Maybe someone could reply to this thread and deliver the Nomad Remains I ordered almost two years ago.
They are already paid and I'm still waiting for the delivery .
Yeah sorry about that. I got banned and our shareds got stolen so our logistics became a mess. I tried to reach out to you but I'm not sure if I was ever able to. The rest of the faction was pretty demotivated and couldn't gather the energy to try and fix it either. Apologies.
I'll get some people working on this immediately. However, would you like a delivery or a refund?
Yeah, I had no doubt you would deal with that, but you got banned like an hour after we made the deal.
I would prefer the delivery. I can make money pretty easily, but I don't got enough people to farm those Nomads.
Thanks in advance.
I kind of went on a Disco break and I think there's a lot of stuff that needs responding to. If you've got something I need to reply to, please post it here.