players will make diference or no matter what happens the result is already defined? and any hints about what are the others two events that will follow?
Outcomes will at most influence the narrative flavor of the events, the events themselves have been written and submitted months ago and were written in such a manner that any outcome would still flow naturally into the next.
I quite like the idea of organizing something similar in the future where the outcomes drastically change what follow up events look like, but as this is essentially a pilot for multiple OFs working together perkwise this seemed like the best approach for now.
TLDR: outcome essentially locked but flavoring can be influenced, if goes well more dynamic fun in future
It's a great idea to have a chain of events that flow into each other tbh, thanks for doing these for Liberty! You can do some small stuff like e.g. @Barrier made a couple cruisers that got damaged in event A not be able to use thruster in follow up event B, that kind of stuff.
Pretty nice work there @SlappyTheRoach and all the navy and order guys who participated in building this event
Thank you and see ya in space for more fun