I do know what it is like to edit each character, I have used Ioncross for both Single Player and multiplayer servers for testing of custom mods and modifications to existing mods for my enjoyment in SP. It's relatively simple, but *is* a pain the a$$ when you have 10-15 people all wanting something at once. (Correct me if you are using a different software than Ioncross)
Sorry Wolf ... That was just my opinion. I thought we were being democratic.
I do actually realise how much time and effort you guys, as admins put, into this.
And Oddity, if you think this is flaming ... Really don't piss me off. That was just pointing
out a few small facts, like we can all read and make our own minds up ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
You know, I appreciate all your comments here. I am ashamed to say I fully expected to be flamed a bit, and I'm stoked by the lack of it (toward me at least). Looking back now I feel a bit of a pillock for having a rant like this.
I suppose what confused me the most about the Clique thread, was it didn't look like a regular clan-related message dump. It seemed to me a loose conferderation of like-minded pirates, either aligned or friendly to Outcasts. It even called for input by non-Outcast factions (and I was a Rogue). I didn't realise it was for the five-or-so original [GoR] players.
@Teaboy: The situation is a bit different from the regular faction dump. Firstly for the reason I just mentioned. Secondly because I can join any faction I want (within reason & server rules) just by asking "pretty please". And many will even give me money for it. In contrast the Clique... and I regret now using the "paid membership" allegory.... but I suppose it kinda works that way by proxy.
Now I understand that you don't need to buy a faction tag, you can theoretically gain one in-game. However from what I've read here and previously it's an unachievable task. So then you have the problem with anything which requires $$$ to join: (1) It includes only those who can afford it, (2) It excludes those who can't.
I also understand you want to keep out every peanut-head who just wants to look cool with their badass Outcast tag, but who's not interested in RP. I can respect that. But I still have the problem of no money, so I have to stay tagless.
If you are having such trouble just buy the friggin ID's and make some char like (Corsairs)Some_pirate....
What's the difference anyway?
Makes you a lesser Corsair just because you dont have the spaced "Corsairs - " in front of your name?
Oh, and from my experience so far, most people in server RP as if everything were NPC's to shoot at.
Dialogues, intrigue, stories, some post that stuff in forums....
Out there, nearly everyone ACTS as dumb fighter pilots in a mission searching for a target...
Behemoth wtf are you on about? I never mentioned anything about Corsairs -- maybe you're referring to DO's post. As far as buying tags is concerned, my concern is "everyone's doing it" and you won't be considered RP'ing unless you have them, and won't be able to join the fun unless you have them.
And you can't get 'em unless you sit hours in a train doing nothing but money runs, which RP-wise is a contradiction in terms. And I'm not prepared to do that.
EDIT: And on the other hand, there are some people on the server who have proven themselves totally unwilling to RP, but have tags simply because they have the funds.
@onca: I will pretend I didn't see or read the 'EDIT' for the sake of peace on the forum. Can you please be a bit more specific?
Names, pls! Those are serious accusations!
@Behemoth: did you see me act 'as dumb fighter pilots in a mission searching for a target...'??? I think we never met ingame. Except maybe in NY.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
The outcast message dump is for the allies of the outcasts aswell, but only for allies with Tags. So a Dragons - tagged person may well come in. what i didnt want is EVERYONE who claims to "like" the outcasts, whether they carry neutral ids, rogue ids, any ids..... to come and post in there. I did this because at the outcasts we do several sorties with players such as [P]EvilTheBadger, who wears a Dragons tag, and I thought it would be good if people like him could post in the dump for either a friendly message or a mission report.
So it is sort of an extended message dump, to those we have done things with.
On the subject of the GoR, i believe entrance to the GoR is not based on whether you have an outcast tag or not. and having an outcast tag does not give you entrance to the GoR, and now i hear its not even going to give you protection or guranteed friendship. Thus you cannot buy your way into it, you have to be invited, and having an outcast tag/id will not increase your chances. Im pretty sure we've got who we want and who we need, and also the people who really want to be in it ie: the best group possible.
the problem is, theres now noone for us to shoot. every target of opportunity who comes in to alpha either already has an id, or is on his way to get one....
@Teaboy: I know that.... now. It's a pity things turn out as you say, ie. every man-and-his-dog buys an Outcast ID so they can go thru Alpha unmolested, look cool, etc. I just don't see how owning a faction tag can help. And if GoR is invite only, why the need for a tag? Anyway that's all I'm gonna say on it, GoR belongs to you guys and you handle it the way you see fit, I'm done droning on.
@Nightfall: No I'm not going to name names. They know who they are, and everyone else has a pretty good idea. I'm not accusing anyone who has posted on this particular thread, I consider everyone here on-the-level (yes even DO). Anyway I wouldn't call it *that* serious an offense... not like cheating or modding or whatever. Just bad (or non-existant) RP.
I totally agree with Onca. It pissed me off when I saw the poll for raising the tag money.
Why are all factions supposed to suffer, just because the GoR group wants to feel special as cool Outcasts, and let noone else be an Outcast?
If you feel that way, then raise the level of FL ID carrying to like 50, and raise the price of different ID's.