Honestly, I miss allain. That dude was one of the nicest people I ever met on this server.
Also for all the shenanigans, Nodoka was genuinely entertaining and gave me a fun 10-month narrative of escalating tension that you'd read in any halfway decent political thriller.
I had good fun in like 4.87 farming missions in a Faffy with Swifty over in New Hampshire, and he was one of the reasons I decided the Nomicrons would be good fun.
Rusty Wing was a total bro, and we had great fun shooting things up in Leeds together. If you're lurking, please do come back.
Hello everyone,
Im here to tell you all who met him that my brother Zekkz has passed away last night.
Altho his time here in discovery was short i have spent few years playing Freelancer multiplayer and will continue to honor his memory alive by keeping Zekkz little cottage operational as long as i can.
You are all invited to stop by the station and grab a drink and a cigar from a station in his name. (please take just 1)