From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Assets
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, you have made your Motherland proud of you. Our recent excursion into Omicron Delta has yielded significant returns on what the High Command of our Revolutionary Army invested into it. Each one of you fought hard and bravely to ensure the freedoms. As such the State Duma and the Premier have decided to award the following for their acts of bravery on the battlefield the Order of the Red Star for their acts of courage in the face of long odds.
The following pilots are:
Joseph Garcia
'The Red Witch'
Adam Kulov
Nikita Tabakov
In addition the Commander of the CPW Mosvka and his crew are also to be awarded for their valiant efforts.
Continue to make your motherland proud and safe comrades. Ura!"
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: Sirius Coalition
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
It is with great pleasure and humility that I accept both the Order of the Red Star and my reinstatement to the rank of Field Marshal of the Revolutionary Army. I know there have been some doubts since my return of how fit I am for duty given my injuries but as my leadership in the Delta has proven, I am more than ready and capable for this great responsibility.
To echo the Premier, I am extremely pleased with those that have participated in our operations in Delta. I know there has been some questions raised as to why we're investing so heavily in the region in a war that has nothing to do with us. The reason is really quite simply, because it's the right thing to do.
The Sirius Coalition and its Revolutionary Army exist to bring an end to the corruption and oppression of the masses by their governments and other forces and there is no greater example of this occurring than the Core using their military power to bully peaceful civilians and non-combatants. It is our duty and responsibility to use our powerful military force and act as a shield to defend those that cannot defend themselves and to wield the sword that strikes down those who aim to oppress.
Let me be abundantly clear, the time to strike back is now. We will take the fight to our enemies and remind them why the Sirius Coalition is a name to be feared, and why the Revolutionary Army is one of the most effective fighting forces in the entirety of Sirius.
Now then, with that out of the way allow me to quickly give a status report of the war in Delta. The fighting has been fierce and for the most part the Core has been held at bay, with a few exceptions where they have managed to breach through the defenses and damage the Freeport. These breaches were relatively brief however before the combined forced managed to push back the Core to their rallying point around Yaren and Rho.
The Trotsky has seen a significant share of the fight and although it has taken a beating, it has also been able to dish out even more in return. We're currently undergoing repairs and minor refits to improve the combat efficiency of the ship and so I look forward to seeing further deployments, in conjunction with the Fighter Corps in the coming days.
Unfortunately I do not have any Guncams to show our activities, but I trust our esteemed Comrades who were with us will submit their reports promptly.
That is all for now.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
Today I am proud beyond words at the tenacity, fury and dedication of the Revolutionary Army! Today, in conjunction with our friends the Order and even the Auxesia, we managed to successfully strike a Core battlefleet before it could begin its attack on Freeport 11.
Though our allies sustained losses, the Revolutionary Army lost only a single snubcraft the pilot of which bravely held his own alone against a Cruiser in order to occupy it and buy the rest of the fleet more time! Boris, the captain of the secondary fleet vessel Moskva also distinguished himself by bravely stepping into the line of fire and absorbing the blows from a Thresher in order to help defend the Trotsky.
It is bravery like this that makes the Revolutionary Army one of the greatest forces in Sirius.
As the Field Marshal I am proud to announce that I am recommending everyone involved be recognized by the Office of the Premier for their bravery, dedication and skill in combat against the tyranny of the Core. Continue to excel Comrades.
It is a glorious day and therefore I am authorizing the bars be open to all in the Revolutionary Army to celebrate!
Drink responsibly.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Assets
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, once again you have shocked the State Duma and the Coalition people with your efforts to ensure the Delta Campaign is a success. So much so the Premier himself has decided to say a few words directly to the Kaliningrad Battlegroup."
"My fellow Comrades, you have once again shown the strength and the will of the Coalition People to fight and win no matter what the odds are against you. Your efforts in Omicron Delta have inspired many of your brothers and sisters fighting in the Omega Front to push harder against the Corsair Empire and ensure a Coalition Victory.
In recognition of your efforts in this campaign each member of the Kaliningrad Battlegroup including Coalition Secondary Fleet assets involved are to be awarded a special medal specifically for this campaign.
The Delta Campaign Medal. You alone will be awarded this honour for your efforts to ensure that Omicron Delta does not become a Core Asset and that our interests are represented.
Fight on my friends, for the Coalition's Victory is yet another step closer to reality! Long live the Coalition!"
"Well said Premier Warner! The State Duma wishes the Kaliningrad to continue their efforts in restoring the peace to the Zoners of Omicron Delta and to purge these Core fools with great prejudice! Your Delta Campaign Medals will be delivered in short order."
One last word from me, my so-called comrades. My time as a soldier of our glorious Coalition has come to an end. This have been interesting experience, despite all the dangers that I have put myself into. But the more I fought, the more I started to realise that at some point I will fall. Dont get me wrong, I am not afraid of death or anything. Well... not more than anyone would be. But what shall I leave behind when I'll perish? At some point in life, woman should step down from her dreams, fights or goals and do what the nature has ordered us to. To leave an offspring.
I am not getting younger over time and in my twenty-seven I should step down from all the adrenaline and flames that surrounds us before it is not too late to bring new life into this world. Hah, I sound like my husband now... All poetry and stuff.
So yes, we have married two months ago when we have learned that I am pregnant. With all the problems the Coalition has faced lately we couldn't have made a proper ceremony or a Honeymoon. I am sure Dmitry now somewhere far in the Omicrons, fighting Core. As the man in the family it is now his duty to protect his wife and his child. I havent worked much in the last month, mostly it was the typical paper work for Commissariat. Today I have made my last patrol around Omega 52 as a ritual and returned my ship to the Army. From now on I shall live a life of a typical mother - raising a child, making dinner for my husband and keeping the house clean. Pretty fun, huh?
I shall always remember the days we were flying, even if mostly I have done lone patrols. When my child will grow up, I will be too old to return to the service. Plus, Dmitry already is talking about making a second child once first one grows up to go to school. So this was the last time you have seen me flying. But don't be strangers and come visit me once in a while. I will be surely happy to hear your stories. More tales to tell to my baby when it will be asking for a story untill bed.
Good luck in your battles! Long live the Coalition!
One more in the barrel... One more under breath... One more over sorrow... One more for Death....
A catchy tune to hum in the 'Crons, loves. While Garcia is off gettin' wasted with the rest of the group, i am here, watchin' the dead space out of Dabadoru and decided to give you a decent account of the last battles in this beautiful hellhole. I'm uploading all the gorish, explosive and fantastic deaths we have been reapin' and reavin' for the Red Dawn, while makin' a legion of fans right here with our work and almost zealous overwatch and escort of the traders. First off... the last escort job for the last DROP trader. An IMG, of course. Some random news boyo took it and well.. the picture got 'socialized'.
The rest is uploadin', so that you can have a better view of all of it. With style and in the most communist of ways. You're gonna love it.
Kisses, Red.
[Transmission end]
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:12:00] Traxit: this is smut stop
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: Sirius Coalition
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
Comrades of the Revolution!
It is my solemn duty to report that Premier Ben Warner has recently survived an attempted assassination perpetrated by enemies of the revolution!
These capitalist pigs used a devious and disgusting murder weapon!
A Box!
Premier Ben Warner almost tripped and fell to his death. Clearly this is an attempt by the Core or their affiliates to try and get revenge for the damage we have been doing to their fleets. Already I have ordered this box to be sliced into various pieces and rehabilitated by using it to make decorative figures for the Junior Revolutionary Youth Camp program.
Remain ever vigilant Comrades, together we will purge these Capitalist Pigs!
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
From: The Office of the Premier
To: All Coalition Assets
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, today is a great day for the Coalition. The Kursk Special Tasks Group has successfully established our new beach-head under massive amounts of fire and working long hours. Kamchatka Base now stands proud in the former system known as Omega-55. now thanks to the efforts of the Coalition people. The ground has been broken and New Beijing shall become a symbol for the Coalition people that nothing shall stand in our way.
Kamchatka and her 160 Men and Women even now fight the enemy in the depths of space to secure the Coalition's new territory while also serving as a platform for deeper operations into the Omegas. However we must be vigilant and ensure that the enemy is cast out to ensure the dominance of our way of life in the Omegas and beyond. For there are many who would seek to destroy us and our ideals in order to further their own greed.
That said Volgograd Industrial has also prepared specialized containers, each contains a variety of Infantry Light Arms, explosives and Powered Armour units made by the hard working men and women of Volgograd Industrial. As we speak these containers are being shipped out to various movements and nations that sympathize or even outright allied themselves with our Nation. Ensure these containers reach these brave freedom fighters comrades. The future of the Revolution is depending upon you. Do the Motherland Proud.