Margarita sat in space near Ainu Depot in Hokkaido. She thought back to the times she had with her brother on the station, and on his transport during the ride. She remembered falling asleep in the cabin area watching space fly by through the view port when she was only a young teenager. Her brother would pull a blanket from the storage locker and drape it over her before hugging her gently and going back to the cockpit. He taught her how to fly in that ship.
As she was waiting for her Ravager to join her so they could begin operations, she pulled her log from behind her chair and started another entry.
Quote:I'm here in Kusari again. It's just as I remember it from my childhood. Large, quiet nebulae... Much nicer than the one around the Revenant. Reminds me of better times... My brother's different, now. He's not kind, or caring. I miss the old Emilio...
The warm memories and the gentle hum of the ship's engines nearly put her to sleep.
The sharp squawk of the communications system activating brought her to consciousness again.
State your business. A GC girl just looking out for her base.
Me? Oh, I'm just waiting.
For what?
I have a friend on the way. She'll be here shortly. What's your name?
N-Naomi Ichiyusai. Who are you?
I... Am Dark Blossom. Slayer in the Phantom Empire. She wanted to make sure Blossom wasn't planning anything, having been sitting so close to the base for so long. Phantoms have a reputation, after all. Look, I know what you're thinking. I'm not here to do anything to you or the Golden Flowers. I used to come to this station when I was child...
Oh really?
Yeah, long time ago, now. When I was a little girl I came down here on occasion with my brother running cardamine to Ainu. I used to stay on the station. I actually rather like you Chrysanthemums.
Then who are you waiting for?
Ravager. Another Slayer.
She kept up some small talk until Ravager arrived, it gave her something to keep unhappy memories out of her mind.
“Hah, they got you flying a face?” Ravager's voice tore through the comms.
“Hey, it's just what they gave me.” Blossom retorted.
“Well, you're flying a giant nose.” Ravager laughed to herself, “You know how people paint the nose cones of their fighters, on occasion? If you did that, you'd have to paint the whole ship! I can't believe they made you fly that... It's like an ugly face with engines strapped to back.”
While these insults did make Blossoms rather unhappy, it did give her and idea... She had seen a rather pretty looking GC ship undock earlier. At the time, it meant nothing to her, but now... Perhaps she could get one to make Ravager shut up? “Hey, Naomi... What do you call the Chrysanthemum bomber?”
“Orchid, why?”
“I uh... Well...”
Naomi cut her off, “You want an Orchid?...” She paused to think for a moment, “Well, I guess I could find a way to get one for you, but... You have to do something for me.”
“... I'm listening.” Blossom was quiet. She was sure this would ruin her chances.
“I want you to kill Ze'ev. More than anyone else, he's brought pain to the sisterhood.” She was obviously angry just at the thought of him. “He aids Samura in their assaults against us and supports the current regime in Kusari.”
“I... Can't. Yet. I could talk to Dark Star... Kusari politics are complicated. He might have overlooked something.” Blossom was worried, this ruined her chances completely. There's no way Dark Star would allow her to go after the leader of the AFA. Even if he did, there was no guarantee she would make it out in one piece. “Uhm... Are there any uh... Other options?”
Naomi was quiet for a moment, “Well, we could... You know... Heh.” Even over the radio, it was obvious she was blushing.
“This is Ainu base to all patrols in the area. We're reading a dark matter wave incoming. All ships dock immediately. You have ten minutes.”
“We could... Go back to my room and... Until the wave passes.”
Dark Blossom was shocked, to say the least. “I uh...” she sort of cringed in her cockpit. She was married, for one, and with another girl?... “I'm rather.. sh-shy...”
Ravager sat in her ship giggling to herself at these two fools. “Brings new meaning to the term 'bombing run!'”
Naomi smiled, “Oh, ignore her. Just dock... It'll be easier in person.” As soon as they were all docked, she pulled Blossom from her fighter and dragged her away, leaving Ravager to tick away the time in her fighter alone.
Naomi dragged Blossom as fast as she could to her quartersshe didn't want anyone to know that they would be together. The five minute warning was given as she shut the door behind them. Blossom plopped down on the foot of the bed as the lights went out and emergency lighting kicked in. She fidgeted uncomfortably as Naomi sat beside her.
Naomi looked down at her knees, So, Blossom...
She sighed, and looked across to Naomi then down again, I'm not Dark Blossom. It's only an alias I'm forced to wear. I have to hide myself behind layers of destruction and evil... My name's really Margarita. Though not even by brother calls me that, anymore.
Oh... Okay, Margie. Naomi giggled slightly before noticing the sliver of red across Marg's face. Her eyes softened as she reached up and ran a finger across the freshly healed wound. How'd that happen?
Oh, uh... Some prisoner did it.
Don't lie to me... You did this, didn't you? Margarita nodded silently before Naomi continued, Oh, poor girl. She leaned over and hugged Marg gently.
Margarita nuzzled Naomi's neck gently. She was contented here, enough to keep her mind off of other things. For a little while, she felt happy. Margarita rolled onto her back, realizing slowly what just happened and that she was, in fact, naked next to another naked girl. Roy would forgive her... Right?
Margarita slowly sat upand took the covers with herrevealing a suddenly cold Naomi cuddling her pillow. Naomi sleepily reached for a blanket to keep warm with, and Margarita obliged, standing and dressing in silence.
Margarita walked to the sparse kitchen as she pulled her hair back into place. She pulled a kettle from the cabinet, filled it with water, put it on the small stove and let it heat. Margarita searched the remaining drawers as quietly as possible for tea and a strainer.
When the kettle began to whistle Margarita jumped across the kitchen and pulled it off of the stove as fast as she could. Naomi opened her eyes and sat up, covering herself with the blanket, What are you up to? Tea?
Margarita nodded as she poured the water into a proper tea pot. I told you, I used to come here all the time as a child. A few of them showed me how to make tea, among a few other things. She carried the pot over to a small table by the bed and sat down next to Naomi.
Naomi had become curious in her time with this woman. Most of the rumors and information she had heard of Phantoms indicated them as single minded killing machines, clearly this one had much deeper emotions and a soul.
Most of what she had heard about the Phantoms came from the rest of the GC, most of whom were afraid or comtemptuous of them. Information she had recived from Ironwatsas and the Consoritum painted a diffrent story of a group with intents to eliminate corruption, but had become more concerned with the slaughter of innocent and guilty alike.
Margarita seemed diffrent, more like herself in a way. But at the same time vastly diffrent, tortured much more then Naomi ever had been. She was simply an eccentric political idealist, but Margarita...
"So, Margie... can I call you margie? Anyway... what, got you into this? A... Phantom? What is it like anyway?"
"What is it like...?" Margarita had not pondered this question in her bouts of loneliness, and hesitated. "It's... Hard to understand..." Tears started to form in her eyes as she continued, "I've done... things. Things I didn't want to do... Killed... She sniffed, trying to hold back her tears. I don't want to, but... Margarita's voice dropped off into mumbles as tears ran down her face. Her head dropped as she brought her hands up to cover her face.
Naomi placed her hand on Margarita's shoulder, trying to comfort her. She had little idea of what to say or do.
"Margarita... I..."
At that moment, the station's intercom activated.
"The Darkmatter wave is dissapating, all personell may resume active patrols. Defense patrol six is on rotation now. All pilots be ready for takeoff."
Naomi looked at Margartia somberly, a reassuring look which stated her sympathy for the woman. As she was part of Patrol-6, she went to put her flight suit back on. And ready herself to go back out into space.
"Well, I have to get back on patrol... you coming? Not to sound... unsympathetic, though..." Naomi stated, still a bit cautious incase Margarita snapped and tried to gut her or something.
Margarita sighed. She'd grown used to repression. She had honestly thought this girl would be different. Seems not. Just another mistake to add her conscience. It didn't matter at this point, nothing much for her to care about anymore.
She stood, wiping the tears from her eyes. Yeah... Let's go... I'm sure Ravager is waiting impatiently. She shrugged, picked up her helmet, and headed for the door.
Naomi walked up behind Margerita, slowly becoming more comfortable with her presance. She kissed her softly on the cheek. "Marge... I'm sorry... and, if there's any way I can help you or make it up to you..." She asked, hoping to make the Phantom feel better.
Within a few minuites, both had launched from the base. Naomi in her nimble GC fighter, and Dark Blossom in her... markedly less nimble waran bomber. Naomi had adopted a much lighter mood by this point.
"Well, Blossom. Feel free to come back aaaaaany time..." She said in a suggestive manner. Presumably, Ravager was giggling at the context of the situation.