Why should they think about ship purchase decisions in terms of losing money?
People choose a ship for a variety of things but rarely because it's cheap.
' Wrote:Why should they think about ship purchase decisions in terms of losing money?
People choose a ship for a variety of things but rarely because it's cheap.
Wasn't the point here not getting a ship for cheap, but rather that being disappointed in a ship and it's behaviour is expensive to frustrating proportions? We can't test drive them like used cars can be. I concur there is always SP, but playing SP in order to play RP seems a little counter-productive to me.
Perhaps up the prices on various items (also class 9 weapons), but fix the return rate to somewhere around 30-50% at the same time (ships half, weapons a third)? I must say I got lucky with an easy start due to a generous donation. Making my own share of repping/ship purchase mistakes when setting up might have been overwhelmingly frustrating unless I had that extra penny.
This is even after I spent days scouring through the wiki for ship specs and introductions to find my dream ship. Now even the wiki is out of date, and the general concensus seems the new ships shouldn't be put there in detail anymore.
I started another account to begin discovering from the start, but I must say each day discovering is away from my main character's RP. I personally believe it's not wise to have people be forced to do OORP things (be it power trading, power exploring, whatnot) in order to be able to properly RP their main character :) Rather, my logic says things that facilitate RPing on an RP server would be much more welcome, than vice versa.
As it is, many properly playing people are decidedly forced to change their gaming mechanics and punished for low resale value of their equipment, all because of a small minority of capwhores and code campers on the server. SSE is great, but the main point of this topic - the ships - are one commodity you can't sell there.
Bah, the Sell ratio should be 125% of the buying price.
With that said, the answer to that is a definate no... So ya have a penalty for rushing into a ship purchase when you should have tried it out in Open SP, big deal. Increasing the price only hurts the people who dont already have money.
In a perfect server, people could automatically start at a base with repsheets appropriate to their respective faction, credits wouldnt be necessary. All ships, all commodities would cost 0 credits, sell for 0 credits, and one person wouldnt be limited in what they could do simply because of the money they don't have.
This however is non-existant because in such a server, people would scramble for the shipyards and buy Dreadnoughts, Battleships, Carriers, and attack the nearest red colored target.
You want ships that you can sell for more than you bought em for? Make em into a Commodity that you can purchase at shipyards, and sell at a reasonably higher price on military bases on planets or at battleship bases that would need replacement ships for patrols that got shot down.
' Wrote:Bah, the Sell ratio should be 125% of the buying price.
With that said, the answer to that is a definate no... So ya have a penalty for rushing into a ship purchase when you should have tried it out in Open SP, big deal. Increasing the price only hurts the people who dont already have money.
In a perfect server, people could automatically start at a base with repsheets appropriate to their respective faction, credits wouldnt be necessary. All ships, all commodities would cost 0 credits, sell for 0 credits, and one person wouldnt be limited in what they could do simply because of the money they don't have.
This however is non-existant because in such a server, people would scramble for the shipyards and buy Dreadnoughts, Battleships, Carriers, and attack the nearest red colored target.
You want ships that you can sell for more than you bought em for? Make em into a Commodity that you can purchase at shipyards, and sell at a reasonably higher price on military bases on planets or at battleship bases that would need replacement ships for patrols that got shot down.
you totally misunderstood what was said here. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
so funny!
what is being said here was if you buy a ship. but then decide you want to sell it, be able to sell it at 75% of what it did cost instead of the 40-45% it is now.
' Wrote:As for the buy/sell ratio thing, i made that thread because i am probably one of the very few that has a problem with buying and selling ships. my main RP character Gneisenau has been remade a total of about 8-9 times now with him owning about twice that number in ships. Sorry. but i cannot just keep one ship with all the fine ships in this mod. i like to switch back and forth between them, and often. Just saying that if i could get more credits back from each time i sell the vessel any of my characters currently have, it would be a huge help and would keep me from power trading to get my funds back up.
Yes I understood what was being said here.
People are complaining that they lose money when they decide to sell a ship they lose interest in. However, they word it as something that should be logical.
Perhaps you misunderstood what I said.
I'll refrain from my own laughter, and use a tape recording of yours.
Use separate characters to stop from having to remake your char to switch back and forth from ships.
Yes I understood what was being said here.
People are complaining that they lose money when they decide to sell a ship they lose interest in. However, they word it as something that should be logical.
Perhaps you misunderstood what I said.
I'll refrain from my own laughter, and use a tape recording of yours.
Use separate characters to stop from having to remake your char to switch back and forth from ships.
*chuckles at your feeble attempt*
I am not going to have nine different characters of the same guy. my characters name is Gneisenau, not some lolwutting name like Gneisenau1 or 2 or b. My point still stands. What makes a difference to you anyway if the thing was changed, you do not sell your ships all the time, you do not sell your equipment all the time. you have no real say in what should or should not be. You have a fear of something unknown and therefor slash out at the thought of the new idea.
*oh heavens, he has a new Idea, shun him! break his ideas down, burn them to the ground!*
*picks his nose and flicks it at the wall poster written as such "Singular Ideas are the way of the past, present and future!"*
Iv sold an LH Gunship, OC Destroyer, Orca Gunboat, Lib Cruiser, Lib Battlecruiser, Havoc Mk2 Bomber.
Im soon to sell a Guardian VHF for a Kushan Freighter (w/e its called now) which includes a change of weapon loadout.
A Sabre for a Falchion which may or may not include the setup of a Broadsword. Also including a change of weapons
A Spatial SHF possibly for a Paladin which will due to that characters RP will have me change its IMG Weapons for Bretonian Weapons
However, I do not, and will not complain about buy/sell ratios since it doesnt force me to powertrade on my trader because I actually RP on my trader. Which is currently undergoing a change from Universal Shipping to Republican Shipping (Im sure that idea hasnt been around before, atleast not in an indepth RP standing)
Your complaint, is caused only by your own actions. You choose to Buy and Sell ships on the same character repeatedly just to use and reuse other ships. Your point might stand... But its very dull.
I leave this post informing you to not assume you know what someone else does or doesnt do. Assumption breeds fools.