Wolfpack98,May 14 2006, 09:36 PM Wrote:Sorry, bud, but that's utter bull. This won't solve the immunity at all.
The immunity is, from my best guess, in the SUR files. I think Solaris mod has the same issue, except they got around the SUR problem somehow,and I'm looking for a way to do this.
Creating some ultimate ubber-weapon to get around battleship immunity is REALLY THE WRONG WAY TO GO. This is just like using a Nuclear Weapon on a bunch of indians whose weapons are nothing but sticks and stones. OVER KILL to fix the problem.
I'm sorry, but this is the wrong way to go. To fix the problem, first realize WHERE the problem is, then take steps to correct it. The immunity will still be there.
Honestly, if i start seeing single fighters taking out Battleships, then this mod has gone back to where it was pre 4.77 when I first joined and I didn't like it.
I wasn't saying that we need a stronger torp gun. I'm only saying the nova torpedo switched to a gun but keepo the same dmg, speed, refire, and everything else the same just to get past missile immunity. It would be like the inferno but against hull not shields and would have the power of a nova or less.
When the chimaera and templar navy patrols fight each other, which looks cool, they both drop loot as if a player has killed them (which I didn't, I'm not gonna be stupid enough to attack mk 2 house VHF's in a transport).
Gotta report this - the radiation problem in omega 47 still persists. Anyone not beleiving can go there and try aoutpiloting from omega 41 JH to omega 49 jh. Dont forget to take NB!
"Comm. Adama:
-Starbuck whadda 'ya hear?
-Nothing but the rain sir!
Comm. Adama:
-Then grab your gun and bring in the cat!
-Boom , boom , boom!"
My characters: - =BSG=Starbuck ; Maj. Kara Thrace(fighter pilot)
- =BSG=Galactica ; Commander Lee Adama(Battlestar)
- =BSG=Helo ; Lt. Karl Agathon (bomber)
- Colonial 795 (trader)
The Damned,May 16 2006, 03:06 PM Wrote:Gotta report this - the radiation problem in omega 47 still persists. Anyone not beleiving can go there and try aoutpiloting from omega 41 JH to omega 49 jh. Dont forget to take NB!
Yup he is right. Happened to me. Doesn't avoid sun either.
Quote:Gotta report this - the radiation problem in omega 47 still persists. Anyone not beleiving can go there and try aoutpiloting from omega 41 JH to omega 49 jh. Dont forget to take NB!
I'm sorry for this. I changed the file, but seems that the change did not take effect. The file that got into the mod is still with wrong sun stats. However, for other new suns this problem was fixed.
Well I hope you manage to find a sollution - although we can put some warning signs :D - nav pinters , etc...
"Comm. Adama:
-Starbuck whadda 'ya hear?
-Nothing but the rain sir!
Comm. Adama:
-Then grab your gun and bring in the cat!
-Boom , boom , boom!"
My characters: - =BSG=Starbuck ; Maj. Kara Thrace(fighter pilot)
- =BSG=Galactica ; Commander Lee Adama(Battlestar)
- =BSG=Helo ; Lt. Karl Agathon (bomber)
- Colonial 795 (trader)
Hey there... I was thinking around..(surprised ? :P) About one of my favorite ships - the liberty cruser.
Mainly that is a special anti-battleship cruser. That is first of all because of its unique front gun. Basically the design of the ship resembles one giant gun... so that front gun is the proudly Crowned King of all weaponary... or it was...
In the earliers versions of the mod the cruser gun did quite a punch ... and everyone could equip then on everything :D ... Well right now this gun does minimum work. All in all the liberty cruser front guns is very weak ... according to waht it should be.
What i propose. A main change set of the gun... I'll start from the current state.
We have a descent fire rate of 1.00 , good range - 1000 meters.
We also have - extremely low damage for a gun of that class - 18 000 hull , 9000 shield damage , and most of all stationary fire.
By stationary i mean that the whole ship must face the direction he is firing. That makes this gun requiring a special abilities to fire right , and renders it useless agianst something smaller than a BS (except for some of the bigger crusers - Im talking PvP here - the NPC u can hit a fighter even with the front gun :laugh: ).
So these are the ''-'' and the ''+'' of the current front gun.
What i propose :
The front gun becomes a BIG gun now advantages:
+ would be a great damage - something like 180 000 hull 90 000 shield
+ would be a great range - 1500 meters
+ only Liberty cruser can equip it :D
+ You get this devastating gun for only 9 999 999 credits
- extremely low refire rate - 0.33
- extremely hight energy output - approximately 1 000 000 energy units (almoust all the cruser energy)
- stationary gun ( i explained already what I mean by that )
- still te price - 9 999 999 credits
So now the + and - are in an equal number - a good quality.
Now to enforce my statement with some pure numbers ( i love the calculator :D )
This will be strait heads up between battlerazor, inferno and the "new improved" front gun.
Damage: 32 000 hull
1 000 shield
refire: 2.00
Damge per second:
64 000 hull = 32 000 x 2
2 000 shield = 1 000 x2
Damge for the refire time of
the cruser gun:
64 000 x 3 = 192 000 hull
2 000 x 3 = 6 000 shield
Inferno Cannon:
Damage: 2 400 hull
40 000 shield
refire: 2.00
Damage per second:
2 400 x 2 = 4 800 hull
40 000 x 2 = 80 000 shield
Damge for the refire time of
the cruser gun:
2 400 x 3 = 7 200 hull
80 000 x3 = 240 000 shield
Liberty Cruser Front gun (now):
Damge: 18 000 hull
9 000 shield
refire: 1.00
Damage per second:
18 000 hull
9 000 shield
Damge per 3 seconds:
18 000 x 3 = 54 000 hull
9 000 x 3 = 27 000 shield
Prety useless eh?
Liberty Cruser Front Gun (New):
Damge: 180 000 - 200 000 hull (suggestive)
90 000 - 100 000 shield (suggestive)
Refire : 0.33
Damage per second:
180 000 - 200 000/3 = 60 000 - 66 666.66(6) hull
90 000 - 100 000/3 = 30 000 - 33 333.33(3) shield
And total damage per shot : Check main stats.
Well I think this will lure the liberty cruser back in the fight.
Don't forget that this cruser hasn't got good cover by turrets , and the main gun is its only advantage/disadvantage.
However u like it - this is my opinion though...
"Comm. Adama:
-Starbuck whadda 'ya hear?
-Nothing but the rain sir!
Comm. Adama:
-Then grab your gun and bring in the cat!
-Boom , boom , boom!"
My characters: - =BSG=Starbuck ; Maj. Kara Thrace(fighter pilot)
- =BSG=Galactica ; Commander Lee Adama(Battlestar)
- =BSG=Helo ; Lt. Karl Agathon (bomber)
- Colonial 795 (trader)
The Damned,May 17 2006, 02:16 PM Wrote:What i propose :
The front gun becomes a BIG gun now advantages:
+ would be a great damage - something like 180 000 hull 90 000 shield
+ would be a great range - 1500 meters
+ only Liberty cruser can equip it :D
+ You get this devastating gun for only 9 999 999 credits
- extremely low refire rate - 3.03
- extremely hight energy output - approximately 1 000 000 energy units (almoust all the cruser energy)
- stationary gun ( i explained already what I mean by that )
- still te price - 9 999 999 credits
LOW refire rate?!
3.03 = 3 shot sper second.. that's a HIGH refire rat,e man :)
Try .5.. that's a shot every 2 seconds :)
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