Summary of Biography: (travelling across the sirius sector all my life has given me an in depth opinion about all the main houses so working with them based on an economic benefit is something I can provide with extensive trade lane knowledge.)
Why do you want to join USI?: (to not be alone and gain more credits, who deosn't want a job no matter the risk?)
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: (I have not)
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [ +]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security
//OORP Discord ID: (Hanniballektor#6181)/(PM to @"[*USI*])"
Qualifications: I have experience piloting fighters, freighters and protecting convoys.
Work History: former [*USI*] Security Officer
Summary of Biography: I've been looking for a copy of the last resume I gave when I first signed for a job here. Couldn't find it, so I'll just say a few things, hopefully you still have it archived somewhere.
Three years ago I applied for a position here and started working as a cadet in the Security Department. I worked in the Universal Shipping, Inc for a few months, alongside the old security officers. Let me see if I can remember any... there was Mick... Mick Brutus i think and I also seem to recall a John 'Nowa' something, he had a strange surname. Can't really remember any others.
A few weeks after I got promoted to Security Officer, most of my colleagues in the security department abandoned the company. Eventually, after a few problems with the old administration, I decided it was time to quit.
Recently I've been working as an independent contractor, escorting some transports leaving Trenton Outpost. After some consideration, I'd like a change to re-apply for my old position.
Why do you want to join USI?: I'm looking to get my old job back
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: No
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [ ]Department of Trade [X]Department of Security
Qualifications: Minning and transporting (Hegemon vessel)
Work History: Asteroid minning and in recent freelance transport
Summary of Biography: Not much to say really, i was born on planet Manhattan.
My father was a independant miner my mother died when i was very young.
I dindt have much off a education as i grew up on the ship minning with my dad.
When my dad died i took over the ship and with that the buisness, after the
war i saw new oppurtunitys for adventures like my self. Only to find a
hostile enviroment and so after i married my wife Gigi and she gave me 2 great sons i decided it was
time to join a corporation to provide more security for them
Why do you want to join USI?:I'm tired off working alone, and want to have somewhat more security when transporting high value cargo.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: No
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [x]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security
Qualifications: Trading has become one of my strongest of skills. I served the liberty navy which proved my skills in piloting even further.
Most of my activity include big transports therefore, I can navigate in them with experience.
Work History: Liberty Navy. First as an indie but then Part of the 81st| division (disbanded). Otherwise mostly an independent freelancer trader/supplier. I also have experience in mining in the Kansas system. It was very beneficial to my experience to work as a supplier.
Summary of Biography: It was a very good start. I was born in Liberty on Planet Manhattan. Everything seemed smooth since I went to school and was doing what I like. The place seemed to be very happy and fun but times changed. My parents left me at a young age. I was forced to be a messenger and mostly live by moving messages, objects and other sorts to other people. I started to like it myself. My training from school went mostly towards the right way to fight bad people as they said. But I focused on what I like the most after school. Which is transferring equipment and other means for different people. As life went on life started to get harder but it proved further my skill in what I wanted to do. School has taught me how to navigate through the various spaces of Sirius and what to do in critical situations.
Why do you want to join USI?: My reasoning can be shown from my biography. As I really like to do any sorts of deliveries to various other places and for various other people. It is also to show my place in libertarian space and to show that I am more than capable to do the job.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: No.
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [x]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security
Qualifications: A good amount of seat time in a wide variety of ships. Familiar with most of the Sirius sector.
Work History: I have been a freelance escort/freighter pilot for the last 10 years after receiving my discharge from The Liberty Navy.
Summary of Biography: Not much to tell really, just your typical Libertonian. I grew up on Planet Denver, born to working class parents. I joined The Liberty Navy on my 18th birthday. When my service was complete, I took up freelancing as an escort/freighter pilot. As of late, credits are hard to come by so I thought perhaps now is a good time to get a "real" job. And since I have always heard good things about USI, I would like to begin my career with Universal.
Why do you want to join USI?: Out of "The Big Three' corporate entities of Liberty, USI seems like the best fit for me.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: Negative
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [x]Department of Trade [x]Department of Security