The fact of the matter is that doing sanctions is effin miserable. There is no way around that base fact. Very few admins that I have known here like, or liked doing sanctions, and the few that did, in my opinion weren't very good at the job, mainly because of that. It's awful and there is no easy way to change that. Cannon has the right idea in trying to implement game mechanic changes that remove the necessity for some of the rules. But man, is doing sanctions the worse thing ever. I don't think if I was paid I would do the job of just doing sanctions. It is the other parts of the admin job that make dealing with the sanctions bearable. That is why this idea wont change anything. You will have the same burnout rate for the people doing sanctions as before, if not much higher. And sanctions will still take forever to get done, because at the end of the day, if they don't burn out and quit, they will burn out and start abusing the playerbase, we have seen it happen. From time to time, I think most admins have gone overboard on a sanction, not out of spite or malice, but merely out of frustration. I know I did. I can't think of an admin I knew or worked with here who didn't. Most of the admins know this and try to minimize it, which is where the hatred of doing sanctions come from. The ones who don't end up getting fired for abusing their power. Changing who does the sanctions will not change the nature of doing sanctions, just who is doing them, wont change the burnout, and without the fun stuff, it might just accelerate it, and who is that good for? Maybe the serving admins, but not the community, and in the end, not even the serving admins.
TLR Doing sanctions is the worst task in the discovery community, changing who does them wont change the outcome.
I wonder a suggestion that, and probably this has mentioned before long ago, if we had a group of 5-8 people just to be set of taking care of sanction reports only. Is a way of relieving the admins, if still alive, of frustration from in-game idiocy. In-Game they should only have limited rights of: kicking/banning players, placing sanction notification on cargo holds, and whatever these punishments consists of. This group can be known as GMs aka Game Managers.
Admins will concern on developing, fixing game/forum issues, validating new factions, etc - full rights of the admins commands.
GM's they will concern on Sanction Reports, catch cheaters and sort out in-game play issues with players.
Forum Moderator will concern forum issues, kicking members out of the forums for misconduct of any sort, deleting/restoring threads when asked, and any other sort of forum stuff.
It's my suggestion and personal opinion for a new position area to be implemented in the game for other's frustration to be a little settled, calm and focus on their specific area of daily task.
What do you guys think? Sure... flame away as I know that might be coming.
In theory it seems like a good idea, but I agree with zelot, in practice im not sure my self, I imagine viewing all the reports are just overwhelming as they flow in, I think it's up to us to be accountable for ourselves and continue to have a fun environment,