COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier ' Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52
Rheinland has grown complacent, and the Red Hessians require a demonstration of our resolve.
You are all ordered to Rhienland, where you will remain for the next week of operations.
ANY SCRA asset found outside of Rhienland for the duration of this week, who is not in Omega-52, will be shot as a traitor to his fellow comrades.
Of important note, are BDM targets, see to it they are destroyed.
Commissars, I am serious in my orders, if any vessel is found outside of the combat zone, or engaging targets other than the RM, you are to shoot them on sight, no trial, no excuses.
Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]General Han Xu Target:All Coalition Assets. Location:Marine Guard Office, Zvezdny Gorodok Encryption: HIGH Priority: HIGH Subject: Confirmed and first kills registered.
[color=#FFFF00]With the new orders received and understood - I led a small strike wing into New Berlin to deal some punishment to the sleeping Rheinlanders.
Comrade Litvenko spouted our revolutionary rhetoric towards New Berlin, and the Rheinlanders responded with a gunboat, fighter and RFP heavy fighter. All smited by our hands.
As quickly as we were there, suddenly - We were not. More flash raids like this will be happening soon comrades.
It would seem that, yet again, the Zoners are moving against us in what appears as a most treacherous scheme.
Upon reaching Omega 52 after a glorious raid on Rheinland, a strike wing composed of Commandante Rhade, Commissar-Major Stroganov, General Warner, Militsiya Lane and myself was on its way to Zvezdny for debriefing when it picked up local transmissions emitted by an invisible source. The sensors couldn't pick any signal apart from the chatter.
The intrusion protocol was thus initiated at once, with the strike wing deploying to cover as much as space as possible to identify and track the source of these transmissions. While our people tried to communicate with the intruder, our questions and calls were met with ignorance.
Somehow, the intruder managed to sneak past our vigilance and escaped to Omega 5 while still ignoring our calls. We chased the signals through , which led us to cross the Hammen Hole and on to Omega 3.
Seeing as the intruder had identified itself as a zoner for some reason, we made our way to Freeport 1, while still having no visual confirmation of our target. Upon reaching it, the ship finally appeared on our scanners.
Unlike our worst predictions, it was a Zoner Whale that appeared before our eyes and just stood right aside the station. Under Commandante Rhade's orders, we disabled its shields to dissuade it from any hostile action, then allowed it to explain itself.
The pilot's declarations were a confused mess about a malfunctioning hyper-drive module, trying to have us believe that he got in our home system by chance, for lack of a better word. All in all, it was nothing more than a spy reading his "what to say when caught" manual. It would take more convincing to fool the brave and smart SCRA pilots. As we started to disable the vessel, it managed to crashdock onto the station, escaping an imminent destruction.
Again, my comrades, we have solid evidence that the Zoners are conducting survey missions in our territory, most likely in preparation of a large-scale assault. Such intriguing displays of bravery and foolishness should be looked into by the Commissariat, as should be the harboring of a spy possibly carrying military secrets by the people of Freeport 1.
Upon returning to Omega 52, my bomber suffered an unexpected incident and went off in flames. Probably a malfunction or the effects of a virus implanted by the Zoner spy.
(06-14-2019, 12:25 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If everyone was a bit more like Lanakov, the entire world would be more positive. Including pregnancy tests.
>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: A great victory
Forge here.
The International, accompanied by Commandante Rhade and Major Coronel in their fighters, along with the vidars from the [RHA], the Jeschke and the Hessen, with a Rot Front Nanda Devi and Silver Reaver, have struck grievous damage against the Rheinland Mlitary tonight.
First of them to fall was a gunship that assaulted Major Coronel. It's death was quick, as the Hessen ripped it's shields down, landed a mortar, and then it ended when the International unleashed both of her mortars, obliterating it.
Then the Hessen and the International locked jaws with a Rheinland Cruiser, taking it down within 3K of the Rheinwheir Elbe-class carrier Forseti herself. It too fell to the combined fire of International, Jeschke, and Hessen. What was left were two Wraiths which finally withdrew as our Solaris and missile flew into the fray of them and our two bombers escaped intact.
Other then Major Coronel, who crashed onto the Internatonal following catastrophic sensor failure when the Cruiser hit him, we have lost no one tonight.
Comm ID: General Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Subject: Military Assets Destroyed
"Comrades, this evening faithful old Lithuania set out on a patrol to Omega-50 when we received a distress call from a Freelancer, upon reaching the scene we discovered to our shock that it was under attack by a pair of Rheinland Military Gunboats, our old 'friends' in the 2te apparently. When they spotted my ship they turned to face us, however no matter what they did the end result was the same and both ships eventually bit the dust.
The fact these two ships came all the way to Omega-50 and fought near a Civilian Station [Boa Vista] without thought nor remorse for the Civilians living onboard only reaffirms my belief that the House of Rheinland needs change and soon.
[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major General Han Xu Target:All Coalition Assets. Location:Marine Guard Office, Zvezdny Gorodok Encryption: HIGH Priority: HIGH Subject: Continued assault on Rheinland.
[color=#FFFF00]With respect to Comrade Warner's report regarding the 2te in Omega-50 - It appears we have stirred the hornets nest appropriately. Remember we are not the Hessians, and while these operations bring us into close contact with them, and while they are our allies, we are better than them. Continue to show respect and honour on the battlefield and continue transmitting our Revolutionary Rhetoric into New Berlin. To this end - I am commissioning a new Mobile Radio Tower to be built to boost our message over the din of the Rheinland censors.
Last night was a glorious night on the battlefield. Before I had to leave to begin preparing a Marine Assault on Rostock station, we were able to dismantle a 2te Rheinland Cruiser and a massively armoured RNC Battleship.
The Cruiser thought it wise to run out of the Walker nebula in Omega-7 and lead us on a chase for 200k. However, it eventually came to its senses - seeing that we would not give up - and turned to face us. Our own loss was surprisingly the Commandante, however he was rescued and vengence was required. The RNC-Bananhej was spotted in Omega-15, running missions against the Corsairs. We found it just as several light cruisers arrived in a tight formation. We terminated the cruisers and focused on the battleship. With our Nova's flying and MIL-Lane keeping the Battleship out of cruise - It was pounded under relentless assault. Eventually the battleship burned in Omega-15's twin stars.
ENCRYPTION:[color=#33FF33]Medium. SOURCE:Omega 52 system. Submitter:Colonel Juan Coronel, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Recipient:Coalition High Command