SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System
NCC Minister of Science and Research Monsignora Greta Meyer
Good morning, dear Monsignors, Magisters, and Your Holiness.
After The Blackout suffered years ago, there is quite credible information that new remote systems have been discovered, from which strange and completely new materials for Sirius and Gallia are apparently being extracted. Likewise, there are worrying rumors that these worlds have alien remains.
We cannot ignore that currently only two types of aliens are known, and both are related to the Nomad threat. Therefore, it isn't nonsense to assume that these remains and relics could well give us some type of revelation about the origin of the Great Enemy, and who knows if some type of weapon that helps us better defend ourselves against them, in the name of Deux and the Mankind.
That's why after The Blackout the Ministry of Science requested the Concilium to approve an extra budget for the founding of a Secretariat of Space and Alien Research, with the aim of gathering broader knowledge about the particularities of Edge and Nomad World's systems, as well as to collect data about possible forms of entry to this new Unknow Systems, of which we don't stop hearing information in the shadows.
I sincerely believe that only by accessing and studying those alien elements firsthand and exploring those strange worlds can we, perhaps, find a way to understand the reason for the existence of the Nomad, and the reasons that their creators Dom'Kavash had for engender them. Furthermore, being able to make sense of this could also be a path to get closer to Deux Our Lord, understand even more His own Sacred Origin, and grant us greater clairvoyance when executing His Sacred Command.
As you may remember, the budget was approved, but due to the recent problems we've had with the Corsair threat in Theta, it hasn't been until now that we've finally managed to allocate that money to the needs of the new Secretariat. Well, I want to inform you that the Ministry that I've the honor of heading has acquired a Corvo-class research ship, in order to explore the most remote systems of Sirius, and investigate the alien remains and ruins, as well as search ways to access the Unknown Worlds. May Deux bless its travels and discoveries.
The ship has been named Omicron, as a symbol of the origin of our Holy Church, and its command has been assigned to Churchman Moebius Shawn, who will also be at the head of the entire Secretariat. The ship is currently anchored at the docks of Corfu Base, but will soon begin its first voyage.
SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System
NCC Pontiff His Holiness Gregorius XCVII
Good morning.
As you already know, a few days ago there was an assault on Freeport 9 with Core marine infantry and Zoner volunteers from Gran Canaria, in order to recover the station. Our Pontifical Guard has collaborated in transporting some of those soldiers to their objective, although none of our combatants have participated in the assault.
As far as the Field Maestre has been able to find out, the results of the operation have not been satisfactory. The assault forces, although very numerous, failed to take the station, and they barely managed to rescue part of the zoner personnel who were being held hostage. Currently the freeport has been retaken by the Corsairs, who continue to hold part of the crew as prisoners. At the moment, we aren't aware of any other military operations planned.
The most dramatic thing about this situation is that during the assault, another of the biodomes was destroyed. Let us remember that two other of the previous biodomes had already been seriously damaged during the naval battle around the freeport two months ago. This leaves a single active biodome at the base. I think this will trigger feeding issues throughout Theta, and most likely Gamma as well. Freeport 9 was a main and important supply point for both systems, so a famine is likely to break out.
In our case, I've to say that we shouldn't be worried about food shortages. Our Biodome 2 in Faith Haven produces enough food to supply the entire settlement, and we even have enough to store. Likewise, we continue to build the two remaining biodomes that we started in our expansion plan, and when they are ready, Biodome 4 will house a crop area equal to that of Biodome 2. However, I'm not aware of what the situation is in the rest of the Pygar settlements. It's likely that many of them don't have agricultural infrastructure like ours, and that they may experience serious food shortages.
You will agree with me that we cannot sit on our abundance while our neighbors starve. Deux Our Lord entrusts us to help our human brothers when they go through difficult times, and this is something that we cannot avoid. That's why, if there is no opposition, I'll proceed to contact Administrator Voncloud, to offer him part of our plant food production to supply the other settlements.
Of course this will mean that we will have to tighten our belts and we will have to subject Faith Haven to rationing. Furthermore, this effort will not be enough to solve this problem, we don't produce nearly as much food to supply the entire planet. However, it will be enough to slightly reduce the hardships of the other settlements, so there is no possible doubt, we must do it.
Let us keep Faith in Deux, and in our commitment to fulfill its Sacred Mandate, and let us hope that there is some possible solution to this whole disaster.
SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System
NCC Pontiff His Holiness Gregorius XCVII
Good morning, brothers in the Faith.
As you already know, yesterday our Holy Church received an invitation from Executor Francisco Javier de Creta, of the Corsair Empire, to attend a peace negotiation meeting that will take place in two days at the General Academy of the MFE, here in Theta. I will not deceive you by saying that I've no serious doubts about the intentions of the Corsairs, given their past acts of violence, but the words that Mr. de Creta uses in his message seem sincere in his desire to seek an end to this conflict.
I know exactly how you all feel about the Corsairs, because I feel the same way. I know that it's hard to look favorably on an attempt at negotiation now, when that option was despised by the Corsairs themselves when it was tried in the past, but it's also true that the Executor de Creta himself was the only Corsair who tried to call for a negotiation, just before the first battle around Freeport 9. At that moment perhaps it was too late to take that step, the rage and indignation at the abuses suffered blinded us, and that call to dialogue seemed like one more offense, coming from the Corsairs. However, now we've reached a point in this confrontation where we must stop and think about what is best for us, and for the rest of the inhabitants of the Omicrons. And it seems that the Corsairs have also reached the same point.
Therefore, attending purely to reason, to the common good, and to the Mandate of Deux Our Lord, which entrusts us to always try to resolve conflicts with our human brothers, I've decided to accept the invitation and we'll attend the appointment. I'm not asking you to forget what has happened, because I won't either, but if the Corsairs truly want to reach a peaceful resolution to all of this, we must curb our personal feelings, our anger and desire for revenge, and remain open to the dialogue. If we stop killing each other perhaps within a while our peoples will be able to get closer and collaborate with each other, as we did in the past, and try to achieve that is our Sacred duty.
Magister Yuri Orlov will represent the Church at this diplomatic summit, as corresponds to his position and abilities. I'm seriously concerned about his safety due to circumstances, but I'm confident that the MFE, acting as host, will take the protection of the participants very seriously. In any case, we'll keep on high alert an assault detachment of 50 Pontifical Guards, ready to leave Faith Haven towards the Academy if something goes seriously wrong, Deux forbid.
RECEIVER ID : Science and Research Ministry - Monsignora Greta Meyer
SOURCE : NCC Omicron Research Ship - Docked in Freeport 11, Omicron Delta System
Secretary of Space and Alien Research Churchman Moebius Shawn
Good evening Monsignora Meyer:
I'm communicating to inform you that the Omicron is currently on its first research mission in Omicron Delta. Until now we've simply focused on exploring the mysterious and vast void that the system presents, and so far we haven't had too many unwanted encounters, Deux be praised for that.
We've established our base camp at Freeport 11, as have the ships of the Pontifical Guard's anti-Nomad defense flotilla. This Freeport is a well-defended and supplied station, and even has its own volunteer militia, so it's a safe place where we can take breaks on our trips, repair the ship and resupply. At this moment the Omicron has been in one of the station's docks for two days while we prepare the next exploration trip, which this time will have the objective of carefully mapping the Palau cloud, and discovering how many anomalies we can find in it.
In any case, I would like to report an odd situation that happened upon our arrival at Freeport 11 two days ago, upon returning from the last exploration trip we made. We made contact with some SRLC vessels who were carrying out repairs outside the station, a member of the Freeport 11 militia, some Freelancers and Zoners, and even an individual piloting a Sabre, whose affiliation beacon showed up on our scanners as unknown and hostile, and unleashed certain alarms among the ships present. He alleged that he had faked his affiliation beacon, so that it wouldn't be known, because he "valued his privacy," and the truth is that in no case did he behave in a hostile manner throughout our interactions.
Even so, and given that previously ships of the Pontifical Guard have had encounters with people likely to be infected by Aberratio Incubi, or at least to cooperate with Nomad spawns, I will record that the identifier of said subject was Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi, just in case if in the future he poses a problem for some of our ships. There probably won't be any truly dangerous in him, beyond a pilot trying to hide his affiliation for personal reasons, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. However, this isn't the situation I wanted to report.
Several minutes after our arrival, a Nomad xenomorph of absolutely enormous size appeared near the Freeport. The ships that were still out of docking prepared for an attack, but oddly, the aberration seemed totally peaceful. It approached to a very short distance from all of us, and there was even a moment when it stopped in front of the Omicron, a few meters from the ship, and for a few tense seconds that seemed eternal, it seemed to observe us carefully. I remember that the entire surface of the bridge window that I was looking through was completely covered by this creature. I had honestly never seen one this big, must have been in a very advanced state of maturation. Then it circled the station a few more times, and slowly walked deeper into the void until he suddenly disappeared. No one of the ships that were present opened fire on the xenomorph, I would say that we were all paralyzed by the strange situation. The aberration didn't try to communicate with us either, it just seemed... curious, and then... indifferent.
This isn't the usual behavior exhibited by these monsters, which usually immediately launch volleys of telepathic thoughts full of hate and rage against all the humans they see, and attempt to eliminate them. It's intriguing, to say the least, and I think we should investigate the reason why this has happened. Certainly, the lack of violence didn't happen out of mere self-preservation instinct, because a Nomad aberration of that size could perfectly have confronted those of us who were present.
After this sighting, minutes later, another large aberration appeared, although smaller than the previous one. She stayed some distance from the Freeport and immediately began uttering the familiar telepathic messages of hatred prior to the attack. Fortunately, after the appearance of the first xenomorph, I ordered the alert be given through communication channels to all Guard patrol ships that were in the vicinity. We received a quickly response from the destroyer Spear of Deux, under the command of Lieutenant Kerensky, which was undergoing repair work on one of the Freeport 11 docks itself. Kerensky gathered the crew at their stations and undocked to engage the aberration. We offered fire support to the Spear of Deux, since the Omicron is after all an armed ship, and its cannons are operated by Guard gunners, but the Lieutenant didn't want us to endanger the ship, and headed to the fight on his own. Fortunately it was enough, because shortly after the Spear of Deux returned victorious, having destroyed the xenomorph, just so it could dock again and continue with its repairs.
It's curious that the most dangerous encounters we've had since we left Corfu have been precisely around Freeport 11, but I've to say that this is also where we've been able to observe the biggest anomaly to date, and that is the lack of aggressiveness of the first gigantic xenomorph. I'm still quite surprised, none of the experiences that any of our pilots and commanders have had with aberrations has involved this type of peaceful attitude, not even when it came to unarmed transport ships. This is something we must continue to investigate, since clarifying under what parameters this can happen could give us a significant advantage over the Nomads.
I'll continue to report as our explorations obtain some type of result.
SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System
NCC Pontiff His Holiness Gregorius XCVII
Greetings, dear brothers in Faith.
As usually happens around this time of the year, on March 21st the members of the Curia will begin the celebration of the first Theological Conclave of 834 AS, which will last until April 9th. To do this, in the same way we have done on past occasions, we'll seclude ourselves inside the Meeting Room of the Concilium, in complete isolation from the outside, while we debate the current controversial points about our Faith, and set work objectives and areas for improvement on which our Church should focus in the near future.
While the Curia are gathered in isolation and reflection, the leadership of the Church and Faith Haven colony will continue to function by delegation in the hands of our Field Maestre, as the only member of the Government not belonging to the clergy, and therefore excluded from the attendance at the Conclave. Therefore, I hereby transfer to Martin de Alba y Espronceda the Holy Powers as Head of the Church, which have been granted to me through Sacred Election by Deux Our Lord, so that he may exercise them wisely in my absence, until the end of the Conclave.
SOURCE : Omicron Theta System - Charlie-4 coordinates
Pikeman Maximilian Fischer PG interceptor pilot
*The man on screen is in the cockpit of a fighter in flight, and salutes militarily to the camera.*
Greetings Field Maestre.
I'm communicating to file an urgent report of what I just witnessed on my last patrol on Omicron Theta, as I head to Faith Haven. I will make the usual written report as soon as I land, but I feel that I cannot risk anything happening that will prevent me from reaching Pygar and the information I have could be lost.
I left Pygar at 13:00 operating an Arrow Libertine 11000i interceptor, with the objective of carrying out a routine reconnaissance patrol according to standard protocols. The patrol was carried out without incident in the surroundings of Planet Pygar, and subsequently the clouds of Orinoco, Amarus and Napo were inspected, no hostile or suspicious contacts detected
The visual inspection of Freeport 9 didn't show any relevant variation in its already known status. Drones of the Joint Administration had been observed working on repairing the damaged biodomes. The Battlecruiser Vis remains in position, and normal traffic flow was recorded.
Once again in the surroundings of Pygar I proceeded to inspect the area between Alfa - Charlie 2 and 3 before finishing the patrol. On the way I was struck by detecting in the scanners very close to the planet a Reshep-class reconnaissance cruiser of The Order, identification Mafdet. It appeared to be stationary in the area and I contacted their air traffic control to check their response, without incident. I took some images with the reconnaissance drone, I'll advance you a frame.
*The man types something on his console, off camera, and his image is replaced by another, static one.*
*The pilot appears again.*
I moved towards the indicated coordinates until my scanner detected the Cauca field, between Bravo 2 and 3. This is a lava field that we have patrolled hundreds of times, finding nothing but suspended molten magma. However, this time it wasn't like that. As soon as Cauca appeared on the sensors, I received readings of several unknown elements within the area.
One of them was of a Tirpitz-class battlecruiser with identification markings of the Rheinland Navy, located just on the inner edge of Cauca. I know these types of ships well, since I flew in a fighter wing housed in one of them. I can't imagine what the hell the Rheinland Navy is doing so far from home, but I quickly became suspicious when I tried to contact their traffic control and received no response.
At the moment I didn't get close, and I passed no less than 10k over its bow to go directly into Cauca. The sensors went crazy the further I went inside, indicating unusual gravitational anomalies in that region and quite high radiation readings. I noticed some residual degradation on my hull, although not too worrying. The nanobots were containing it, so I preferred to continue forward. At this point I was able to visually detect two anomalies, one of a bright yellow color, and the other of a bluish, almost violet color. I redeployed the external reconnaissance drone, and started taking images. I'll show you some frames right now.
*One more time the image of the pilot disappears to give way to another, static. This time the man continues speaking without being seen.*
Soon I approached the first of the anomalies, the yellow one. At this point I couldn't trust any of the information coming out of the scanners, that gave chaotic readings, and all I can say is that it's a kind of bright energy ball, not too big, that remains immovable in the void. I saw how pieces of boiling magma exploded when passed near it, so I decided not to get any closer in order to preserve the integrity of the ship. I was not able to identify what type of energy it may be made of, but I can assure that it would have been perfectly capable of destroying my interceptor if I had been closer.
Minutes later I reached the second anomaly, which seems to be the origin of the magnetic and gravitational irregularities that my sensors were able to detect. I've to say that I have never seen anything similar, but some of their readings had similarities with those that common jumpholes usually show. That is why I think that this anomalous element could have the same effect and connect with some other system. Obviously I didn't risk checking where it leads, if it does. I didn't have the right ship for this type of testing and my hull was already quite damaged by the radiation, so I've decided to return to base to report.
However, I was intrigued by the battlecruiser that I saw in Bravo 2, so on the way out of Cauca I headed towards it. I tried to contact again, but in the same way I didn't receive any response other than static. I imagined that its lack of response could be caused by an operational battle silence, so I directed my Arrow at cruising speed toward the ship in order to perform a preliminary scan and detect life forms. Without warning or attempting to communicate with me in any way, it shot with all its cannons against me. Immediately afterwards it opened one of its docking bays and deployed a wing of five CTE-6000 Eagle fighters that took off in pursuit of me.
They outnumbered me and I had no choice but to retreat, taking advantage of the superior speed of my interceptor. I carried out evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-aircraft fire and had been able to leave Cauca without being hit.
*The pilot appears on camera again.*
Sir, I'm very concerned both about the appearance of those anomalies, they weren't there 4 days ago. As for the ship, it could be a secret operation by Naval Intelligence, related to the appearance of the anomalies, but I cannot understand this display of aggressiveness without saying a word, that seems to be outside of any military protocol. I recommend a more thorough investigation of what I've found in Cauca, and intensive surveillance on that Rheinlander battlecruiser.
SOURCE : Omicron Theta System - Delta-5 coordinates
NCC Gunship Flycatcher Commander Alferez William Neville
*The young man on screen looks slightly confused.*
Good day, Field Maestre.
I'm contacting you urgently to report a... strange and inexplicable event that has just happened to the Flycatcher crew and me.
We were carrying out a routine patrol in Pygar orbit when we were attacked by a wing of six Eagle fighters with an unidentified transponder. The assault was fast and fierce, and fortunately this gunship is precisely designed as an anti-aircraft platform. Our Solaris rapid-fire cannons were able to shoot down four of the attacking ships, while the rest fled. We recovered the pilots' stasis pods as prisoners, so that they could be interrogated once we could dock.
When we were preparing to head towards the planet's mooring fixture, we heard a distress signal from a civil transport requesting help at Delta-5 coordinates, so we headed there at the maximum speed of our cruise engine. The attacking ship was a Donau-class Rheinland cruiser, which unfortunately destroyed the civilian ship before we arrived, but we intercepted the cruiser, which also had an unknown transponder and which appeared hostile on our scanner.
We opened communications with him, and an officer of the Rheinland Navy responded, a certain Captain Flynn Meyer, explaining to us that the ship they had attacked was one that operated under Corsair flag transporting some type of illegal refined ore. I pointed out that the Rheinland Empire has no jurisdiction in Omicron Theta and asked him to leave the system. And here is where the strange thing comes in, sir. That Captain Meyer told me he was in a position to tell me otherwise, and then...
*Neville pauses. He doesn't seem to know how to continue.*
I don't even know how to explain it. Suddenly part of my head knew that the Rheinland Navy did have jurisdiction there. Even I remembered other Rheinlander operations in the system, and had clear memories of news reports reporting a campaign sponsored by Chancellor Niemann to bring peace to Theta. It was a sensation... like I've never experienced. It wasn't even like I remembered that information at the time, it was like it had always been there. However... some of my memories had a certain duality, as if there were two parallel realities, struggling to overlap. I was totally confused, sir. I remembered seeing the transponder of the ship the Donau had attacked, and was sure it was civilian, but I was also sure it was Corsair.
Captain Meyer... told me that he saw in his scanners that we had stasis capsules of Rheinland Navy pilots in our hold. He asked us to collaborate and release them so he could take care of them. Thinking about this my mind clearly remembered myself ordering to collect the pilots' capsules, and I was sure that they were Rheinlander fighter pilots. However, the memory of our fight against the unidentified Egles in Pygar's orbit also throbbed in my brain... I couldn't focus, sir, I couldn't know what was happening to me, and I couldn't be sure of anything. For a while I thought I was having a stroke, or something. In that moment, although I was aware that something strange was happening, I considered that engaging in combat with a Rheinland Navy cruiser could be very negative to our political position. I decided to cooperate with Captain Meyer, since I couldn't be sure of my own decisions, and jetisoned the capsules from the Flycatcher. After this, Captain Meyer congratulated me for the collaboration, and left.
I've checked the Flycatcher logbook records several times and it is evident that several of the memories that my mind recalled during my conversation are completely false. However, its realism is indistinguishable from reality. The only thing that made me hesitate instead of blindly obeying was that I was somehow able to keep the true memories parallel. There is no doubt that Deux Our Lord granted me his favor and tried to help me... but I'm afraid that my Faith faltered and I finally succumbed to what Captain Meyer wanted...
*Neville covers his face with hands for a moment, saddened. Then he looks at the camera again.*
I still don't understand what happened, but I'm convinced that Meyer was no Captain of the Rheinland Navy. He probably wasn't even... human. I have heard stories that the Nomad aberrations and the puppets they infect have unholy powers through which they can force humans to do things they do not wish to do, or to see things that are not happening. It is very likely that what happened to us today is something similar to this.
The entire crew was affected by the false memories, and although they're gradually disappearing, in some of my men they still persist strongly. Two of them have even completely lost true memories, and only remember what Meyer put into our heads. They have been confined to the brig until we reach Pygar.
We're currently returning to the planet, and I expect we will arrive within the hour. Once we dock, I request to be arrested and isolated along with my crew to be subjected to investigation and study. I consider that in the current situation we cannot guarantee our understanding of reality, and therefore our loyalty to the chain of command is compromised. I also think it would be appropriate for a member of the clergy to be present when we arrive.
I would like to request a one-off increase in the defence budget to update the fleet of land vehicles of the Guard. The current fleet dates from our stay in Gran Canaria and urgent renewal is necessary.
Martin de Alba y Espronceda, Field Maestre of the NCC.
RECEIVER ID : Martín de Alba y Espronceda - Minister of Defense
SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System
NCC Minister of Economy and Commerce Monsignor Charles Richelieu
Greetings Field Maestre.
The Curia has complete confidence in your judgment about the state of the military equipment of our forces, and fortunately right now the coffers of the Church can support what you ask for. Furthermore, given the current circumstances, we agree that a renewal of our defensive means it's not out of place.
You've green light to make an expense of a 20% increase in the budget already approved at the last Concilium.