7 = Freeflight
8 = Dock
9 = Formation
1-6 = Select weapon group #
Caps = Tractor Beam
Tab = Engage Cruise
W = Thrust
S = Reverse
A = Strafe Left
D = Strafe right
E = Next Target
Q = Previous Target
R = Fire Cruise Disrupter
T = Launch Torpedo
F = Mine
G = Fire Missile
V = Bots
B = Bats
P = Scan target
C = Engine Kill
Space = Counter Messure
Mouse Button 4 = Turret View
Mouse Button 5 = Rear View
If you are wondering about this strange mapping, it has to do with my keyboard & mouse.
up - afterburn
down - reverse
left, right - strafe
end - engine kill
Del - fire weapon group 6
Ins - fire weapon group 3
Home - mine
page up - torp
page down - Cd
Num pad 7 - scan
num pad 4 - tractor
num pad 1 - strafe up
num pad 0 - strafe down
num pad 2 - tractor one
num pad 6 and 3 - activate that group
and i have several other keys near the main enter kay that activate several other weapon groups (i cant show the signs since my keyboard is localized and forum only shows "?")
space is free flight
W= strafe up ^^^
S= strafe down \/\/\/
right mouse button fire
left mouse moves?
mouse wheel forward accelerate
^^ Backwards = decelerate
z= engine kill
x= reverse!:D
and thats about it,
oh yeah TAB = thrust.
[22:50:33] ☆ҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳEternalâ Nightmareҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳ☆(illi): i cyber with leather torps (smoking)
Right Mouse = Fire
Mouse 3 (Wheel Click) = Fire weapon group 2/ Fire Weapon Number 7 (Group 2/ Wep 7 is usually Mini Razor or Supernova)
`= Torpedo or CD depending on ship
TAB = Thrust
WSAD = Strafe Up,Down,Left, Right
Q = Fire Missiles
E = Mine
X = Reverse
Shipt+W = Cruise
For switching Cap Ship weapons in battle
1-6 = Switch weapon group
Ctr+(1-6) Set Weapon Group
Matthew Yates(LordRaviel) - Corsair [OPG]-LordRaviel.. Raven's Tallon VHF [OPG]-LordRaviel. M26 Corsair Gunboat [OPG]-LordRaviel Praetorian Bomber [OPG]-LordRaviel' Pirate Transport
Aside from the standard, Ive added this little bit to it.
Ctrl+Num# to Assign Weapon Groups
Num# to Fire appropriate Weapon Group
I then profiled the Num#'s to my Mouse buttons (8 button mouse) so that I could fire any of my weapon groups without having to switch them.
W, A, S, D keys for strafes in their respective directions.
1,2,3,4 as Activate weapon groups 1-4. I dont need any more than this for weapon groups, as they start blank and can be set, reset and activated with a few clicks on the lower right hand weapon menu. Perfect for bombers.
I've also got to change Engine Kill from X, it gets annoying when I miss the key and press C, firing countermeasures for no reason.
1 to 3 = 2 to 4 weapon groups single shot
4 = CM
5 = Turret view
<tab> = thrust
a = strafe left
z = turn down
e = strafe right
r = launch mines
t = shield batteries
q = turn left
s = turn up
d = turn right
f = CD
g = nanobots
w = reverse engines
x = engine kill
c = not used O_O
v = look backwards + ctrl = change view
b = tractor beam
',' ';' ':' '!' = group 1 to 4 selection. + shift = group setting.
mouse 1 = select (damn we can't change it !)
mouse 2 = attack with selected weap group
mouse 3 (wheel push) = look backward
mouse 4 = cruise
mouse 5 = thrust
I think that's all I'm using...
Or maybe :
F9 : Start FRAPS movie (The button the rule breakers fear the most !)
F10 : Start FRAPS repeated shots (An other button my hunter's target fear the most)