots. Don't bring cap balance into this. edit1: another way - change fighter guns in a way that fighters will start dying faster, and won't take several minutes + to make them dry.
(06-19-2013, 12:23 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Besides in-rp it seems a bit over the top that a ship can chew through 10,000 nanos - I mean at some point the ship's hull integrity must be compromised, bits and pieces blown away, leaving the ship beyond field repairs.
There actually is a way to kill it regardless of amount of nanos available for trade, but I'm not sure against what caps it work and against what it's usable in combat. Definitely works on KuBS if you shoot at certain parts.
Edit2: Sorry for derailing, I'll finish with offtopic here.
I was thinking about the Hammerhead.
May be instead coping the Gladi you can do something more spicy with it. Since it is BHG ship and needs to hunt you can give to it LF speed, keep anything else but make its shield LF one as well. So you would get interesting hybrid- HF handling and guns, LF speed and LF shields combined with VHF size. I guess at its form it would suit more the hunter needs by chasing while having major drawback to compensate.
What you think?
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)