Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh....Im going to charge through gallia in my battlestar to see what it has to offer, hell i might join the navy:). Who' will be the leader of the Gallian navy?
Is that already taken? Do they have their own battleships/cruisers/gunboats?
fighters? This is epic i cant wait.
' Wrote:Regarding the singleplayer jumpholes, please remove it, Igiss.
These jumphole were never supposted to be usable in multiplayer.
And they can be easily disabled even if you want to keep up the SP compability.
Regarding the placement of the new house systems, i fear they are in the wrong spot.
I use the NY > NY jumphole then NY > Texas jumphole when going to the Junker base in Texas
It's clear and free of anybody and no Jumpgate lines.
These jumpholes are now offering a service for those who have adapted to what is there.